The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 84: faint


Li Jieyu fainted after returning to her Furongxuan.

She had moved to Side Tower a long time ago. Originally, no one cared about her, but someone was bound to cause trouble.

How dare she delay

"Your Majesty, it's not good for this slave to look at Li Jieyu," Emei said.

"You go back and give me orders, don't let her be tortured to death. Feng Suxin really doesn't do things well." The queen frowned and said in disgust.

"I'm afraid this time, it's not just Concubine Feng Shu's work. Concubine Kangde is also involved."

Even though she seemed to be defending Li Jieyu on the surface, she was quite active behind the scenes.

"Her?" The Queen was surprised: "She has a grudge against Feng Su, and also Li Jieyu?"

"Who knows who else was responsible for that incident back then." Emei sighed.

"Forget it, let's just pretend we don't know. Let's talk about it if we should. At least even if something happens to her, it's not like I, the queen, have nothing to do with it." The queen waved her hands, obviously not caring that much.

"Yes." Emei agreed and went in person.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs has sent things for the harem women to spend the summer. It's a month late this year." Peilan said.

"Isn't this because of the tribute from the north?" The eunuch Fan Guanglin said with a smile: "I said before that I could get some of it first, and we don't want to bother you twice."

"Well, just follow the list and distribute it according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs." The queen thought for a while: "The queen mothers of the two palaces must be careful and don't let anything sneak in that they shouldn't have. As for Concubine Feng Shu, call her Together with the eunuchs, don’t say anything then.”

"Hey, do any of the other masters need to be 10% or 20% thicker?" Fan Guanglin asked.

This is also an old example. There are more people who are favored or have children.

"It's not necessary this time. The Queen Mother is not willing to spend the rest of the year this year, so I can send more to the Queen Mother." Last year was the year of birth, and this year the Queen Mother Li is not willing to spend the year.

And Empress Dowager Feng has not had a full life expectancy in the past few years, so there is no need to think about it.

"Yes. That slave is leaving now." Fan Guanglin said.

The Queen naturally trusts the people brought from the DPRK the most.

But she has been here for so many years, and it is impossible to only use people from the court, especially when entering the palace, eunuchs are indispensable.

This eunuch was brought in from the mansion back then. He was second only to Peilan and Emei. He was indeed a very capable person.

Shen Chuliu got something from this season.

Although the queen didn't mean to be extravagant, she knew how to please people when it came to internal affairs, and she went above and beyond in many things.

This is not surprising.

Some of them were too much, so she gave some to Yao Baolin.

With her taking care of her, Yao Baolin will rarely be short of things now, but some good ones won't be in her turn.

That's not surprising, after all, she's just Pauline.

After packing her things, Zizhu collected part of the cloth and sent part to the Service Bureau herself.

After a busy day, in the evening, I heard that the emperor had turned over Wen Xiaoyi's brand, so he went to Leshou Palace.

It was in the past few days that Wen Xiaoyi begged the Queen and moved to the Leshou Palace.

Wen Xiaoyi's pregnancy and miscarriage attracted people's attention. Now she is following Li Jieyu first, and then Concubine Kangde.

It seemed that Concubine Kande liked her very much and asked her to move in directly.

It can also be regarded as a means.

Now that Concubine Kangde has won over Wen Xiaoyi, there will be more opportunities to see the emperor.

No matter what the palace said, Qi Yixiu still spent the night in Leshou Palace.

In the morning, before going to say hello, Wen Xiaoyi waited for a bowl of 'tonic medicine' from the main hall.

She drank it without changing her expression: "Thank you so much, ma'am."

She knew some pharmacology, and Concubine Kande didn't hide it from her. This is birth control pills. However, Concubine Kande is a conscientious person, and this medicine is not sterilizing. Just tell her that she can't get pregnant now if she drinks it.

Even, this medicine does contain tonic ingredients. For now, drinking it is not only harmless but also beneficial.

Since Concubine Kande has won her over, she will not allow her to give birth now.

They don't need to say this clearly, but they should reach a consensus.

Wen Xiaoyi doesn't care about this, at least not now.

She is not yet able to raise a child on her own, so it’s okay not to have one.

If she doesn't give birth, Concubine Kangde can ask her to serve the emperor well.

With a smile on her face, she went to wait outside the main hall and said, "Mother, my concubine is here."

They are going to Fengzao Palace.

There was another quarrel with each other. After they dispersed, Shen Chuliu and Yao Baolin went to the Royal Garden.

It was a coincidence that they met Miao Xiaoyi who was one step ahead of them.

Today, Miao Xiaoyi has no sense of existence and lives a peaceful life.

"Greetings to Mrs. Jingmei." Miao Xiaoyi came over and said.

Yao Baolin greeted her.

"What a coincidence. Let's sit together." Shen Chuliu said.

Miao Xiaoyi agreed.

The three of them did it by the Luming Lake. The majestic wind blowing on the lake was very comfortable.

"I didn't sleep well last night because of my dream. I felt sleepy just listening to them talking." Shen Chuliu yawned.

"What a coincidence, I had a dream last night and didn't sleep well. I had dark circles under my eyes this morning. I used powder to suppress them." Yao Baolin said with a smile.

"Fortunately, I don't have many dark circles under my eyes." Shen Chuliu said and yawned again.

"It's getting hot. Change to a thin quilt because it's cold at night. The thick one is hot." Miao Xiaoyi smiled.

"Why are there not enough quilts in your Zilin Pavilion?" Shen Chuliu asked.

"How could it be possible? Since I..." Miao Xiaoyi wanted to say that she had given birth to a child, but she still didn't tell her.

That child cannot be said to be hers.

"Since I reset Xiaoyi, there is no shortage of things. I probably didn't take care of it myself. It will get better gradually."

"The body is still the most important thing." Yao Baolin said.

"Yes." Miao Xiaoyi smiled: "In any case, I am much better than Li Jieyu. I heard that her vegetarian meals are... said to be difficult for people who eat meat to digest."

"This is quite wicked. No wonder she said hello yesterday and can't get up today." Shen Chuliu shook his head.

A woman who has just given birth to a child and is devastated doesn’t want to take some nutritious supplements, and she still says she can’t digest it

Gee, she could even think of what was on Li Jieyu's dining table.

Are you going to burn her to death

Who hates her so much

"I've only been in the palace for a year, so I don't know much about it, but...she was very powerful in the past, and I guess she offended a lot of people. But this will cost her her life." Miao Xiaoyi shook her head.

"That's all, let's not talk about her. It has nothing to do with us." Shen Chuliu looked at Miao Xiaoyi: "But Miao Xiaoyi, you have changed a lot."

"After suffering, you learn to restrain yourself." Miao Xiaoyi stood up and saluted Shen Chuliu solemnly: "In the past, I offended my sister, and I begged her not to hold grudges."

"Forget it, what is past is past." Shen Chuliu said.

Miao Xiaoyi smiled and sat down again, she really felt like letting go.

The three of them sat for a while, and the dining room brought snacks and tea. Miao Xiaoyi also gained a lot of outside experience when she was a dancer in the past.

It's not boring to say the least.

I still don’t know what to say. I think I wrote this book very carefully. Hey, hey.

(End of chapter)