The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 46: Engraved the starry sky


There are dyes and lacquer juice in the animal garden. After all, the animal garden is royal, and the things used are much better than those of ordinary people.

The box has a total of six sides, the bottom of which is completely flat, and the other five boards face up. Sprinkle wood chips on them, press them down a few times, and then sweep the wood chips away, so that the holes are basically filled with wood chips.

Then I mixed it with lacquer sap with a black and blue dye made from unknown fruit, and then painted it on it. Several boards turned completely dark blue.

After finishing, put the board aside, Ren Baqian looked at the sky and estimated that it was almost time, and went to the kitchen to eat.

There is a large yard outside the back kitchen, and there are more than a dozen tables set up at this time.

The entire animal garden, this time is the most complete time.

Both men and women gather here at this time.

There was also a child with bare buttocks wrestling there, and the adults watched cheerfully not far away, and didn't care.

Ren Baqian just watched a six or seven-year-old child being thrown to the ground with a piece of skin on his knee, and he didn't care.

Children who grow up in such an environment are really used to it.

"Steward Ren, sit this side." Someone stood up and called him, Ren Baqian saw that it was an iron knife.

Although I stayed in the animal garden for a few days, I really didn’t have much time to eat like this with everyone. Counting today, it was the second time. I was usually busy or in the palace. It was always dark before I went to the kitchen. small stove.

Sitting with Tie Dao and the others, he and the ten under his hand happened to be at the same table.

Waiting for the dishes to come up, let's have a look, roasted lamb leg, roasted lamb ribs, boiled beef cubes, a pot of wild vegetable soup, and a fried poultry egg with green vegetables.

When the dishes were served, everyone ignored Ren Baqian, the plate of scrambled poultry and eggs with green vegetables disappeared in the blink of an eye, and one of them took a bowl of wild vegetable soup and ate lamb ribs there.

Ren Baqian blinked, speechless. All I saw was a group of dirty hands sweeping by, and there was nothing left.

In Dayao, meat is cheap and vegetables are expensive, almost every meal is meat, and two vegetables are gone in the blink of an eye.

And this group of people don't have the habit of using chopsticks, it's from Da Xia, and usually the rich and officials only use them, they just grab them with their hands.

Ren Baqian sipped wild vegetable soup, ate a piece of lamb chops, and ate some of the dry food here.

This kind of dry food is a kind of rough grain, which is very rough, a bit harsh, and has a sour taste.

But no one disliked it. There are also polished rice noodles, but only the rich can afford them. It's not bad that the people in the animal garden can eat this. It is said that the village on the mountain eats meat every day, and the supplementary food is berries and wild vegetables.

Eating meat is not a bad food on earth, but it is only the most basic diet here.

If you exchange a catty of wild vegetables for a few catties of meat, there will be a lot of people who will trade with you.

Fortunately, another product of Dayao is tea, and there are many wild tea trees on the mountain. This saved Dayao people from breaking their heads for a tea brick like those people in the grassland.

After a meal, I went back to Tongjia. Seeing that the dye on the wood was almost dry, I turned the panel upside down on the ground and hit it twice with a hammer on the back. When I picked it up again, the debris basically fell off. The holes in the natural color of the wood are exposed.

Seeing only the first piece of wood, Ren Baqian was overjoyed. Although he has not yet met his own requirements, it is only the first step and he has already met his expectations.

Then put the other pieces in this way and put them together, Ren Baqian was stunned.

The dark blue wooden board is full of light-colored stars, and the two galaxy and the nebula are dotted on it, really like the starry sky I saw last night.

Subconsciously looked up at the sky, the sky was just getting dark at this time, few stars had come out yet, scattered like pockmarks sprinkled on it, far from the magnificence and magnificence seen after finishing it.

Looking down at the wooden board, the only problem is that the paint on the wooden board is uneven, but this is a small problem, and it will be fine if you paint it twice. Thinking of this, Ren Baqian picked up the seasoning on the side and brushed a layer on it. This time, you don't have to worry about the seasoning getting into the hole, as long as you look at the whole picture and make sure there is no problem.

"Steward Ren, is this okay?" Tong Jia came to Ren Baqian and said naively.

Ren Baqian fumbled in his bosom, hoping to find a piece of silver, this skill really deserves a reward. You can't just let the horses work, but don't let the horses graze.

However, there is nothing on him. Usually when he doesn't go out, he doesn't bother to carry money in his arms.

"It's beautifully done." Ren Baqian gave a thumbs up.

"Let's put it here first, I'll pick it up tomorrow." Ren Baqian patted the shoulder of the bronze armor that was half a head taller and thicker than himself.

"Okay! Do you want to put it on?"

"No, that's fine, wait until the color is dry and you put it in the room. Take it out and paint it again tomorrow morning." After Ren Baqian said to him, he walked back with his hands behind his back.

Licking is lying on his back and sleeping outside the door, while Rolling is lying there with his butt on a stone slab more than ten centimeters high, his head resting on the ground, and his head and feet on his back.

Ren Baqian approached and heard a slight grunt. The bellies of the two little guys rose and fell together, and he let him touch them. The two little guys groaned in dissatisfaction and turned over and continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, he put a few ingots of silver into his pocket, and went out with an iron knife and rattan gourd and a few wooden boards.

He was going to melt the silver and drip it into the holes arranged in the starry sky on the wooden board.

The dark blue background, dotted with silver stars, must be extremely beautiful.

When he arrived at the bronze armor, Ren Baqian took out a piece of broken silver of about one tael and handed it to the bronze armor.

"Here, here you are."

"Working for Manager Ren, how can I ask for money? I have a monthly request." Bronze Armor waved his hands again and again.

"Your reward, don't talk nonsense." Ren Baqian threw the broken silver directly, drawing a parabola, and the bronze armor quickly grabbed it.

"Thank you, Manager Ren." The bronze armor held the silver and smiled innocently. This piece lasted him for more than half a month.

"Yeah!" Ren Baqian nodded, and took a closer look at the wooden boards. The dye on them had just dried, and it looked much prettier after three times of painting. Although some places are still deep and some places are shallow due to the difference in wood texture, it already looks quite beautiful.

He called out the iron knife and the rattan gourd behind him, and each of them followed behind with two or three wooden boards.

Halfway through the walk, Ren Baqian took out the few pieces of silver from his chest and stuffed them into his waist. Silver is really heavy to carry too much, and it is too uncomfortable to put on the chest.

When we arrived in Baishi District, it was still the blacksmith's shop from last time.

"Shopkeeper, melt this silver and tap it into the holes on the wooden board. It must be smoothed." Ren Baqian shouted, taking out a piece of silver from his pocket and throwing it in his hand twice.

The shopkeeper came over and took a closer look, then took another look at the silver in Ren Baqian's hand, and said concisely: "It's not enough, I need one piece."

Ren Baqian threw another piece over, and the shopkeeper nodded: "Okay, come and pick it up in two hours."

Ren Baqian led the two of them to go to Jingyang Road to see how the shop was doing, but as soon as they turned into Jingyang Road, they heard a woman's scolding from a shop by the side of the road.

"We took a lot of effort to beat this piece of leather. It's a white tiger-toothed skin. It doesn't have any scars at all. It can only be exchanged for half a bucket of salt?"

Hearing this voice, Ren Baqian immediately turned his head to look over, and saw two familiar figures in the nearby shop, one of them was the woman named Na Gu, and the other was probably her brother.

I didn't expect to see the two of them again after only a few days.

And they held a roll of leather in their hands, and a piece of white leather was pulled apart by the two of them for display.

"It's up to you whether you want to change it or not. On this street, only our family can give you this price. You can go to other places to see, and you can't even change it for half a bucket." The shopkeeper said with a determined face.