The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 98: Can't sit still


If there are still people in this palace who are honest, then one is Song Zhaoyi and the other is Zhao Meiren.

The two of them are so quiet and low-key that people often forget about them.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that they just hide deeper.

On the way back, Yao Baolin smiled and said, "I almost didn't react just now."

At first, when she heard everyone praising Yi Fei, she was really a little confused. Especially, it was Jing Meiren who took the lead.

"Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high. If the concubine needs it, we will help." Shen Chuliu said.

"But... what if it's true that she really gave birth to a prince and became a concubine?" Yao Baolin asked.

"If she really gives birth to a prince, sits on the throne of a noble concubine, and can still sit firmly. Then, whether we support or disapprove of her today, it will be the same." If they are so capable, then they still can What can be said.

"If you sit on it, you may not be able to sit still." Yao Baolin said slowly, "Feng Shufei will not allow her to sit firmly. Behind her is Queen Mother Feng."

"The year after next, new people entered the palace. Even if we don't talk about the new people, the people in the palace are not really using their skills now. The emperor has only been on the throne for four or five years, how old is the emperor? These days of fighting have just begun. "Here." Shen Chuliu said.

It’s really unknown who will have the last laugh.

The same goes for her. Maybe one day she will die in the hands of someone she doesn't care about

Li Meiren returned to her residence and started to laugh: "Oh, you're laughing so hard. I knew that Jing Meiren was evil! Look, she's doing this one after another! She really holds a grudge. Look, Yi Fei Jie Hu , she just gave Yi Fei a big one."

"Not only this, didn't we talk about Zhu Li yesterday? Wasn't that also her handiwork? Hahaha, let's not just sit here and help." Li Meiren rubbed her belly: "Oh, it's so fun. Then Ning Jieyu Not a good one either!”

"Yes." Yutao smiled.

So in a corner that Concubine Yi didn't know about, the concubines did what they wanted to do spontaneously without any need to unite.

The news about Zhu Li bullying others, disrespecting his master, etc. spread everywhere, everyone has noses and eyes.

Then news spread like wildfire that the entire Changle Palace slaves relied on their masters to gain favor, bullied the concubines in the harem, and beat and scolded other slaves.

In Fengzao Palace, the queen was lying comfortably on the imperial concubine's couch, and was being massaged by her old nanny.

"Empress, do we care about this matter?" Emei said what happened today.

Everyone is already openly praising Yi Fei's murder, so naturally they won't hide the news. No one will tell the truth.

There has been a lot of excitement for a long time.

As Concubine Yi said, if the late emperor hadn't granted marriage to the queen, she would have been the queen.

The queen didn't even bother to open her eyes: "Let them go."

Whenever it comes to her, she'll just be in the lawsuit.

That night, Qi Yixiu turned over Shen Chuliu's sign again.

Shen Chuliu understood that this was a fresh feeling after not coming for a long time, and he would not come tomorrow.

She prepared the meal and waited, and sure enough, Qi Yixiu came over not long after.

I was also asked to bring a small box on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

After saying hello, she put the box on the table on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

"Open it and take a look." Qi Yixiu said.

Shen Chuliu opened the box in the blink of an eye. Inside was a box of shining... crystal stones.

That's right, it's a crystal stone.

They are all polished very smooth and beautiful, some are large, some are small, and they come in several colors.

Yellow, pink, purple, red, blue. Although the shapes are different, there are several in each shape.

No matter what kind of jewelry it is, it can be paired with it.

The crystal wasn't worth much, but that was modern times.

Being filled with many kinds of gemstones, crystals are naturally worthless.

But this is ancient times, and such colored crystals are excellent things. After all, agate has the most, but not enough colors. "All for my concubine?" Shen Chuliu was surprised.

"Do you like it? I have plundered all the warehouses for you." Qi Yixiu said.

"I like it! I will take it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs tomorrow to have it inlaid with jewelry! This shiny one must be very beautiful." Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

"Don't thank me?" Qi Yixiu deliberately kept a straight face.

Shen Chuliu leaned over and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Then he kissed Qi Yixiu on the cheek.

Then she hugged the box as if she was shy and said, "Concubine, go and put it away."

There is no need for her to put it up. Isn't this just shy

Qi Yixiu was in a very good mood.

Soon, the meal was put on the table, and Shen Chuliu served him food.

During the meal, nothing was said, and the atmosphere was quite good.

Shen Chuliu didn't deliberately eat less just because Qi Yixiu was here, for fear that he wouldn't be able to bear it if he ate less.

This emperor was also a beast when he was a beast.

The beast emperor didn't know what his concubine was thinking, so he finished his dinner.

The two of them sat and talked. It was getting hotter and hotter today, and they didn't go to bed so early at night.

Qi Yixiu asked: "Did you go to Changle Palace today?"

"Yes, we have all gone to congratulate Concubine Yi," Shen Chuliu said.

Qi Yixiu smoothed her long hair down: "Well, how is the situation?"

Shen Chuliu blinked, and then smiled: "Well... it's almost the same as greetings before. Some people are sincere and some are not."

"Then my dear, are you sincere or not?" Qi Yixiu hooked her chin.

Shen Chuliu looked up at Qi Yixiu, looking at his beautifully shaped chin and gently smiling lips: "Sincerely."

"Oh? Are you really sincere?" Qi Yixiu asked again.

Shen Chuliu smiled charmingly: "Absolutely sincere."

I really want to make your kind-hearted concubine the target of public criticism.

"Since my beloved concubine said so, I naturally believe it." Qi Yixiu rubbed her red lips with his thumb.

She had a thin layer of lipstick on her lips, which was light pink.

At this time, it stuck to Qi Yixiu's fingers.

Qi Yixiu raised his thumb and lightly pressed it on her cheek.

On her fair cheek, there was a red mark that was not very obvious. It was not ugly, but a little charming and charming.

Shen Chuliu complained in his heart that this was stamped by the emperor.

"What do you think of this, my beloved concubine?" Qi Yixiu still refused to let her go.

Shen Chuliu buried his head in his arms, rubbed it lightly for a few times, and then said, "Is the emperor digging a hole for my concubine? If I don't answer well, I will be punished." Did the emperor leave in anger? "

Qi Yixiu smiled half-heartedly and raised her chin again: "Are these words of concubine a test?"

"Well, it's just a test." Shen Chuliu said directly: "The emperor digs a hole for me, and I test whether the emperor will leave. Isn't it fair?"

Qi Yixiu had nothing to say. To put it this way, it was really fair... a ghost.

"What are you talking about? When did I dig a hole for you? Huh? Answer it carefully!" How could he admit that he dug a hole for her

Besides, it’s impossible for the emperor to think so.

Me Liu: Fair, right

Emperor: How... so fair!

(End of chapter)