The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 227: Returned disappointed


Shen Chuliu frowned, feeling something was wrong, but he didn't say anything.

"You are in critical condition. The imperial doctor didn't say anything, so it means everything is fine." Shen Chuliu said.

"Yes. My sister really cares about me, I know that." Su Xiaoyi said.

There were still people there, so she didn't say much.

When Qi Yixiu arrived, Shen Chuliu came out of the outer room.

"How is Su Xiaoyi?" Qi Yixiu asked.

"The Emperor doesn't know her yet, and his heart is in great pain, and he refuses to shed a single tear. The pain is all in his heart." Shen Chuliu sighed.

Qi Yixiu sat down and said, "What's going on?"

Shen Chuliu gritted his teeth: "Poinsettia!"

The queen also responded: "Yes, poinsettia. It's the same poison that Jing Xiuyi came into contact with last time. Only this time, it was poured into Su's cup of tea by Feng Shi. What the imperial doctor means is that it varies from person to person. Some people are more tolerant of this kind of poison, like Jing Xiuyi, and the problem is not too big. But some people are more intolerant. It will not be good if Su Xiaoyi comes back. Good boy..."

Qi Yixiu muttered: "Poinsettia."

"What a poinsettia!" He dropped the tea cup at Concubine Feng Shu's feet: "Bitch! What do you say?"

This was the first time. Even when the emperor was angry, he had never scolded the women in the harem like this before.

Concubine Feng Shu was scared and angry. She was speechless for a moment and just cried.

Concubine Kangde suddenly said softly: "How come Concubine Feng Shu only attacks children every time... Are you not afraid of going to hell?"

"No, I'm not... It's not me..." Concubine Feng Shu finally found her voice: "The emperor is not a concubine, so how could the tea be poisonous if the concubine drank it herself?"

Concubine Feng Shu cried: "Your Majesty, I am really not my concubine. I just punished her by kneeling for a while. I didn't do anything else!"

"For no reason, you are punishing a pregnant concubine to kneel down. She is less than three months pregnant, and you are not afraid of anything happening?" The queen said angrily: "I remember that you have an extraordinary background and are tolerant in everything. You do these things again and again."

"No... no, Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Concubine Feng Shu walked over without any manners and hugged Qi Yixiu's leg: "Your Majesty... I ask Your Majesty to see clearly, I am not a concubine, I really am not..."

Qi Yixiu stretched out his hand and pinched Concubine Feng Shu's chin: "Since you entered the house, I have indulged you in every possible way. Considering that you are a member of my mother's natal family, I am extremely tolerant. You dare to be disrespectful to your legitimate wife and dare to take action against the emperor's heir. Please listen clearly, I will tolerate you for the last time. Because you are a woman of the Feng family, your father and brother have finally done something good for me. If you give birth to my second prince, I will do it myself. about you."

As soon as he let go, Feng Shufei fell to the ground, not even daring to defend herself.

"From today onwards, Concubine Feng Shu is banned from Fuyang Palace. She is not allowed to come out without my permission. The second prince will be sent to Ruiqing Palace immediately. She is not allowed to see her without my permission."

"Your Majesty! The second prince is my concubine's fate, Your Majesty... you can't... you can't take him away..." Concubine Feng Shu suddenly started crying.

"Why are you doing this, Concubine Feng Shu? The second prince is still your child after all, and he just lives in Ruiqing Palace. Princes are getting older, aren't they all like this?" Yi Chongyuan smiled: "Why can't you accept this?"

Qi Yixiu waved his hand: "Send her back to the palace, if she dares to scream again, I will not forgive her."

This sentence made Feng Shufei shut up, but she turned around frequently and looked at Qi Yixiu while crying.

However, Qi Yixiu was so angry now that he didn't want to look at her at all.

Of course it wasn't Concubine Feng Shu who did it, someone borrowed her hand, but here Feng is a target.

She has done a lot of evil herself and cannot blame others for taking advantage of her.

But even if the Su family has no children, the Su family's affairs will be a thorn sooner or later.

"Su Xiaoyi was wronged and lost her child for no reason." The queen said.

"What the Queen said is that Su Xiaoyi has indeed suffered, and she should be promoted to the throne."

The queen thanked the emperor on behalf of Su Cairen.

The emperor also ordered that several people who followed Feng Shufei today be killed with a stick.

This matter has been revealed again. Fuyang Palace was in chaos. The second prince was crying and making trouble and refused to leave. Concubine Feng Shu was also crying and pulling away.

It was very ugly for a while.

In the end, there is no choice but to listen to the Holy Spirit’s words.

The second prince was sent to Ruiqing Palace anyway.

The gate of Fuyang Palace is closed, and it is not known when it will be opened.

Empress Dowager Feng was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic this time. Not only did she not plead for mercy, she also called her nanny to come and reprimand Feng Shufei vigorously.

To actually act like someone who wants to kill one's relatives for the sake of justice is really eye-catching.

Shen Chuliu and Yao Baolin, who returned to Cuiyunxuan, both had something on their minds.

"This matter... looks strange no matter how you look at it. What about Xiu Yi?" Yao Baolin asked.

"I'm afraid someone borrowed Concubine Feng Shu's hand." Shen Chuliu said.

"That's right, it doesn't make sense. If she is really so harmful to others, she should be silent. How can she be so blatant? Besides, she is already in a slump now. How dare you?" Yao Baolin sighed: "I don't know who it is."

Shen Chuliu shook his head. Normally, the newcomer should be reasonably suspected.

But among the newcomers, the only one who can do this is a pure beauty.

Could it be Empress Dowager Li's return gift to Empress Dowager Feng

Shen Chuliu thought about it and felt that something was not right.

Yao Baolin also thought about it and did not dare to say anything. After all, it involved the queen mothers, so she could only remain silent.

"It's just a pity that Su Cai is here. He could have had children."

Shen Chuliu nodded, but felt in his heart that Su Cairen was not uncomfortable.

She was afraid...she didn't really want it at first.

Although her dull look seemed like she was too sad, but... she was not willing to serve the emperor because of her wealth.

She has so many burdens on her, it's okay if she has children, but without children... Isn't she cutting off her escape route and just wanting to rehabilitate her family

Can't figure it out.

"No matter who it was, I was lucky to have been able to avoid it at that time." Shen Chuliu was not without fear.

Yao Baolin nodded: "That's right, you are also blessed, and our sixth prince is even more blessed."

Yao Baolin often talks about our sixth prince.

Shen Chuliu knew very well in his heart that this person who was absolutely determined not only counted on her, but also counted on the Sixth Prince.

It doesn't matter to her, as long as Yao Baolin remains unchanged and doesn't betray, if she can, she can win her over for the rest of her life. As long as she stays like this.

It's really bad to watch these things, it's better to watch the kids. Children are the cleanest existence in this world. Of course, she was referring to the babies. Let’s not talk about the naughty kid.

"Come on, let's go see the child together?" Shen Chuliu asked Yao Baolin.

Yao Baolin's eyes lit up, he nodded in agreement, and followed him into the house impatiently.

Regarding his mother and concubine who had returned, the little sixth prince said that he hadn't slept enough at all, so he could just wait and see what he wanted to see. The most important thing for me is to grow taller.

So, the two people who came here in joy and returned in despair could only do other things lonely.

What's wrong

(End of chapter)