The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 209: Queen


"Yes." The girl responded.

"Ever since she was born, how many times has she slept with you? She lasted for three days in a row a few days ago, and now she goes to bed every one or two days? Tsk, why do I rarely see the emperor after I give birth to a baby? She gave birth to a baby. , can you make yourself better?"

"I don't know if it's better or not, but I know that when Princess Shen enters the palace, even Jing Xiuyi will be very uneasy." Yu Tao said with a smile.

"Tsk, biological sisters are useless, let alone not born by the same mother." Li Chongrong snorted: "I'll just watch and see how they fight. Have you all prepared your clothes? In the day after tomorrow, it should be Meet these new people.”

Yutao said that she was ready, so she would not let her master fall behind.

On the morning of National Day, Shen Chuliu felt chilly when he got up.

"It's raining?"

In March, the weather in the Imperial City can be described as unpredictable.

Suddenly it's so hot that you want to wear nothing. Suddenly it rained, and it was like returning to the cold winter.

"The rain has stopped now. It rained at night, and it was quite heavy." Zi Rui said.

"Yeah." Shen Chuliu said confusedly, "Have you gone to see the child?"

"Go back to the master and take a look. When it rained last night, I went to see it myself. The nanny added a small quilt. According to your wishes, when it rains, I can light a brazier in the compartment so that it won't be too hot. It’s humid and cold, but it’s not too hot and would choke the Sixth Prince.”

"Well, were Jin and Li serving yesterday?" Shen Chuliu sat up and asked.

"Yes, Golden Nurse is a good one, don't worry, Master." Zi Rui and Zi Zhu helped her get up.

Shen Chuliu told someone what he wanted to eat and asked someone to pick up the food.

This head has already started to dress up.

Dress up well, don't be in a hurry to eat, and go see the children first.

The Sixth Prince also needs to breastfeed at this time every morning, and is being held and breastfed by the Golden Nurse.

Shen Chuliu sat down and watched. Golden Nurse was a little nervous: "Master, look at how well the Sixth Prince eats."

Shen Chuliu smiled: "Don't be nervous, you are the prince's nanny, so naturally you have to be close to the prince."

She will also watch and will not allow the nanny to get closer to the child than she does.

When the Sixth Prince was full, Shen Chuliu watched as Golden Nurse carefully burped the baby out.

After being put down, the Sixth Prince slowly turned his head. Shen Chuliu reached out and squeezed his hand before going to eat.

After breakfast, I put on the clothes I had prepared.

It is a rose red skirt.

"When were these clothes made?" Shen Chuliu looked at the group of exquisitely dressed people. The rose red skirts and light pink gauze clothes were very delicate. The look is also unique, and the embroidery and colors are very beautiful.

"Master, this is the work of the two new embroiderers from the Department of Services and Services. The slaves also think it looks good." Said Chun Chun.

"It's really unique. I'll reward her later." Shen Chuliu said.

Xianchun responded with a yes.

After getting dressed, she combed her hair into a higher bun and decorated it with a set of red gold cat's eye jewelry. On her wrist was a new bracelet just given by the emperor, hollowed out with red gold and inlaid with fine sea pearls.

I drew an upward curved eyebrow, traced the corners of my eyes, and used some light red rouge to smudge the ends of my eyes.

Shen Chuliu looked at himself: "Are you okay?"

"Master is the most beautiful, and the newcomers cannot compare." Zi Zhu said.

"Well, let's go then." Shen Chuliu said with a smile: "Zizhu and Chisu can just follow me. You can stay and take good care of the children."

Everyone responded with a smile and respectfully sent her out.

Yao Baolin was already waiting: "Your Majesty is ready."

The two of them walked out of Cuiyunxuan's door together and went directly to Fengzao Palace.

I didn't meet anyone on the road. After all, as long as I passed by Yichunxuan and didn't see Li Chongrong, then I would be very deliberate when meeting others.

In Fengzao Palace, the newcomers have already arrived. When they saw Shen Chuliu and Yao Baolin, they all stood up to say hello.

However, Yao Baolin also wanted to pay his respects to Zhencai Ren and the two Xiaoyi.

Shen Chuliu sat down and talked to Song Zhaoyi, who was in charge: "Sister Song, it's so early."

"Yeah, I'm fine, so I came here. Sister Jing looks good," Song Zhaoyi said.

"Yeah, I felt happy after seeing the child this morning." Shen Chuliu said.

Song Zhaoyi also smiled: "Yes, children are the most beautiful."

While talking, I saw Concubine Feng Shu, Concubine Kangde, and Concubine Jin arriving together.

The newlyweds looked at each other and stood up to say hello.

Everyone sat down, and Concubine Feng Shu looked around: "Concubine Yi is not here yet? Or is she not coming?"

Just as he was talking, it was reported outside that Concubine Yi had arrived.

At the same time, the Queen arrived.

The last one to come was actually Chen Baolin. She didn't look very good. She was probably blocked by something when she came out.

The queen sat down and said: "Today is the first time for the newlyweds to say hello. I need to get to know you well."

The man from Zhencai stood up first, and the ten people knelt down in order, performing the grand ceremony of three kowtows and nine bows.

This is the etiquette that a concubine should perform when entering the palace.

Seeing that they had finished their salutes, the queen smiled and said, "I won't say much more. Once you enter the palace, you will serve the emperor as a good person and contribute to the royal family. Avoid disputes and disgust, but we can't do each other's best. To help, at least you need to behave yourself. "

Everyone hurriedly thanked the queen and stood up.

After getting up, he paid his respects to the empresses on the concubines' thrones and to the empresses of the ninth concubine.

The following is not necessary.

After sitting down again, the queen said: "Today is your first time entering the palace. Do you all know everyone?"

Everyone was busy replying.

"Well, that's good. Is the accommodation okay? If you are not satisfied with any requirements, please ask someone to come and talk to me. There are rules in the palace, and I have asked the nuns to personally remind you of the rules. . It will be better to follow the rules in the future.”

Everyone was busy responding again.

It's the first time I've seen him today, so naturally everyone won't show any signs of blindness.

"Since that's the case, let's leave it like that today. Starting today, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has put up your green card. Starting tonight, you can officially go to bed. I also wish you a bright future."

Everyone became excited.

After the queen finished speaking, she waved her hand.

He didn't give other concubines a chance to talk.

Or maybe it’s not time to talk too much.

After the master came, Shen Biyu caught up: "Sister!"

"Hello, Princess Shen, Princess Shen, this is the palace. You are the Princess. I'm afraid it's hard to call our master sister." Chi Su smiled.

This means that her status is too low.

As expected, Shen Yunv's expression turned ugly: "Yes, Madam Jing Xiuyi is in peace."

"Well, when my sister enters the palace, she must abide by some rules." Shen Chuliu smiled: "If you have nothing to do, go back and dress up well. You can go to bed today."

Her words were gentle, as if she was looking forward to her sister sleeping with her.

Shen Yunv wanted to get close to her again, but she couldn't say anything, so she responded and left.

Ouch ow ow

(End of chapter)