The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 51: Superfluous


The cloth was gifted by Qi Yixiu.

They are all brightly colored and beautiful fabrics.

This was probably given as a reward to Shen Chuliu for the Chinese New Year.

Naturally, she had it before when she gave out New Year gifts, and she was not lacking in benefits. This batch was always given by Qi Yixiu.

This time, she was the only one with it.

This is naturally the last resort.

As for the silver, last year, the gift was two thousand taels. This year, I have seen her promoted to the throne twice, and maybe I got an extra thousand taels for being favored.

Plus what she brought with her when she entered the palace, she now has no shortage of money.

But she didn't think it was too much. Her mother's dowry when she married into the Shen family was seventy or eighty thousand, and her grandmother kept it for her under the pretext of good intentions.

Besides, which general in battle is poor

Her father also left a lot of property when he was alive, but unfortunately after he passed away, it was divided between the first and third rooms.

If Shen Chuliu could still be grateful for this small favor they had given her now, it would really cost her two lifetimes.

So immediately, she asked Yuanxiao to give one hundred taels to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Naturally, there are only a few people who can get it, but she only needs to ask those few people to get it.

At the end of the year, more money is used to reward people. If it all depends on the amount of money, it will be stretched thin.

Either family subsidies, or rewards from the emperor. This is the time to look at your savings.

Unless you have no favor and a low status, then forget it.

Otherwise, the higher your status, the more money you need.

Yichongyuan's Furongxuan is in such a dilemma. She is pregnant, so she has a lot to take care of this year, but she doesn't have money to spare.

In the past, if you were favored, you would be rewarded a lot, but now her family will not give you a penny, and you can't give it to her.

But this year the emperor didn't give her any extra reward.

The reward from the Queen Mother was not silver.

It was at this time that Concubine Feng Shu sent a package of five hundred taels of silver.

Concubine Feng Shu's maid, Chanjuan, smiled and said: "Our empress knows that Concubine Chongyuan, you have less money here, so we asked your slave to bring it. It's better to celebrate the New Year first."

Yi Chongyuan was so angry that she almost had a stomachache, but she could only accept it with a smile.

Whose face is this slap in the face

But to go back would be to offend others.

After sending Chanjuan away, Yi Chongyuan's eyes were red with anger: "You are laughing at me because I have no family background! How could I have these grievances if I had a better family background? Everyone despised me for my poor family background. So Changle It’s fine in the palace? It’s just that I have favors and no shortage of money! Why doesn’t she go to Changle Palace to give alms?”

In Changle Palace, Concubine Yi lived.

Concubine Yi has been favored for many years. Although she has no family background, she will naturally not be short of money.

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he thought of Shen Chuliu's cloth again.

"The Emperor does favor Shen Cairen! Does she deserve it?"

In fact, Yi Chongyuan knew it well. The emperor's sudden coldness was due to Cao's death.

Yi Chongyuan was responsible for the death of Cao's child, but the emperor probably didn't know for sure, so she had to pretend not to know.

It's a shame that I'm pregnant, otherwise I wouldn't know how to turn over.

But she also knew that the emperor still had some knots in his heart. Otherwise, why would the gift of cloth be given only to Shen Cairen now that she was pregnant

Shen Cairen.

Shen Chuliu didn't care about this. Since the emperor gave it, she chose a few pieces and gave them to Yao Baolin, and sent the rest to the Bureau of Service and Services, taking twenty taels of silver with her.

When you are favored, you can do it quickly without giving money. You gave me the money, and it was even faster.

The people carrying the sedan chair were carrying people.

The Service Bureau got the money and materials and rushed to work on the same day. Even though the mammy and the embroiderers had to do more work, they kept praising Shen Cai for being such a good person. Wouldn't it be nice to make money

With such a reward now, I'm sure there will be a reward once it's done.

"Li Xiaoyi also sent some clothing materials yesterday. It was also twenty taels. Oh, these masters are so generous now." A nanny said.

"Hey, you don't know where you are from. These two, from the Marquis's Mansion and the Duke's Mansion, are they still short of money? As for Shen Cairen, he was Baolin last year, and he didn't come here empty-handed."

"Come to think of it, Lu Xiaoyi is pretty cool. This year she only has five taels."

They usually don't dare to spend money on making clothes, but at the end of the year they make several clothes, and the masters are sure to reward them because they have to celebrate the New Year after all.

"What are you comparing to? She hasn't slept with her for a while."

Everyone laughed.

But it's a joke, after all, Lu Xiaoyi still has the support of the queen, and even the cloth was rewarded by the queen.

What they are really stuck with are the concubines who have no support and no money.

The harem is busy preparing for the New Year. Every year during the New Year, the palace is like this.

On New Year's Eve, the queen mother of the two palaces, the emperor, the queen, the prince, the princess, and all the concubines worshiped the ancestors in the ancestral temple.

From the first to the third day of the lunar new year, there is a state banquet. A banquet is held every year in Zhengyang Palace. Third-rank ministers, idle nobles, and royal relatives all enter the palace.

On the fourth and fifth days of the lunar month, we rest. On the sixth and seventh days of the lunar month, the Queen of Fengzao Palace entertains guests, all of whom are female relatives.

On the ninth and twelfth days of the lunar month, the Queen Mother entertains guests.

Then before the fifteenth day, the concubines meet their parents' families. Of course, not everyone can see this. Only the ninth concubine has this honor.

Then comes the Lantern Festival and the state banquet.

During these days, all the concubines have to participate. Even if you wear clothing and jewelry twice, you must make sure it is clean and tidy.

A gown today will have to be paired with a different skirt tomorrow, otherwise it will look too shabby.

This requires accommodation. Besides, when the concubine who is not favored meets the emperor, why don't you expect to compete for favor with her

The ancients had a lot of free time, so they naturally paid more attention to festivals. Whether it was for fun or to be busy, the New Year has always been the most valued festival.

Shen Chuliu didn't have much to do here. He just asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take 500 taels of silver and break it into silver peanuts.

Waiting for the Chinese New Year to reward people.

On the other hand, four slaves were busy making underwear for Shen Chuliu.

They are all good at embroidery. Zi Zhu also invented two new hairstyles. They have already tried them on Zi Rui and they are very good.

When the entire harem was busy celebrating the New Year, something happened to Wei Yunu.

She suddenly gave birth prematurely in the middle of the night, alarming the entire palace.

The queen has been paying attention to it for a long time. It has been nearly seven months and it is naturally dangerous every day, so there is no delay.

The queen either does things or doesn't care, and she always manages them neatly.

She herself did not come, but Peilan and Emei were sitting in the Zilin Pavilion of Wei Yunv early in the morning.

Concubine Yi and Song Zhaoyi were both worried. If something happened, they would have fun.

The emperor asked Li Xiaoyi to sleep with him that night. Li Xiaoyi came, but he didn't.

I just asked the fourth grader to check on the situation.

It is true that for a rejected royal girl's child, it is normal for the emperor not to come.

Wei Yunv was in terrible pain. She was only seven months old, but the child was already quite big.

Needless to say, since someone in the palace wanted this child, it would be superfluous for her to have a child.

She had already figured it out, that's why she said she was born prematurely.

(End of chapter)