The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 105: On the road again


Seeing Quan Yonglin's crazy appearance, Ren Baqian was terrified when he saw it from a distance, but it was as if he hadn't seen the Quanyong River on the rock, and he just sat there in a daze after jumping from Quan Yonglin.

Quan Yonglin couldn't see anything when he hit the ground at the end, only a pile of old godmothers, Quan Yonglin finally stopped, went to the stream and threw the hammer into the water, and then jumped in directly to lick the flesh and blood on his body. wash off.

After all this was done, he picked up the hammer and stood in the creek and shouted at Quanyonghe: "Let's go, this toothed tiger is dead. Other animals will smell it from a long way away, so they won't come."

"Can you stop being so disgusting next time?" Quan Yonghe said with a look of disgust, but he still jumped off the rock.

"Hey, this thing is quite powerful, and I can't hold it back for a while." Quan Yonglin laughed.

"You can't hold back, can you? I haven't heard of such a person who can't hold back and whips the corpse into minced meat." Ren Baqian cursed in his heart, and stood far away without saying a word.

"I'm afraid there won't be any animals coming by this river today, you can change the place." Quan Yonglin shouted at Ren Baqian again.

Ren Baqian nodded sharply. Anyway, he didn't go to Quan Yonglin's side.

At first, it seemed nice to see these two people, but it turned out that the fight was too crazy. If other people were by his side, he wouldn't be afraid, but if he got close, if he hit him with a hammer, he would probably be gone.

Just now, with red eyes, he didn't dodge or avoid the face-to-face confrontation with the toothed tiger, and the appearance of smashing him to pieces even if he died, really made Ren Baqian feel quite scary.

Ren Baqian is a good citizen. Although two lives were on his hands, he was still a good citizen.

When meeting such a person, Ren Baqian is as weak as a chicken, and really dare not get too close.

After waiting for the two to leave, Ren Baqian sat on the ground and thought for a while, feeling that he had been tricked.

I used to stay here pretty well, but the old den was occupied, and they killed a toothed tiger. It seems that other animals are afraid to come here today. If I want to hunt, I can only find a place again.

It was always dangerous for him to wander around in this wood.

After thinking about it for a while, Ren Baqian felt that he should stay here.

My purpose is not to hunt, but to find a place to stay honestly, even if I stay out all night, it doesn't matter, as long as I can go back safely.

As for hunting or something, whoever wants to do it.

After watching the battle just now, Ren Baqian has a deeper understanding of the danger of this mountain forest.

Just like the toothed tiger just now, it was at least three meters long, and could even be four meters long. It's only a little smaller than that wild boar, but it's almost as tall as me with four limbs, and its strength and ability to resist blows are even more amazing.

At least one hit on the face with a hammer didn't do much, and it took several consecutive hits on the head to make it lose its combat effectiveness.

Ren Baqian reckoned that his small pistol would not be able to do much.

If it wasn't for Quan Yonglin's presence, I'm afraid I would be really unlucky, the toothed tiger is not a human being, and I wouldn't foolishly let myself put a grenade in its mouth.

At first, I thought that a pistol would be enough, but now I realized that the pistol is only effective against some people who are not very strong. Whether it is the wild boar or this toothed tiger, the pistol may not be of much use.

Not only against beasts, but even against Quan Yonglin, it might not have much effect.

If Ren Baqian remembered correctly, the tiger's slap strength was a tonne. This toothed tiger would not be smaller than a tiger on Earth just by its size and strength, but when it hit Quan Yonglin, it just flew away, and it could get up by rolling on the ground, without any impact.

Moreover, the toothed tiger's claws only scratched a few shallow scars on Quan Yonglin's body.

This result also showed Quan Yonglin's physical defense ability, the physical body is too strong.

I'm afraid that if the pistol hits the body, the bullet will be caught in the muscle at most. Unless it hits a vital point, it will not do much damage to the opponent. And the opponent is not a wooden man, and his speed is much faster than his own.

If he really ran into someone like Quan Yonglin with a pistol, he would definitely be the one who died.

If such a situation really happened, Ren Baqian felt that the situation would be that he would shoot himself, the opponent would throw the hammer, and then the opponent would be bitten by a mosquito, and he would die, and the whole play would end.

It may be okay to have a rifle in your hand, but the initial velocity of the bullet is twice as high as that of a pistol. If you face ordinary people at close range, the difference may not be big, and they will all be sieved. But people in this world are very different.

If you use a rifle, if you go down with a shuttle, it is estimated that the opponent will not be a hornet's nest.

Sitting there thinking for a while, I looked back at the boulder and wondered how to get up.

He had seen this rock before, but he felt that it was difficult for him to go up, so he stayed on the tree honestly.

It was easy for Quan Yong, Lin Quan and Yong He to go up, but Ren Baqian didn't have any skill points for climbing.

I circled around the stone twice. This stone is about three meters high, and there is nothing to climb.

In the end, Ren Baqian took a few steps back, then ran quickly to help him, and climbed up on the stone with one foot, but only his palm was on the top of the stone, and it was still a slope, so he slid down directly.

Ren Baqian tried to change direction several times, but all ended in failure.

Ren Baqian had to admit that it was easy for others to climb while watching the video, but when it was his turn, he would find that it seemed to be easy difficulty, but in fact it was hell difficulty.

"Alas!" Ren Baqian sighed, and had no choice but to continue to walk upstream along the creek, while looking around with his eyes to see if there was a suitable place to stay.

Although Quan Yonglin said that no animals would come, but if any animals came, he didn't even have a place to hide.

At this time, the sun was setting, and it was not long before it got dark.

Ren Baqian felt that he had to find a place to settle down before dark. There were many predators in the forest at night, and the sight range was too short, so it was more dangerous than during the day.

If possible, Ren Baqian would prefer to find a relatively small gap where large animals cannot get in, allowing him to hide for a night.

As a result, along the way, I didn't see the place I was looking for.

But there are a few trees that are suitable for shelter.

Ren Baqian came to the tree closest to him, threw a dozen stones up to make sure there were no snakes, and then climbed up to have a look. Then he returned to the ground with peace of mind, walked around, and saw the grass While moving, Ren Baqian held his breath, and after a while, he stretched out a white head, and when he saw Ren Baqian, he immediately grinned and bared his teeth.

Without the slightest hesitation, he raised his hand and shot an arrow, hitting his chest.

Then Ren Baqian ran away immediately.

It turned out to be a beast again. Why are there so many of these things in the woods.

He ran all the way to the stream, only to be chased by four wild beasts like mad dogs, drooling all the way, it seemed that they took Ren Baqian for dinner.

And Ren Baqian had the same idea as them, he took out the gun from behind with his right hand and fired more than a dozen shots in a row, during which time he still had the energy to change the magazine.

Pistols are not good against large prey, but they are still more than enough to deal with this thing.