The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 218: Not as good as


When a newcomer enters the palace, it is not surprising that the emperor does not come for a long time. She wasn't in a hurry either.

Let’s wait until the newcomer becomes the climate.

As expected, Shen Yunv, who lived in Changqiuxuan, was anxious. She had never slept with the same newcomer, and it was Han Baolin's second time.

This obviously overshadowed even Zhenmei's favor.

How to not be in a hurry

After the Feng Luan car picked up Han Baolin, Shen Yunv stood in front of the door in a daze for a long time, feeling very anxious.

"When you come back tomorrow, go and pay your respects to your sister."

Zhijin responded: "Then why don't we go empty-handed? Bring the dried plums we brought from home?"

Dried plums are naturally not a good thing, they are just rare.

Shen Yunu nodded and took a deep breath.

Early the next morning, news came that Han Baolin had been promoted to Han Xiaoyi.

All of a sudden, everyone in the palace had to take this woman who came from a bad background more seriously and was so popular with the emperor.

No one wants another concubine in the harem.

Nowadays, Shen Chuliu is favored, Ning Chongyi is favored, Li Chongrong and Su Baolin are favored, but they share the favor equally.

The former concubine Yi was the only one in power.

She stayed with him for twenty days in a month.

Nowadays, who can sit back and watch another concubine come out

Therefore, as soon as the newly appointed Han Xiaoyi entered Fengzao Palace, she received everyone's sideways glances. Upon closer inspection, no one was kind.

She still looked weak, greeted her politely, and sat down carefully.

Needless to say, there was no need to say much about the quarrels in greeting Han Xiaoyi in the morning, but everyone saw Han Xiaoyi's pitiful look and lost the energy to say it.

After they were separated, Shen Yunv was going to Cuiyunxuan as expected.

He was stopped by Yin Hu: "It's really unlucky for you, my lady. Our master didn't sleep well last night, and he's resting now. If something happens to you, can I let you know?"

Shen Yunv frowned: "No need, then tell sister to have a good rest."

With that said, he turned around and left. The girl from the Shen family naturally grew up with dignity. She was not used to being rejected like this, so naturally she would not be happy.

Shen Chuliu was reading comfortably inside and sneered: "In the palace, one must have the ability to support one's pride."

Didn't she keep her head down the first year she came in

"Master." Yuanxiao called outside.

"Come in and answer." Shen Chuliu said.

After Yuan Xiao came in to say hello, he said, "I went to the dining room just now. I heard that Zhenmei went to Queen Mother Li's place, while Meng Baolin was invited by Leshou Palace."

"Oh? Are Meng Baolin favored in the Leshou Palace?" Shen Chuliu asked with a smile: "Wen Xiaoyi doesn't have much favor."

This made Concubine Kangde anxious.

Newcomers always have to take sides.

"The slave is thinking that since Concubine Kangde has already recruited people, will Concubine Feng Shu also want to recruit people?" Yuan Xiao said.

"Then let's see who she pulls. But it has nothing to do with us." She won't pull anyone.

Don't have that spare time.

"This servant is thinking, it's okay for Empress Dowager Feng Shu to pull her, but she's afraid that Empress Dowager Feng won't be able to guard against her behind her back." After all, a queen mother was still a queen during the late emperor's time. The palace is intricately connected and there are always some manpower.

"You, I should say you." Shen Chuliu laughed: "They are all just guarding against Queen Mother Feng, and don't even think about the power of Queen Mother Li?"

"You see that she was able to keep her composure in the past few years and did not let people into the harem. She even did not plan for her mother's family in the previous court. You should know that she is powerful. In the emperor's heart, the Feng family is sick. But the Li family is not. We want to If you want to live in this palace for a long time, think long term." Yuan Xiao said hurriedly: "It's the master who thinks long-term, but the slave is short-sighted."

"Go ahead and keep an eye on what you need to do. I can rest assured that you will do the work." Shen Chuliu said.

After hearing this, Yuanxiao was extremely satisfied and hurriedly exited.

It's nothing for Zhenmei to visit Empress Dowager Li. The emperor gave her a high position early in the morning, wasn't it just to make her qualified enough to visit Empress Dowager Li

Concubine Kangde's wooing of Meng Baolin was nothing.

It is worth noting who Empress Dowager Feng is supporting behind her back, but since it is behind her back, there is no point in paying attention to her.

So there is no need to worry unfounded, not to mention that the people around her are very useful, so she doesn't need to keep an eye on it.

In the afternoon, someone came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What was sent were some gifts from the emperor to each palace.

There are freshly made velvet gauze flowers and silk flowers, as well as fine rouge and gouache. There are also eyebrows and flowers.

"The emperor has specially ordered that you should have more of this batch of rouge, gouache, eyebrows and eyebrows. The emperor said that Jing Xiuyi is the best at drawing eyebrows and will never get them from you."

The eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs said with a smile.

"Then I'd like to thank you, Your Majesty." Shen Chuliu said with a smile: "Come here, take the bag and give it to your father-in-law. You are very busy, do you have to go somewhere else?"

This is what it means to ask where else to go.

After all, this kind of reward is not inevitable for every year or season.

This is a random drop.

When something was brought to the palace from elsewhere, the emperor thought of the people in the harem, so he distributed some of it. So, it can't be everywhere.

"Returning to Madam Jing Xiuyi, why don't I go to Fuyang Palace and Leshou Palace first, and then go straight to you? Later I will go to Jinhua Pavilion, Yichun Pavilion, Qingyin Pavilion, and Fenghua Pavilion. , oh yes, and Changqiuxuan." The eunuch laughed.

Shen Chuliu also smiled: "Well, you are busy, so go ahead."

The eunuch received a generous reward and went away happily.

Zi Rui counted: "You mean, Concubine Feng Shu, Concubine Kangde, Ning Chongyi, Li Chongrong, Zhenmeiren, Han Baolin and Su Baolin are all there?"

Shen Chuliu nodded and looked at what was delivered. It was indeed good.

The best rouge powder, her favorite is a set of six boxes of skin-nourishing powder. When she picked it up and smelled it, she found the faint fragrance of roses.

This box is enough for a month.

"Give some of this Meidai to Yao Baolin. You should also give some to Rouge. And these flowers." Shen Chuliu said.

"Hey, the things you mentioned to give to her haven't been sent yet, so they just happened to be sent as well." Zi Zhu said.

Shen Chuliu nodded, feeling sad.

To say that he was miserable, Yao Baolin was the only one.

I don't know how I would have suffered if I hadn't been able to benefit from her ordinary family background.

Shen Chuliu has been favored for a long time, so naturally he is not curious about these things. In addition to what is necessary, there is a lot more.

Don't talk about other places, in Cuiyunxuan, her girls use good eyebrow makeup.

Although it is not as high-quality as the one she used, it is still up to the standards of other concubines in the palace who are not favored.

So what Ning Chongyi said to Sun Gengyi last time, you are not even as good as the girl next to me, is true.

A concubine who is too bad at getting along is indeed not as shameful as a slave in front of a beloved concubine.

Ouch ow ow

(End of chapter)