The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 217: not see


Speaking of which, Sun Gengyi is really disliked.

So no one sympathized with her at all.

"As a slave, it is not an exaggeration to observe filial piety, but now you are so anxious to wear red and green?" Ning Chongyi sneered: "You are really heartless."

"If you want to say that my concubine's master is Empress Yi, the same goes for Su Baolin. Why didn't Ning Chongyi say anything about her?" Sun Gengyi has a bad temper, how can he hold it in

"The final dresser is not as good as the maids in front of me. How dare you choke like this? Can Su Baolin be the same as you? If you are not convinced, why don't you tell the emperor?" Ning Chongyi sneered: "That's true. It’s rare to find someone as shameless as you.”

The queen came out now. After everyone paid their respects, the queen sat down and said, "I heard what you said. Sun Gengyi bumped into Ning Chongyi and he deserves to be punished. Just ten sticks on his hand. Today, I am very sad, concubine. , Naturally, I didn’t care about you. I will tell you what the Ministry of Internal Affairs should do. However, the emperor has a decree that you are not allowed to wear a green card, but I can’t do anything about it.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

I originally thought it was Concubine Yi's final arrangements, but now I understand. I'm afraid it was Sun Gengyi's own means, right

No wonder Concubine Yi didn't leave anything for her.

This is even more disgusting.

When Sun Gengyi heard the news, his whole body felt as if he had been hammered hard.

His face turned pale: "Yes... Is it what Concubine Yi means?"

The queen looked at her with pity: "This is the emperor's will."

Sun Gengyi murmured a few times, and he was sure that this was what Concubine Yi meant.

The hatred in her heart suddenly swelled, but Concubine Yi was dead...

The queen smiled inexplicably: "It rained heavily last night and it's cold today. You all should be careful. Those with children should be even more careful. I heard that the third prince is feeling unwell again?"

Concubine Kangde hurriedly said: "To tell you the truth, I have a slight cough, it's not a problem."

After all, the third prince was born prematurely. Even though he was considered very healthy among premature babies, he was still a little worse than other children.

This is close, and there is no telling whether it will be made up in time, but now it seems that among the princes, the third prince is in the worst health.

"The fifth prince and the third princess in Ruiqing Palace are all under my service. You don't have to worry about Lu Baolin and Ying Meiren. If you want to see them, go and see them." The queen said again.

The two people stood up and thanked him.

"Li Chongrong and Jing Xiuyi are still young, so they must take care of their children. If there is anything inappropriate, please tell me."

Shen Chuliu and Li Chongrong stood up and thanked the queen.

"Needless to say Concubine Feng Shu and Concubine Jin, they have been mother-in-law and concubine for many years. I am very relieved." The queen said and waved her hand: "If you have nothing to do today, let's go."

After everyone dispersed, Sun Gengyi was beaten in the rain outside Fengzao Palace.

Ten souvenirs were nothing, but this humiliation was deeply felt in her bones.

When I was a palace maid, I got beaten here. Now that I have changed my clothes, I still get beaten here.

She knelt in the light curtain of rain, feeling hateful and cold in her heart.

The emperor doesn't allow her to hang up the sign? So when will she come forward

Shen Chuliu returned to Cuiyunxuan and smiled: "It's true... the emperor is bad enough."

"Anyone can serve the emperor as he pleases. The emperor must have had to comply with the concubine's dying request, but it may not be a happy one." Chi Su said with a smile.

Shen Chuliu nodded, that's not what happened.

She changed her clothes and went to see the child. The child happened to be awake, so she picked the child up and kissed it.

The three-month-old child was much more active. Shen Chuliu chirped, and the child stared at her for a while.

Shen Chuliu would hold her child for a while every day to let her get used to her smell.

However, princes are not afraid of strangers when they are young. After all, there are a lot of people to serve, and they are always hugging one another.

He also feeds from four wet nurses, so he is not too lonely.

"Yan'er is so good." Shen Chuliu teased him with a small toy.

He can't scratch, but he can look and move his little head while staring at things. Shen Chuliu teased the child for a long time until he started to yawn.

After kissing her again, she asked the wet nurse to nurse her.

After watching the child fall asleep after eating, Shen Chuliu returned to his side.

"Master, the coats that the slaves and maids have made for the Sixth Prince are ready. Can you take a look?" Zi Zhu was holding a basket.

The basket is full of freshly made clothes. These have to be washed and kneaded until they are soft and soft for the children to wear.

"Well, what else am I worried about about your needlework? Just don't throw the needle in." Shen Chuliu waved his hand.

"No, the slaves used a few needles at the beginning and a few at the end. There will be no such mistake."

Zi Zhu explained.

Shen Chuliu nodded, she was very relieved when Zi Zhu was doing things.

During lunch, Shen Chuliu asked someone to give the nannies a chicken soup pot.

A large pot of chicken soup was boiling with various things, and the nannies gathered around to eat.

Generally speaking, the lives of the nannies of princes and princesses are very easy.

They have more money per month than the palace maids, and they don't have to do any work. They just feed the young master.

Because I have to breastfeed well, my diet is also very good.

A nourishing soup is a must every day.

And according to the status of his little master, he can increase it as appropriate.

And generally, a master who can raise children by himself is not bad at all.

Especially someone like Shen Chuliu, who is favored and respected, and who is also capable.

Ten thousand people would not dare to wait in the dining room.

Therefore, their treatment is also very good, but they don't dare to have any thoughts about it.

This master is very powerful. All he needs to do is work well, and there are indispensable benefits. If you have evil thoughts, you will seek death.

Although there is no word on how this master treated his slaves, you can see how powerful this master is by looking at the feat of directly smashing the dining room and rushing to other concubines' palaces and smashing them without incident.

So, the wet nurses received the reward, just to express gratitude.

In the afternoon, the rain finally stopped, and the sun actually came out in the afternoon.

Shen Chuliu thought that the emperor should turn over his cards today.

Sure enough, Han Baolin was turned over again.

This is a very eye-catching thing. After all, there are still many newcomers who have not slept with each other before. Han Baolin is already in the second round.

Shen Chuliu was playing chess with himself.

Hearing this, he laughed: "Why are you trying to bring out another concubine?"

"Then I'm afraid I can't do it according to my slave." Zi Rui shook her head: "Although Han Baolin is good-looking, he will not be the same as Concubine Yi."

"It doesn't matter. About tomorrow, Shen Yunv will be here. If you stop her, I won't see you." Shen Chuliu said calmly.

Zi Rui sighed, thinking that it would be best not to see her.

After that, Shen Chuliu went about his own business without any worries.

(End of chapter)