The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 211: Didn't end well


Not the former Yi Fei, not Ning Chongyi, not Yi Chongyuan, not Shen Chuliu and Li Chongrong. Neither is Su Baolin.

Li Chongrong also looked constipated. What does it look like

Han Baolin seemed unable to understand, still timid...

When the queen came out, there was an eerie silence in the palace for a moment.

Everyone said hello, and the queen waved her hand: "Everyone, please sit down."

After sitting down, Han Baolin hurriedly got up, and she went back to the bed to pay her respects.

After the salute was completed, the queen encouraged her with a few words and rewarded her with something.

Sitting down again, Concubine Feng Shu said with a smile: "I thought it was Zhen Cai Ren who stayed in bed yesterday. The emperor loves Zhen Cai Ren and gave Cai Ren the position from the beginning. This is much better than the sisters who entered the palace before. Okay. I didn’t expect Han Baolin to be here.”

"This Han Baolin is different. How can a show girl be known by the emperor's name during the draft?" Ying Meiren said with a smile.

"That's right. This is the only one." Wen Xiaoyi said with a smile: "Given time, Han Baolin will definitely rise to the top."

Ning Chongyi smiled: "Everyone talks about Han Baolin, but I'm looking at it. I'm afraid this Shen Yunv should not be underestimated in time. We are the same sisters. What does Jing Xiuyi look like? How can Shen Yunv be any different? ?”

A Han family with no foundation is just a bargaining chip everywhere. But in Ning Chongyi's eyes, it was Jing Xiuyi who he didn't like.

Although he entered the palace so late, he was able to climb so far ahead of her. How could he be convinced

Li Chongrong agreed: "Oh, I think that's the case too. Look, Shen Yunv's appearance is not inferior to that of Sister Jing."

"Ning Chongyi and Li Chongrong think it's good, then why don't you ask the Queen to ask Shen Yunv to move to your place? Give her a good promotion?" Shen Chuliu smiled: "If it's hard to ask, I'll ask you. A request?"

"After all, it's your place, right? You are her sister." Li Chongrong said.

"As you said, aren't the people sitting here all sisters? Why is it important that we are close to each other?" Shen Chuliu smiled and said, "Look at what sister Li said, it's similar to the two of us who are not close."

"Of course we are close." Li Chongrong smiled: "I just didn't expect that Sister Jing is really powerful when she is so powerful."

What she wanted to say was heartless, but even if she didn't explain it clearly, everyone understood it.

Shen Chuliu had no reaction.

There was no need for her to act virtuous and virtuous in front of these people, no need.

It is the one above who should be virtuous and virtuous.

Sure enough, the queen smiled and said: "I know Jing Xiuyi's temperament. It's true, after entering the palace, we are all sisters."

Shen Chuliu stood up: "The Queen is absolutely right."

The queen waved her hand: "That's it for today. It's been raining and cold these days. Those of you who have children, watch your children."

Everyone agreed.

After leaving Fengzao Palace, Ning Chongyi said: "As expected, Jing Xiuyi is the most cold-hearted person."

"Be as enthusiastic as you want. I don't have the time." After saying that, he blessed several concubines and went to the palace.

Unfortunately, he was kidnapped before he even got back.

In the Tai Chi Palace, Shen Chuliu looked at the mountain of zhezi on the table and opened his mouth: "How long has it been since your Majesty approved the zhezi? Isn't there now a cabinet?"

It doesn’t make sense. Has the workload increased

Qi Yixiu laughed: "You understand very well, I just want to take a last look."

Shen Chuliu nodded in confusion. Is this to check the work of the new department

She laughed: "Then I don't need to grind too much ink, I guess it won't be used."

Qi Yixiu liked her intelligence and transparency: "I asked you to come and sit down."

Shen Chuliu smiled, took off his wrist bracelet, and went out to ask Chusi to light the brazier in the cubicle.

The Taiji Palace Earth Dragon has been exterminated, but it's still cold in the study after staying in it for a long time.

Han Baolin returned to Changqiuxuan, and her palace maid Shui Xin was busy helping her change clothes. She had not had breakfast yet while going from Taiji Palace to Fengzao Palace.

But someone brought it to her and she ate it.

"The emperor called Jing Xiuyi again?"

"Yes, Baolin. In the past, the emperor often asked Empress Jing Xiuyi to go to Tai Chi Palace to serve the pen and ink. She went there several times when she was pregnant. But then she got older and gave birth, so she hasn't been there in the past few months." Shui. Heart way.

"Is anyone else going too?" Han Baolin asked. "Other people also go occasionally, but rarely. The emperor still asks Empress Jing Xiuyi to go there more often." Shui Xin said.

Han Baolin snorted, she would never forget Jing Xiuyi's ridicule to her today.

But now that she had just entered the palace, she didn't dare to say anything, so she nodded and passed.

After all, I was very tired, so when I had nothing to do, I went up to rest for a while.

In Changle Palace, Concubine Yi changed her clothes, drank medicine and sat down.

"Jing Xiuyi did humiliate Han Baolin. This is rare." Fu Xiang said with a smile to make her happy.

Yi Fei curled her lips, but did not laugh.

"I feel that she is actually not similar to me." Concubine Yi said slowly.

"Of course it doesn't look like you. Where is your charm?" Fuxiang smiled in apology.

Concubine Yi finally smiled: "I feel that my health has improved a lot recently."

"Your Majesty, if you have a gentle heart, things will naturally get better. The weather is getting better now, so you should take good care of yourself. By autumn, everything will be fine." Fuxiang said with a smile.

Concubine Yi nodded.

Chen Xiang remained silent and Hua Fan lowered his head.

In fact, they all knew that this was because the imperial doctor changed the prescription.

The imperial doctor has almost made it clear that the empress is in critical condition.

In the past, the empress had trouble sleeping at night and was not energetic during the day, but she couldn't fall asleep even if I asked her to.

Now the empress goes to sleep as soon as the night falls. If no one calls her, she can sleep for six or seven hours.

This would have been fine in the past, but now...

This is obviously due to the medicine.

Now that the empress is like this, she seems more energetic during the day, and she doesn't wake up coughing all the time at night. But how long can this method of drinking poison to quench thirst last

After waiting for Yi Fei to lie down, Chenxiang and Fuxiang went out together.

The painting fan is left to serve.

She looked at the person who fell asleep on the couch not long after, and she couldn't hide the fear and worry in her heart.

She thought of the dark fragrance.

Anxiang is smarter and more capable than her, and was once the master's confidant.

But something happened to Anxiang, and the master didn't care much.

Just let her die in the laundry department like that.

Now that the master is dead, what should she do? Painting the fan and biting her lip, she thought about a lot, An Xiang, Zhu Li, and Su Baolin.

The Su family who allowed them to reconcile...

That rough maid.

Now it's Baolin, the emperor's beloved Baolin.

The master had long forgotten that she wanted Su Baolin, a social worker, to raise the child for her.

Maybe, the master also knows that it is impossible.

Hua Fan has been with Yi Fei all these years, and life has never been easy. The biggest crisis was being punished by the queen.

But she didn't want to end up badly.

Once the master is gone, what should she do

(End of chapter)