The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 55: The past


When leaving the palace, Ren Baqian hesitated whether to tell the empress about Yanjing, but thinking about Yanjing, he was only half sure. If he failed, it might affect his value in the empress's heart. I decided that it would be better to wait for my position to be higher, and then use this method to exchange credit.

If you do this by yourself after the sweet potatoes are ripe, even if you fail, the impact will not be great.

Ren Baqian went back to the animal garden, found some mutton to eat, and then went back to sleep.

I got up early the next morning, walked around the zoo with my camera, and took pictures of all the places I thought were beautiful.

But he didn't dare to take pictures of those animals in the animal park. After all, many of them were different from those on the earth.

If you want to show off, you have to hide it, which is Ren Baqian's current situation.

Recalling what the empress said last night, Ren Baqian suddenly became a little interested in the events before Dayao's founding, so he went to Vine Gourd and Tie Dao to inquire.

The two of them were resting in a cool place guarding several large wooden basins, which were full of soaking animal skins.

After hearing Ren Baqian's inquiry, the two of them shared some things they knew.

Most of the Dayao people were originally mountain people, this is something that Ren Baqian knows.

Seventy years ago, the Dayao people that Ren Baqian saw now were actually ancient tribesmen, but they had always been called barbarians by the outside world. They were mainly scattered in villages in the 60,000 mountains in the west and south of Dayao. Live by hunting.

It is a continuous mountain range, vast and boundless, surrounding the west and most of the south of Dayao Kingdom, where there are countless beasts and many villages of the ancient clan.

In this plain, there was originally a country called Hao State. At that time, Hao State had been established for more than 300 years, and the atmosphere was extravagant. However, the ruler of Hao State was as lewd and innocent as Shang Zhou, and he was very happy.

The women of the ancient tribe are generally strong and strong, with outstanding appearance, which is completely different from the weak women in Hao country, and has a special flavor.

The emperor of Hao country didn't know who he listened to, so he ordered the ancient clan to send a hundred women, otherwise he would send troops to attack.

And the people of the ancient tribe are not under the jurisdiction of the Hao Kingdom, and their violent temper naturally ignores this, and they directly beat the person who conveyed the message half to death and threw them down the mountain.

After receiving the reward, the emperor of Nahao Kingdom was furious, and immediately sent an army of 50,000 to crusade. And ordered that the cottage be slaughtered, and the young woman be sent back to the country for his enjoyment.

The ancient people used villages as their unit, and they didn't have too many precautions. Even if five villages were destroyed, all the people in the village were killed and the women were taken away. And the army of Hao State continued to march into the mountains and forests.

Only at this time did the ancients react, and their anger seemed to spread in the mountains. The young and strong ancients who heard the news gathered together, but the time was too short, and the number of people who could gather was not too many, so they relied on the characteristics of the mountains and forests , layer upon layer of interception.

After breaking through the third level of interception, the Hao country's army was stopped by the fourth level of interception, making it difficult to advance an inch.

It can be said that both sides have lost a lot.

Although the barbarians were strong individually, they were defensively intercepting an army of 50,000, and lost thousands of people.

Hao country's army was not used to fighting in the mountains and forests, and suffered even greater losses. Nearly 10,000 people were buried in the mountains and forests.

At this time, the person who had previously told the emperor of Haoguo to recruit women once again advised the emperor of Haoguo.

Why did the ancient people dare to disobey the emperor's orders? Just because the barbarians live by hunting, wearing animal skins, and picking wild fruits, they don't ask for anything from the outside world, and they can live freely in the mountains and forests. It is difficult for the Hao Kingdom to send troops to attack, otherwise it will be like it is now.

If you want the barbarians to submit, you have to make them unable to survive in the mountains and forests, so you have to listen to Haoguo.

There are countless barbarians in that mountain range, but there is one thing that everyone needs, and that is salt. There is a piece of rock salt in the mountains, almost all the salt used by the ancient people was obtained from there.

As long as the rock salt is poisoned, those ancient people who want salt must listen to the emperor of Hao Kingdom, which can be regarded as defeating others without fighting.

The emperor of Hao Kingdom was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately acted according to this method.

At the same time, I also had another thought in my heart. Although Hao Country was strong when facing the ancient people, it was still weaker than Yun Country and Chen Country in the east. If those ancient youths could be allowed to join the army, it would be very effective to attack cities and villages.

The final consequence was that the ancient people suffered heavy losses after the salt was poisoned.

Among them, the village where Yapeng, the first emperor of Dayao Kingdom, was located was half dead or injured. After he was grieved, he directly contacted other villages to raise troops to resist, bypassing the tens of thousands of troops in the forest, and directly attacked a city near the mountains.

Now both sides can be said to have a bloody feud.

At this time, a person came to seek refuge with Yapeng, saying that he was killed by the emperor of Hao Kingdom and wanted revenge.

At the beginning, Yapeng asked someone to guard the other party and guard against him. Later, seeing that the man had been making sincere plans and annihilating the 40,000 army under his plan, he began to trust him.

At this time, the anger of the ancient tribe had subsided a little, and the 40,000 army was wiped out, and there was no survival crisis. But rock salt is full of poison, and only cities can be plundered to obtain rock salt, so all villages must unite together and loot everywhere.

I have to say that this is what the king of Haoguo himself did so well.

And the loss of the ancient clan also began to increase.

At this time, the man gave advice to Yapeng again, saying that going on like this is not the way to go, and you can’t always rely on robbing to get salt. It’s better to occupy a few cities first, and only after you hold them can you have the capital to negotiate.

When Yapeng heard it, it was indeed the case.

Then he contacted some villages deeper in the mountains, and with that person as his military adviser, he went down the mountain to attack the city and pulled out the village, and captured four cities in Hao country in a row.

Since the 50,000 troops in the southwest of Hao Kingdom had been completely wiped out, other armies had to guard the east and north. At the same time, because the emperor of Hao Kingdom was licentious and immoral, there was a rebellion in the local area, and troops had to be sent to suppress it. The domestic forces were insufficient.

Moreover, the Emperor Hao thought that the barbarians were just grabbing something, and the key was to quell the rebels, so he ignored the barbarians for a while, and these cities were captured without much effort.

At this time, the military adviser once again said that the fate of the ancient people is in the hands of others. No matter who is the emperor, if they don't exchange salt for the barbarians, they will have to rebel again in the end, and this will never end.

And now is a good time again. The upper echelon of Hao Kingdom is decaying, the army's combat power is not high, and the country is full of chaos. You can live and work here.

At that time, under this man's plan, whether it was to destroy the 40,000 troops or capture the city, the damage to the barbarians was not too great, and everyone trusted him, so they were persuaded.

The people of the ancient clan who had never thought of this before were all moved after hearing this idea. The prosperity they saw in various cities these days made them envious.

This person made suggestions again, and the current military strength is also somewhat insufficient, and it is necessary to contact the ancient tribes deeper in the mountains to send troops.

At the same time, attacking now will definitely make Haoguo focus on them.

It is better to occupy these cities first, make a gesture of no longer attacking, and contact the merchants of Yunguo and Chenguo to exchange the materials in these cities for salt. In this way, the Emperor Haoguo will definitely relax his vigilance and go first to eliminate the rebels in the country.

After hearing this, Yapeng thought it was a good idea. Although the barbarians in the depths of the 60,000 Mountains had other ways to obtain salt and were not so easily persuaded, he still sent several people to persuade them.

In fact, as he said, the emperor of Haoguo never thought that this group of ancient people would dare to attack him, and all his energy was put on suppressing the rebellion.

Another eight months passed. For half a year, the people of the ancient tribe stayed in these cities and did not attack again, which also made the emperor of Hao Kingdom feel relieved. The war in the colleague's country intensified, and he mobilized all the troops he could mobilize to suppress the rebellion.

Only a small number of troops guard the north and the east.

At this time, a large number of ancient warriors came out from the deep mountains, joined Yapeng and others, and marched towards the imperial city. These ancient warriors from the depths of the mountains are more powerful because of the harsher living environment and the presence of various beasts.

During the period, when encountering cities and sieges and wading through waters, the two most difficult passes had people directly opening the city gates in the middle of the night.

It took ten days for the barbarian army to fight all the way under the imperial city, and finally executed the Emperor Hao in public.

Yapeng and the ancient tribe were originally just out for revenge and looting of living supplies, but under the guidance and push of this military division step by step, they destroyed the country of Hao.

When Emperor Haoguo saw the military division, he was extremely shocked. When he knew that he was the military advisor of the ancient clan, he became even more crazy and shouted everything out.

At this time, everyone knew that the person who instigated the emperor to ask for 100 women from the ancient tribe and poisoned the rock salt was actually this military adviser.

And the military division didn't stop him at all, didn't make excuses, and let the emperor of Hao Kingdom tell everything.

After the emperor of Hao Kingdom finished speaking, he revealed another news that shocked everyone. He arranged several rebellions in Hao Kingdom, and other rebels also had contact with him.

The purpose is to destroy the country of Hao.

He planned all this for fifteen years. Including the two years of war planning, a total of seventeen years.

At this time, it can be said that everyone has been fooled by him, whether it is the emperor of Hao Kingdom, the ancient clan, or even those rebels.

Those rebels always thought that these ancient tribes were out for revenge. On the one hand, this was what the military adviser had always emphasized when they contacted them. On the other hand, they never expected that the ancient tribes would capture the imperial city, let alone establish a country here. Because this is something that has never happened before, if not for this bloody enmity, the ancients usually would not have walked out of that mountain range.