The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 216: Posthumously sealed


After all, Yi Fei is just a concubine. Even if she is given the title of noble concubine, she is still just a concubine.

It stayed in Changle Palace for three days and then sent it out.

This is considered an honor given to her by the emperor. After all, when a concubine dies, she is not allowed to mourn in the palace.

Concubine Yi has no children yet, which is already a great tolerance, of course if Concubine Yi can still feel it.

After seeing off Concubine Yi, the gate of Changle Palace was sealed.

People from the Ministry of Internal Affairs personally sealed off the entire main hall in Changle Palace and took away the things that should be taken back.

The queen had previously issued an edict that the concubine should not care about the things she had given out, and that any things she had not divided but belonged to her should be sent to her natal family.

Qi Yixiu also rewarded her natal family with a sum of money.

At this moment, Chenxiang and Fuxiang had packed their bags and were waiting for the last person who looked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs to leave.

"Where are you going? Isn't it good to stay here? Although I am just changing clothes now, but in the future..."

"No need to worry about changing." Chenxiang lowered his head: "The palace has its own rules. It's just a girl in front of you when changing. The two of us have our own place to go."

"Where are you going?" Sun Gengyi was still a little nervous. Suddenly, all the eunuchs in Changle Palace were dismissed.

Now there are only two old eunuchs left to clean and a woman to watch.

Now agarwood and floating incense are also leaving.

Fu Xiang said lightly: "When the master was alive, he had already arranged for us to go to Su Baolin, so we don't have to worry about Sun Gengyi. We also wish Sun Gengyi a prosperous future."

The people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs listened and laughed very meaningfully.

Skyrocketing? Tsk, this guy doesn’t even have a green card, he’s a piece of shit!

The jewelry is ready, and all the main hall doors are locked.

The eunuchs looked at it, thinking that they would turn around this time, but they didn't know when.

"Then let's go, girls, shall we?" The eunuch looked at the agarwood floating in the fragrance with a smile.

The palace was also very disdainful towards someone like Sun Gengyi who wanted to rise to power even before his master died.

"Thank you so much, father-in-law. Let us kowtow for the last time. There are many rules in the palace. We are not allowed to see Suyi when we leave the palace."

In the last few days, it was Su Baolin who asked them to stay.

The eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs sighed: "It's rare for you to be loyal. Concubine Yi is above, and she is also grateful to you."

Agarwood Fuxiang smiled, knelt down and kowtowed respectfully to the main hall.

After three times, he stood up and said silently in his heart, "May my master reach bliss soon."

Sun Gengyi kept looking at her with an ugly expression. When everyone was about to leave, she asked: "Excuse me... when will my servant come?"

The eunuch looked at her with a smile: "Don't worry, I will ask you when I get back. I promise to come soon."

It's not very quick to find someone, it all depends on their temperament.

Sun Gengyi just watched everyone leave.

In the future, she still lived in Changle Palace, but she did not move to the side hall. She just moved out from the back and moved into the corner room in the front. It was much more spacious, but... there was nothing.

Sun Gengyi felt resentment in her heart. When her master passed away, he arranged for agarwood and fuxiang, and rewarded her with a lot of gold and silver, but he gave her nothing.

Su Baolin here personally brought in the floating agarwood.

The two of them also called Baolin and were very respectful.

"Fenghua Pavilion is not small, and your residence has been sorted out. In the future, you, Cong Meng and Qimeng will be together."

The two of them thanked her hurriedly.

Everyone in the palace also knew that Changle Palace was sealed.

When Concubine Yi died, the weather was always good, and it was good weather until she was sent away.

But on the night when the palace gate was sealed, it suddenly started raining heavily.

When Shen Chuliu was woken up by the annoying sound of rain, he heard the child's cry.

"Someone is coming."

Zhe Mei hurriedly came over: "Master." "What's wrong with the Sixth Prince?"

"Master, it's there every day. I'm probably hungry, and I'll fall asleep after eating it. Do you want me to go take a look?" Zhemei said.

"Well, let's go take a look." Shen Chuliu sat up.

After all, she is a person with children, so it is normal to wake up at night.

Not long after, Chisu came in to wait on him, and Zhemei had already gone to the Sixth Prince's side with a lantern in hand.

Sure enough, the child is hungry, and the wet nurse is lying down to feed him.

This is not because the wet nurse is lazy, but because she is afraid that she will fall asleep after holding him for a while and cry when she puts him down.

Seeing her come in, the wet nurse didn't dare to move and whispered: "What's wrong, girl?"

Zhemei shook her head and went over to look. She saw the sixth prince drinking milk with his eyes closed.

"Master was woken up by the rain, and happened to hear the Sixth Prince crying, so he asked me to take a look. It's quite dry here. Is there a fire in the compartment?" Zhemei asked.

The little palace maid who was waiting on the side quickly said: "I lit it when it just started raining. I won't need it in about half a month."

Zhemei responded, glanced at the Sixth Prince a few more times, and then exited.

Shen Chuliu fell asleep again after listening to Zhemei's words.

That night, some people slept well, such as Shen Chuliu. Even if they woke up once in the night, it would not be a waste.

But there are also people who don't sleep well at all.

For example, Yi Chongyuan became ill after giving birth to the child she did not keep.

For example, Concubine Jin indirectly called Concubine Yi to die early.

Another example is Sun Gengyi who lives in Changle Palace.

There was no one to serve her, and the rough eunuchs and wives in the courtyard refused to get close to her.

It rained heavily last night and she was very cold, but the quilt was only so thick. After the main hall was sealed, all the belongings of Concubine Yi were locked up.

If she dared to open the palace door to take something, she would be breaking the rules.

She wanted to drink some hot water at night, but there was none.

Sun Gengyi tossed around all night. She couldn't wait for breakfast when she got up early. After all, the rough people were not waiting for her.

I can only dress myself and go to Fengzao Palace to pay my respects.

Even if she didn't want to go, no one would send a message to her.

She didn't have the clothes and jewelry given by her superiors, so she could only use old ones.

Jewelry is fine. You don’t need too much jewelry to change clothes, but clothes are the problem.

She does have a few clothes that are not the palace uniform, but they are not suitable for this season, they are either thick or thin.

In the end, I had no choice but to wear two sets of underwear and then put on a summer dress.

In Fengzao Palace, she arrived late today.

Come forward and say hello one by one.

Chen Baolin was unceremonious: "Hey, what are you wearing? These clothes..."

Chen Baolin is not favored, but at least she has clothes for all seasons. After all, she is still young and her family will not ignore her.

"This is for summer, right? It's not like you can't wear it at this time. It's already summer. But it's so cold today and it's still raining outside..." Beauty Ying also laughed.

Everyone pursed their lips and laughed.

"Yes, I have not prepared my concubine's clothes yet..." Sun Gengyi was extremely embarrassed.

"Why are you blaming the Queen?" Shen Chuliu said calmly: "Your master is dead, and we are busy arranging her funeral. How can I have time to make clothes for you?"

"Sister Jing said so, but in her heart, she still regards Concubine Yi as her master?" Li Chongrong snorted.

(End of chapter)