The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 109: was shot down


Ren Baqian really wanted to cry at this moment.

The biggest savior, he persisted in hope for ten minutes, but was knocked out by his own grenade.

What is this

Isn't the killing range of this grenade five to ten meters

Ning Caichen was fourteen or fifteen meters away from the killing range, so he was so unlucky.

Ren Baqian felt that everything was going wrong with him.

Ning Caichen was also an idiot. After posing for so long, he was knocked out by a stray bullet. Where is your sword? What about your mastery

Now Ren Baqian began to seriously consider whether these wolves would chase him or drag Ning Caichen away if he ran away.

"Oh!" Ren Baqian finally sighed quietly. After all, I was too soft-hearted, and I was too embarrassed to throw Ning Caichen down.

Fortunately, those wolves seemed to be frightened, and retreated far away, howling in a low voice from time to time, as if they were communicating. It seems that I still have some buffer time.

Only one wolf was still standing there and staring fiercely at Ren Baqian.

The other wolves have retreated, but you will not retreat even if you die, how much hatred do you have with me? Ren Baqian looked at the wolf, raised his hand and aimed at it.

Plop, the wolf just got down on the ground.

"I haven't shot yet, what are you doing?" Ren Baqian carefully discerned for a long time before realizing that this was the one he had injured with the crossbow arrow he had used anesthetized in the first place.

It's just that the strength of this medicine is a little slow.

Pick up the water bag and pour it directly on Ning Caichen's head.

A moment later, Ning Caichen was awakened by the cold water. "What happened just now?"

Ren Baqian said speechlessly: "Can your sword still come?"

Ning Caichen was not beaten into a concussion, which is really a blessing in misfortune.

"It was interrupted, but it shouldn't be too far from here. I'll call again." Ning Caichen still had blood on his head, and now his posture was like a martyr. He got up from the ground and continued to pose, with one hand Chao Tianxu shook his head and shouted loudly: "Here comes the sword!"

Ren Baqian let out a sigh of relief, as long as Ning Caichen is fine.

But I'm more interested in Ning Caichen's sword, which has precision guidance

And it only took ten minutes to fly from Daxia, so this is supersonic speed, right

I didn't realize that there are such advanced things in this world.

There are more and more unknowns in this world.

Now, he finally relaxed a little. The surrounding wolves have no intention of attacking yet, and they are far away from the periphery.

Just watch Ning Caichen later.

Thinking of this, Ren Baqian also stuffed the last grenade back into his bag.

After a while, Ren Baqian heard a huge sound coming from the sky, like the sound of a fighter jet flying in the sky.

Ning Caichen was overjoyed: "The sword is here!"

Ren Baqian was moved, such a big momentum? You have to know that this is a sword and not an airplane. People's airplanes are so loud because they have engines. How did you make them so loud

At the same time, many ancient people in the mountains raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

Quan Yonglin and Quan Yonghe were sitting in the open space in the forest. Not far from them was a pool of smashed flesh and blood. You could see the broken fangs like long swords beside the pool of flesh and blood. The identity before this puddle of flesh and blood was the wild boar that Ning Caichen was chasing after.

"Are you stupid? How many times have I told you? Now that you have smashed that fat black man like this, what are you going to take back? Take the tail or those two teeth? You will be laughed at this time when you go back. your fault!"

Quan Yonghe poked Quan Yonglin's head with his finger, gnashing his teeth.

Quan Yonglin lowered his head to be taught, and there were several more wounds on his body, the deepest wound was on his waist, which almost ripped him open.

At this moment, a huge sonic boom came from the sky, and both of them frowned and looked up. What is this

And in the depths of the mountain forest, Hong Xian sat on a rock with his eyes closed and meditated, with a long-handled big knife in his hand, and none of the corpses of Ba beasts in the surrounding area were intact. However, these beasts are much bigger than what Ren Baqian has seen.

After hearing the sound, Hongxian opened his eyes and looked up. His eyes were puzzled at first, and then he remembered what he had heard before, and suddenly said: "Is this the sword slave?"

There are many people like them. Du Changkong was skinning a big snake as thick as his waist, humming a little song from the mountains while pulling it out. Find out where the sound is coming from.

Down the mountain, many soldiers also raised their heads one after another...

Brothers from the other three countries stepped out of the carriage one after another...

The empress was eating grapes on the chariot, but she just picked one and before she put it in her mouth, she heard the sonic boom and frowned.

"Noisy, come bow."

He took a simple but quaint longbow and leather quiver from Hongluan with one hand, got up and got out of the chariot, looked up at the direction of the sonic boom, his eyes seemed to see through the night the roaring sound in the sky The long sword in general.

Throwing the quiver backhanded, Hongluan quickly caught it.

The Empress, on the other hand, bent her bow and set her arrow, holding a white bone arrow between her fingers. A majestic aura rose from her body, and everyone under the mountain felt this aura pressing on everyone's heads, making everyone subconsciously bow in the direction of the empress.

Only the sons of the Three Kingdoms and some guards tried to fight.

The sound of "Plop" was repeated, and several people couldn't resist and fell to their knees on the ground.

Except for a few who had confidence in themselves, everyone else bowed in the direction of the Empress in a very sensible manner.

At this time, she was not only the Emperor Dayao, but also number seven in the world - Qi Zixiao.

It is a kind of respect from the heart to bow down to the seventh master in the world.

The Empress drew the bow to the full, stretched the bow like a half-moon, and then let go abruptly, and the bowstring bounced back with a huge buzzing sound to everyone's ears.

But no one saw the arrow, and it didn't make any sound, it just disappeared in the hands of the empress.

A moment later, there was a huge sound wave. The arrow seemed to explode the air, and there were a series of explosions in the air.

But the empress didn't even look at it after shooting the arrow, and turned back to the chariot.

At this time, there is no fancy handle in the air, just a simple green unknown leather-wrapped long sword with a hilt flying at high speed, shaking while flying, forming a certain resonance with the surrounding air to create a huge sound wave, and at the same time the sword He groaned with joy, as if he was happy for his master to call him.

It's like a Huaichun girl who is going to see her lover.

In the next second, a long arrow made of white bones appeared in front of it, and it had no time to dodge with its huge inertia.


The two wanted to make a crisp crashing sound.

The long sword flipped countless somersaults in the air and then fell down. It wobbled and steadied itself when it fell to the ground. Weeping and staggeringly flew towards the mountain. Compared with the grandeur when I came here before, there is such a gap between a young lady who married a local tyrant and returned home, and a spoiled daughter-in-law in a civilian area.

Ren Baqian was waiting for Ning Caichen's sword to descend from the sky with brilliant sword energy, and he was already thinking about whether it was time to hug this thick leg.

In his opinion, this Ning Caichen is the protagonist.

However, there was a series of explosions in the air at this moment, and then the sonic boom when the long sword came was gone.

And the long sword that was expected to come flying with brilliant sword energy was nowhere to be seen.

"What's the matter?" Ren Baqian subconsciously asked.

Ning Caichen also looked confused: "Strange, why haven't you come yet?"

"A scam." Ren Baqian couldn't help cursing.

Ning Caichen raised his head with a blank face, what happened

Fortunately, the surrounding wolves had no intention of attacking at this time. After the two waited for a few minutes, a long sword dangled in the air and flew down like a drunk driver.

"It's really flying here. But why do I always feel that something is wrong? It was so loud before, even if there was no brilliant sword energy, at least it was a cold light flying from outside the sky, right? Why did it look like he had drunk too much?" Ren Baqian thought Come up with this idea.

Ning Caichen raised his hand high, and the long sword wobbled and flew into his hand. When Ning Caichen saw a few cracks on the sword, the word heartache was written all over his face.

And after the long sword fell into his hands, he also wept in a low voice, as if crying about his tragic experience.

Ning Caichen immediately burst into tears.

Seeing his sad look, Ren Baqian couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"Luzhu said, it was shot down!" Ning Caichen cried loudly while stroking the sword in one hand.