The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 478: intuition


"Tsk, it's really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

"You go to the trial first." Qi Yixiu waved his hand.

Superintendent Luo left without asking what the emperor meant.

Qi Yixiu leaned back: "On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, what do you think I should do?"

On the fourth day of the lunar month, he bowed his head: "How can a slave know about the masters..."

"Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud." Concubine Kangde was unclean, how could he not know

It’s just that the harem needs a concubine Kande.

If you go into the first trial, you will definitely fall. His guilt towards Concubine Kande and her son happened a long time ago. No matter how much guilt he felt, Concubine Kande's actions over the years had long since obliterated it all.

But how many dirty things can happen if you bring down Concubine Kande

So Qi Yixiu hesitated, maybe it wasn't time yet.

But sometimes, the emperor couldn't influence the direction of things.

The interrogation of Wu Qicai by the Internal Criminal Division was really effortless. In just half a day, there was a thick stack of confessions.

There are so many of them that people dare not look at them too much.

The next morning, as soon as the emperor went to court, he got these things.

After Qi Yixiu read it, he calmly threw the things on the table: "Take it to the queen. In this case, follow the rules and take everyone in Leshou Palace into custody for a good trial."

I was shocked on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. Is this going to be liquidated

However, this pile of incriminating evidence cannot be overcome without a trial.

"Go and send a message to the princes and princesses to play for three more days." Qi Yi said.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I agreed, thinking that it would be better if the princes and princesses were all gone.

In Fengzao Palace, before everyone left to pay their respects, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year arrived in person.

He handed the incriminating evidence to the person in front of the queen and politely left.

The queen looked at it and threw the things on the floor: "Absurd! Presumptuous!"

Everyone looked at the papers and didn't dare to speak.

After a while, the queen said: "Pack them all up and tell them to take a look."

Emei agreed, and together with a little palace maid, they packed up the things and distributed them to everyone.

"What? My concubine almost had a miscarriage back then because... it was Concubine Kangde who did it? She was still a beauty at that time!" The beautiful woman looked at the thing in her hand in shock.

"I still have this, saying it is to frame Concubine Qianshu? When you give you something because of Concubine Qianshu, you are suspected." Rong Jieyu shook her head.

"Concubine Kangde also killed Zhu Li? To blame Concubine Li?" Concubine Li looked at the thing in her hand in shock: "Oh my God, she really has great hands and eyes. Wasn't Zhu Li locked up at that time? From the Criminal Division?”

"Ah, do I remember that it was the one who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake? Therefore, one of the slaves in front of Concubine Yi was punished to wash clothes, and later I heard that he died of illness?" Concubine Jin said.

"Yes, but she had some reasons for harming Concubine Qian Shu, the beautiful lady. What did she do to harm Concubine Yi? Concubine Yi, although... she didn't do anything bad." Concubine Jin was shocked.

Concubine Jin was actually the most shocked. She was threatened by Concubine Kangde, but now that Concubine Kangde's incident broke out, she felt relieved and a little afraid of implicating herself.

"What are you talking nonsense! What do you mean by blaming me for a reason?" Concubine Qian Shu glared.

"Oh, there's more. It's said that Concubine Kangde borrowed Concubine Qianshu's hand to poison Concubine Jing, and almost harmed Concubine Jing's child. Oops, this almost harmed the Sixth Prince. It's so cruel. !" Rong Jieyu said in shock. "Zhen Xiaoyi's residence was on fire back then. It was Concubine Kangde who wanted to frame Concubine Jing's fault, but the eunuch didn't dare and defected before the battle, so he let it go?" Concubine Li shook her head: "Sister Concubine Jing, when did you and Concubine Kangde Enmity?"

Shen Chuliu smiled: "I guess it was when I was in trouble that Concubine Kangde sent Wen Chongrong, or Wen Xiaoyi, to ask me to stand in line, but I refused? But just for this, I don't know what to say about blaming people for murder and arson. What’s better.”

"Everything is so shocking..." Ning Zhaorong said.

Indeed, no matter how much you do behind your back, you cannot see it once it is revealed to the public.

What's more, Concubine Kangde is really not so cruel.

"Queen, please don't let such a poisonous woman off lightly! I didn't expect that she had harmed so many people! If we let her go, I don't know how many people would be harmed!" Concubine Qianshu said.

Shen Chuliu also said: "Empress, please give me justice. When I was pregnant, I almost couldn't save the prince. I couldn't figure it out for several years. Now that I know it's her, I only know that she is crazy! If she is not punished, Concubine Kande, I am not convinced."

Everyone begged the queen to punish him severely.

The queen waved her hand: "Don't worry, as long as this is proved to be true, I will personally give her a pot of poisonous wine."

After saying this, the queen stood up: "Let's go. Don't ask around when you get back. I will do what I say."

Everyone thanked them and left Fengzao Palace.

Everyone looked the same, shocked.

I never expected that Concubine Kangde, a person who always seemed gentle, could be such a vicious woman.

Sure enough, people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Rong Jieyu followed Shen Chuliu to Yufu Palace.

"Ordinarily, the reason why Concubine Kangde plots against Concubine Feng Shu is because of the eldest prince. So many people are involved, but to be honest, it's because of revenge."

"Revenge is revenge. If you involve others, you have other thoughts." Shen Chuliu sneered: "The emperor asked her to raise the third prince with good intentions, but it is a pity that he actually raised her to become ambitious."

"Mother, tell me, how will this matter end?" Rong Jieyu was a little unsure.

"At this point, what can we do? Everyone in front of her has been sent to the Criminal Division. It just depends on whether she commits suicide or is sentenced to death." Shen Chuliu said.

"Is this this far?" Rong Jieyu was shocked.

"Otherwise? Don't let the princes come back in a hurry." Shen Chuliu shook his head.

After Concubine Kangde went up, Shen Chuliu felt that Concubine Qianshu should fall first, but unexpectedly, looking at it, Concubine Qianshu was not moving at all, and Concubine Kangde was about to fall.

After sending Rong Jieyu away, Yao Baolin said: "I think there is someone behind the scenes. Wu Qicai followed him into the palace right from the mansion. He has always been loyal, how could he suddenly say the wrong thing?"

Shen Chuliu shook his head: "Don't forget, Zhen Xiaoyi's matter has not been finalized yet."

Yao Baolin frowned: "What the empress is saying is that Concubine Kangde's scheming methods have failed. We must be careful and don't let it happen."

"However, with Concubine Kangde's incident, Concubine Qianshu and her son are really superior. The second prince is also old. If he is not saved, someone will start talking about establishing a prince again."

"Do you think..." Shen Chuliu bit her lip: "Empress Dowager Feng, died more peacefully?"

Yao Baolin was obviously stunned. He shook his mouth after a while and said, "What does the empress mean..."

"I don't know either. I just thought so suddenly. No reason, no evidence." Just... intuition.

Ouch ow ow

(End of chapter)