The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 57: Anyway, promotion is always a good thing


"It's written on the imperial edict." Shi Hu pointed to the imperial edict.

Ren Baqian opened the imperial decree, there were dozens of words on it, but he didn't recognize any of them.

I remember that when Shi Hu announced the decree just now, he said less than twenty words, and counting the above, at least forty or fifty words.

"What are they talking about?" Before Ren Baqian came here, he never thought that he would be illiterate one day. At least he passed CET-4 in English, and he could understand a few words of Yamei Die in Neon language.

"I don't know." Shi Hu looked serious and looked reliable, but Ren Baqian was dumbfounded after hearing his words.

"I don't know?" Ren Baqian almost didn't call out.

"I'm illiterate." Shi Hu took it for granted.

Ren Baqian opened his mouth wide, his tonsils were almost sticking out. Although I don't know what his official position is, but he often comes out to announce that Baqian enters the palace, and the steward of the imperial dining room respects him a lot.

With this kind of status, I am afraid that even the guards in front of the palace are low. And the two sergeants just now were obviously dominated by him.

Such a person is illiterate

"Then what you just said..."

"It was dictated by His Majesty." Shi Hu said with a serious face.

"Brother Shi, what do you know?" Ren Baqian's face twitched for a long time.

"I just heard what His Majesty said. Brother Ren, your official position is the official position of Daxia. This is the first time for me in Dayaozhong. It belongs to the reward. It can be regarded as from the eighth rank, receiving the salary in the palace." Shi Hu finally knew a little bit. I just said that I didn't know for a long time, and I was a little embarrassed.

"Then what am I going to do? Where do I live?" Ren Baqian was still at a loss.

My current residence is in the animal garden. If I can't live in the animal garden in the future, where will I live? And without the rattan gourd and iron knife as his two followers, even with the electric baton on his body, he still doesn't feel very safe.

"Your Majesty actually said that because you have other responsibilities, you still live in the beast garden and wait in the Qingxin Hall every afternoon."

"Where is the Hall of Pure Heart?" Ren Baqian asked.

"It's the place where the palace keeps books. There's a token here. You'll hand it to the guards at the palace gate later at noon, and someone will take you there." Shi Hu took out a token from his waist and said. "Don't lose it, you need this sign to enter and leave the palace."

Ren Baqian reached out to pick it up. It was not a big sign but it was very heavy. It felt cold to the touch. It was made of some kind of metal, with a silvery gleam on the surface.

In any case, living in the animal garden made Ren Baqian feel relieved, he was more familiar with this place, and felt more secure here.

It's just that I'm afraid there won't be much time to go out in the future.

Another point is that I disappear every three days. Although the empress knew about it and said she would not pursue it, it still made him feel a little dangerous. It seems that I still have to show my value, lest the Empress suddenly find me one day and cut herself off in a bad mood.

"Thank you, Brother Shi, and please wait for me with Brother Shi and those two brothers." Ren Baqian clasped his hands in thanks, and ran into the house to grab a handful of silver. He used a saw blade to cut up the large ingots of silver back then, and now only this kind of broken silver is left.

According to what was said on TV, the ones who need money to make a statement at this time are the ones. From the perspective of human relations, it is not a loss to stuff a handful of money at this time.

"Brother Ren is a thoughtful person, so I'm not too polite, I'll find Brother Ren for a drink some other day." Shi Hu laughed a few times and patted Ren Baqian on the shoulder, then directly handed the handful of silver to the two guards behind him, "This Brother Ren gave it to you, take it back and drink."

"Thank you, Master Ren." The two guards took the silver and laughed, looking at Ren Baqian with kindness.

Money, it seems, can do a lot, no matter where it is.

Of course, there may be Shihu's face in it.

"I won't stay any longer, I have to go back to report." Shi Hu cupped his hands at Ren Baqian, turned around and left with two guards.

After Shi Hu led the people away, both Rattan Gourd and Tie Dao stepped forward to congratulate Ren Baqian: "Congratulations, Steward Ren, I will be called Master Ren from now on."

Ren Baqian touched the token, and it still feels unreal. This has changed from being a low-level official to an official of the eighth rank? Even taller than Steward Shi.

But Ren Baqian obviously has an official position with a salary, and his power is much worse than that of Shi Guanshi.

But it's still an official.

I have told stories for so many days before, and I didn't say that there was a reward, but I gave it today. I don't know if it was the air cooler yesterday that worked, or my own flattery. It's more likely that there are various reasons.

Ren Baqian went back to the house and took two ingots of broken silver and threw them to the two: "Whoever sees it will be happy."

The two grabbed the broken silver and laughed.

"Lord Ren's official uniform hasn't been delivered yet, and we still have to go to the palace at noon, and it will be delivered before noon." Rattan Gourd said.

Ren Baqian nodded, he forgot to ask about this just now. Still inexperienced.

He asked curiously again: "What is the official position of Shi Hu who announced the decree just now?"

"The guards in front of the palace, but it looks like they are going to be promoted." Teng Hulu said, and then added: "The guards in front of the palace are from the fifth rank, and they are all the most elite fighters, but they only have ranks and no official positions, which is different from Mr. Ren. .”

Not long after, Steward Shi heard the news and rushed over. He clasped his fists and said, "I've seen Mr. Ren."

"Guanshi Shi, stop shivering at me." Ren Baqian said hastily. "Just call me Brother Ren."

"That can't be done. Now that your official position is higher than mine, you should still shout." Steward Shi laughed loudly. "It's a very happy event for Mr. Ren. Let the kitchen set up a few tables in a while, and everyone will be happy."

Tie Dao and Rattan Gourd immediately went to notify him as soon as they heard what he said.

"Okay, there's no one left. Brother Shi should call me Brother Ren. This is a rewarding official position, much worse than yours." Ren Baqian said.

"From then on, we will still be called Brother Ren." Shi Hu patted Ren Baqian on the shoulder, almost knocking him into the ground, and he fell straight to the side.

After this slap, Ren Baqian estimated that his shoulders were swollen.

"By the way, Steward Shi, I'm afraid I won't be able to take up the position in the animal garden. I will hand over the ice cellar to Steward Shi in the future, and those people..."

"I'll arrange the ice cellar. Three of those people will stay in the ice cellar. Five of the other seven will follow you first. After all, there are still a few acres of land. I will arrange for the other two to do other things." Steward Shi Immediately said.

"Thank you very much. Leave me the rattan gourd and iron knife." Ren Baqian smiled. He is already familiar with rattan gourd and iron knife, and they are relatively easy to use.

I usually have some messy work to be done by the two of them.

For example, tanning, I am planning to make a sofa.

Ren Baqian touched the so-called "imperial decree" in his hand, and tentatively asked without any expectation: "Guanshi Shi, do you know how to read?"

Steward Shi folded his arms, with a deep expression on his face, "Why do you think I know you?"