The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 230: Guanlan Pavilion


Shen Chuliu and the Sixth Prince were welcomed to a pavilion. It is said to be a pavilion, but it is twice as big as the one in the palace.

The name is also very nice, called: Guanlan Pavilion.

The eunuch in charge of the palace had already found out clearly that this person was extremely favored.

"Look, my dear, the name of this pavilion is also interesting. When you stand in the pavilion, you can see the waterfall on the mountainside opposite."

Shen Chuliu became interested: "Sure enough? Let me take a look."

As he said that, he held Zi Zhu's hand and went in. As expected, from the main hall, he was facing the waterfall on the mountainside opposite. Although it was not too close, it was still very good.

There is also a small bamboo forest outside the window, and a redbud tree behind it, which is in full bloom.

"Guanshi Yu, right? It shows that you have put a lot of effort into it." Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

"I don't dare. My Majesty likes it. This slave has done a good deed. You see, I want you to take the prince with you. There are mints planted at the other end of the pavilion. In summer, the smell is good and there are no mosquitoes. The slaves have renovated and replaced these doors and windows, and have smoked them with rosin to ensure that they are tight. When the windows are not open, it is difficult for any insects to get in. If the windows are opened, the windows will be covered with high-quality gauze curtains. It was just replaced and it definitely keeps out mosquitoes. ”

"Oh, my father-in-law is really attentive." Zi Rui smiled: "This is very thoughtful. It's really good for me to look at this."

"Since you think it's good, why don't you hurry up and get a big purse for Manager Yu?" Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

"Hey." Zi Rui smiled and went away.

Manager Yu hurriedly said he didn't dare, so he took the purse and bent down even lower.

"It doesn't matter about other things. I'm not picky. But when it comes to food, I have to be clean. Just worry about it." Shen Chuliu said lightly.

The so-called clean means that no one is allowed to touch it.

Now that Manager Yu has inquired about it, he doesn't know how courageous this master is.

How could one fail to notice this

He responded hurriedly and said a basket full of nice things before leaving.

I said in my heart that even if you don't tell me, if something happens to you, your slave's head may not be saved, right

The queen didn't care how they arranged their accommodation in the morning. She had the list when she was in the palace.

I only know the name. As for whether it is good or bad, it depends on the arrangements of the people below.

Therefore, Shen Chuliu's treatment was all due to his own 'famous reputation'.

The sixth prince woke up and looked around with his eyes open. Shen Chuliu took him and hugged him: "Yan'er isn't used to it?"

The sixth prince naturally couldn't speak. In fact, the child who was more than four months old didn't feel that the place had changed that much.

It's just not a familiar place, so I feel a little uneasy.

Fortunately, all the familiar people around him were there, and he didn't cry either.

The child was born not very fond of crying.

Shen Chuliu carried him to his residence. Because it was a pavilion, there was the main hall in the middle, and a row of small rooms behind the bedrooms on both sides for the slaves.

Shen Chuliu carried the child in and saw that the nannies had all checked it, and Zhe Mei also smelled everywhere carefully to make sure there was nothing wrong.

"My servant smells the smell of mugwort leaves. I guess they were smoked yesterday. I also checked the corners. They are indeed freshly painted. There is nothing inappropriate." Zhemei said.

"Well, that's good." The Sixth Prince's things were all brought out from the palace, but the furniture was from here, so he felt relieved after checking it.

The Sixth Prince was put down. He just calmed down and was about to turn over.

He was a little late in learning how to turn over, and he started in the past few days.

Shen Chuliu watched him try hard to turn over. He probably exerted too much force and accidentally choked out a fart.

Shen Chuliu burst into laughter, and the slaves also laughed.

The sixth prince, who was small and didn't like to cry, was fine at first, but for some reason he suddenly closed his mouth and burst into tears. Shen Chuliu was shocked and hugged him quickly: "What's wrong?"

Zi Zhu was at a loss for words: "Could it be that... I dislike you for laughing at him? Or do you feel embarrassed?"

Shen Chuliu's eyes widened: "My dear, after more than four months... you have become a sperm?"

She lowered her head to look at the crying child, who was crying miserably, and quickly called the wet nurse to comfort her.

As a result, the wet nurse couldn't coax her anymore and refused to take the milk.

Shen Chuliu hurriedly took it and coaxed it for a long time, until Zirui teased a small step rocker. The tassels on the step rocker swayed, which must have worked.

Only then did the Sixth Prince stop crying.

This is the first time since birth that I have cried like this.

Fortunately, he was coaxed and the nannies checked and found nothing wrong.

Shen Chuliu broke out in a sweat: "It's so hard to coax the child."

Everyone laughed.

Shen Chuliu returned to his place, fetched water and scrubbed it first, and then brought dinner.

It is very rich, not only her richness, but also the food for the nannies is very good.

Shen Chuliu rewarded several girls, Yuanxiao and Yinhu with their own dishes. It’s been a hard day.

The sixth prince became fine after crying, and continued to turn over after eating.

Went to bed early.

That night, the emperor stayed at the Queen's Heqing Palace.

This is not surprising either.

When he got up early the next morning, Shen Chuliu went to see the child first. After making sure that nothing happened to the child, he told the nanny: "It's different from the palace. You have to be careful when going in and out. Don't let the child be blown by the mountain wind."

The nannies are also careful and naturally respond.

After Shen Chuliu left, wet nurse Wei said, "My queen is also very caring about the sixth prince."

"What you're saying is your own, so why don't you care?" Golden Nurse laughed and said, "Don't say this outside, it's easy to cause trouble."

"Look at what you said, I'm not stupid. That's not what I meant. I meant that it's your first child after all." Nanny Wei said hurriedly.

"Hey, my wife comes from a big family. Even if I don't know how to do it, someone will naturally give me some advice. No matter what, the children raised by my mother and concubine will not be punished." Golden Nanny said.

"Yes, I have heard that the fifth prince in Ruiqing Palace is still wearing a thick quilt." Nanny Wei shook her head: "It is true that the child is afraid of the cold, but you can't cover it like this, right?"

"You still don't know how much benefit they can get from serving the fifth prince? Just ask for no fault." The birth mother has a low status, how can she reward the wet nurse

Even the four o'clock and eight festivals have no progress.

Although wet nurses should not wait for this idea to reward them as a rule, their monthly salary is high, which is good in itself.

But serving the prince is different from serving the prince. For example, the nannies are respected when they go out.

But the person who serves the fifth prince is not a slave when he goes out

Of course, Shen Chuliu was famous, and they didn't have bad intentions at all, but they did have a sense of psychological superiority.

"It's rare that a prince has already given birth to a son from Baolin... He's not that talented yet." Golden Nanny shook her head.

Who in the palace doesn't know that Miao Cairen came from a very bad background? It's not even comparable to this, so how bad is it

The old lady came to Wuhan, the old lady in her 70s, it was just... ugh... being scolded, being scolded, walking, walking... it was so difficult for me.

(End of chapter)