The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 194: matter


Further north is the Leng Palace, where not only people from the late emperor's time lived, but also a few from the late emperor's father's generation.

These places have always been deserted, and no one comes there at all. Especially at night.

So now that the palace maid is stuffed in, it will cause the sky to be unresponsive and the earth and the earth to be ineffective.

What's more, jumping into a well is almost impossible to save. The well mouth is small. By the time you break the well mouth, people will have drowned long ago.

The two eunuchs threw another piece of cloth from their arms and walked back, sweeping away the footprints with a branch of leaves as they walked.

When they got outside, the two people looked at each other and then left.

Duan is unaware of it.

It was difficult to find out what was happening in secret, so the queen just reported her intentions to the emperor.

Qi Yixiu was here and was very satisfied after hearing the queen's reply. As a king of a country, he should not believe in ghosts and gods, so he naturally hopes that his legitimate wife will look at him.

Then he also sent someone to investigate.

Three days in a row with no results.

It's just that the person behind this didn't dare to be a ghost. There were constant rumors in the palace, but Qi Yixiu didn't have much experience to deal with it.

The previous dynasty was too busy, so everything was left to the queen.

The queen firmly does not believe that there are real ghosts, so this is someone's fault.

Since someone is acting as a ghost, there is no reason why no trace should be revealed.

"Look here, I see, Concubine Jin really saw something. Concubine Feng Shu, maybe she has something in her heart. As for Concubine Ning Chongyi and Concubine Li Chongrong, it's hard for me to say." Emei replied.

The queen hummed and began to think deeply.

After a long time, he said: "Isn't this the work of Empress Dowager Feng?"

"Then what is she doing? Isn't it good for Concubine Feng Shu to make a fuss?" Emei was puzzled.

"That's what I just think. I don't have a clue now. I just wonder, could it be that she deliberately made such a fuss so that the emperor would think that Concubine Feng Shu was innocent?"

After all, the emperor didn't believe this. This fight against Concubine Feng Shu was so fierce that the emperor could see through it at a glance.

"It's not impossible to say that, whether it's calculated by heart or not, it all happened at night. It's really hard to find out now. But I think it's the same whether the emperor believes it or not..." Emei said.

The queen laughed: "They will never give up."

Two days later, in a well in a remote palace garden in the harem, a palace maid whose face was too wet to see clearly floated up.

She was wearing a white skirt with extra long sleeves and hem, and a hood.

A fragment of brocade was also salvaged from the well.

This brocade belongs to the masters, and the maids cannot use it to make clothes.

These were reported quickly, and Qi Yixiu listened in Fengzao Palace.

"I don't know when this harem became such a chaotic place."

He was angry when he got up early, and even the Queen was too lazy to hold it in.

The queen knelt down and said, "I am incompetent."

Qi Yixiu paused for a moment, then helped the queen up: "That's all, I was just angry for a moment. The queen did things very appropriately, and I didn't mean to blame you."

In all conscience, the queen did a good job.

After all, if man is a god, how can he predict what everyone will do

This is embarrassing.

"I have already sent someone to identify the palace maid. I also sent someone from the Criminal Division to see how the palace maid died. I also sent the piece of fabric to the Service Bureau to see which embroiderer's work it was. . Then you’ll know where it is.”

After the queen got up, she didn't hesitate at all: "There is only one thing. No matter which palace you are from, we must not tolerate it this time."

Qi Yixiu nodded: "This is natural. Although the palace maid is a slave, she is also a human being, and there is no such thing as being left to die without care."

It was sent last night, and there should be results today. Qi Yixiu was waiting for this, but not long after, people from various palaces came to pay their respects.

Just wait for the results together.

Shen Chuliu touched his belly, and Qi Yixiu happened to look over and asked, "Is Jing Xiuyuan feeling unwell?"

"Go back to the emperor, I have nothing to feel uncomfortable about." Shen Chuliu had not yet reacted.

"Yeah." Qi Yixiu nodded.

The queen waved her hand: "Go and put a cushion on Jing Xiuyuan. When I was pregnant, it was hard for me to sit for a long time. Now that she is a month old, it will be better to deal with it."

Shen Chuliu thanked the queen, and after adding a cushion behind her, it felt more comfortable, so she dared to lean on it.

Otherwise, if everyone is sitting upright and she is the only one leaning on her, it will not look good even if she is pregnant.

Today, except for Ying Meiren, everyone else is here.

Concubine Feng Shu's face was as white as a ghost and she was sitting there. It could be seen that she was not healed yet.

Concubine Yi was no less generous and had a sick look on her face.

Concubine Jin also looked ugly, but Ning Chongyi and Li Chongrong looked better.

Not long after, people from the Criminal Division arrived, along with Aunt Huang from the Service Bureau and Mr. Fei, the manager from the Personnel Bureau.

After the three people paid their respects, Chen Sizheng first replied: "Back to the Emperor, the Queen, ladies and gentlemen. The palace maid was indeed drowned, but she probably lost the fight and was stuffed in. There were many scratches on her body, and There are bruises."

"Back to the emperor, the woman's name is Parrot. She is a waiter in Beigongyuan. She is twenty-four this year. She has no background." Fei Gong from the Personnel Bureau said fair.

"Back to the Emperor, the cloth slaves have carefully looked at the items. They are indeed items from the Service Bureau. It's just... it's just..." Aunt Huang said cautiously, "It's just where it went..."

"Just say it. After all, it has been given away. No matter where it goes, can I still depend on you?" Li Chongrong was upset when he heard this.

Mammy hurriedly responded: "That is the craftsmanship of one of the embroiderers from the Bureau of Services who specially serve the empress dowagers of the two palaces. She really recognizes it. That... was sent to Ci'an Palace... "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Li Chongrong hated herself for being a bitch and asked what she was doing with her mouth.

Qi Yixiu looked at Nanny Huang: "Which palace?"

"Back to the Emperor, it's... Ci'an Palace."

Ci'an Palace, the palace of Empress Dowager Li.

Qi Yixiu swept the tea cup on his hand to the ground, his face full of anger, but he didn't say a word.

The queen took the lead and everyone knelt on the ground.

Empress Dowager Li, the emperor's biological mother, this...

"How brave you are." Qi Yixiu laughed: "How dare you frame my biological mother."

No one dared to speak, and the palace was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

After a long time, the emperor helped the queen up: "Everyone, get up."

Everyone thanked the emperor and stood up.

"Let me investigate the life of this palace maid. Tell me, when were those clothes sent to Ci'an Palace?" Qi Yixiu asked.

"Back to the Emperor, it was from last year." Nanny Huang said hurriedly.

Although these do not need to be recorded too strictly, the Queen Mother of the two palaces probably still recorded them.

Meow, why are you urging me? I urge you as soon as I get pregnant. Hey...

[Due to losing weight, I was so hungry that all I could think about was food. Don't follow me, you can't lose weight by starving. I'm not just starving, I just eat less. It’s really hard for me. I’m afraid I will only be a fat man who is about to fall off in my life. Because it’s not easy to lose weight at all… It’s too difficult for me.]

(End of chapter)