The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 62: go home


When he woke up, he returned to Huaguo's bedroom.

"When will it be a head?" Ren Baqian rubbed his face twice, and sat up directly from the bed.

There is no need to worry about Huaguo, a recipe of black mud cream that he cooperated with the Chen family can make him eat for a lifetime.

Now it is necessary to stabilize his position in Dayao, at least not to lose his head suddenly one day.

Sitting on the bed in a daze for a while, Ren Baqian saw that the sky outside had started to brighten, opened the window, and a gust of cold wind blew in directly.

"It's getting colder again." Ren Baqian looked at it and muttered to himself.

The time between the two sides is not equal. Basically, it takes twelve days to travel back and forth for one trip, and a little more than a month for three trips.

I only feel that ten days have passed, but in fact, a month has passed.

Therefore, climate change feels particularly abrupt to him.

Another point is that when he came back from that world, he felt that the air in the city was extremely turbid, with a bit of a pungent smell, which also made him less and less fond of going out.

Standing in front of the window for a while, Ren Baqian thought that it would be great if he could see the income from the black mud paste sooner, then he could buy a small island and live on it without having to endure the turbid air up.

However, he also knew that the side of the black mud paste was not destined to be harvested in a short time.

Three to five years is considered short.

Leaving aside drug research and development and subsequent experiments, it is not easy to build a pharmaceutical factory from scratch.

It seems that I still have to find a way to make more money.

Far can't quench near thirst.

After thinking about it for a while, it seems that there is nothing that Dayao has come into contact with so far that he can get back and make money.

Giant panda, does he dare to sell it

He didn't dare to use tiger-toothed skin. There is no such creature on the earth at all, and the closest thing is the sword thorn tiger that became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago.

Basically, the things on the earth are afraid to take them out, or they are of little value if they are taken out. What the earth does not have, let alone take it out.

Unless it's something like a prescription, but the benefits are still too slow.

Silver is fine, and now it can earn about 80 taels a month, and the shop that is still being renovated can make more than 100 taels, which is about 40,000 to 50,000 taels. Adding a cooling fan may make more money.

It's just that there seems to be risk in selling silver in large quantities for a long time. And for ordinary people, four to five million yuan a year is a lot, for Ren Baqian now, it's a bit of a salary.

That's what you're talking about with the intention of selling white powder and earning money from selling cabbage.

Ren Baqian suddenly remembered that Dayao seemed to have a lot of gems, for some reason, maybe he could find out about it when he went back. It is more feasible to get some gems back, preferably those that are small in number but of great value.

After posting there for a while, Ren Baqian turned on the cell phone that had been turned off by the table and looked at it, and several missed text messages popped up just after turning it on.

Chen Qing has two, Dong Haiqing has one, Chen Bing has one, and the other is from home.

I dialed the phone back, and as soon as it got through, I heard a whine from the other side: "You still know how to call back? If you call you, you turn off the phone, and you can't find it. If you don't call back, I will call the police and say you are missing. it's..."

Ren Baqian kept the phone away from his ears, and waited for a long time for the other side to finish talking before opening his mouth: "Recently, the company side is busy, and they work overtime every day, and they don't pay attention when the phone is dead. I just finished my work today, so I will give you Call and say hello."

"Yo, do you still know how to use words?" Ren Baqian's mother muttered before asking, "How is the company?"

"Very good, it's booming." Ren Baqian put on a relaxed tone.

"Forget it, I don't understand your things. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival today. Will you come back? It's still too late to take the car."

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival today?" Ren Baqian asked doubtfully.

"You're living a stupid life, aren't you? You don't even know the date?"

"Oh, have you been too busy lately? I really didn't pay attention. I'm leaving right now, and I'll be back at noon." Ren Baqian said hastily.

"That's about the same, come back soon."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Baqian let out a long breath. He felt that not many days had passed, more than two months had passed.

With a sad face again, when did I become a head.

But thinking about how sad his family would be if he really traveled directly to that world and couldn't come back, Ren Baqian felt that the current situation wasn't too bad.

Ren Baqian looked at Chen Qinglai's missed call, and suddenly remembered that Chen Qing's engagement day seemed to be approaching, but unfortunately he didn't have anything good to give him. Chen Qing wanted money and money, and he didn't seem to lack anything.

After thinking about it, instead of calling him back, I changed clothes after washing and went downstairs to drive home.

Ren Baqian's hometown is about 300 kilometers away from here, and he arrived downstairs in the community at noon.

Looking at the familiar but somewhat dilapidated neighborhood, Ren Baqian felt an unreasonable sense of ease in his heart, this is the feeling of home.

"Brother, brother!" Ren Baqian raised his head when he heard the shout, and saw his younger brother waving to him from his window.

Ren Baqian smiled, locked the car, went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Is that Audi below yours?" Ren Baqian's father asked as soon as he opened the door.

"You have really nice eyes." Ren Baqian gave a thumbs up.

"Nonsense, it's not like I know you are farsighted." Father Ren Baqian slapped him on the forehead. "Give me the key, I'll go for a walk."

Ren Baqian smiled and threw the key to the old man. He knew that his father had always liked cars, but after all, he had two children to raise, and after all these years, he bought a second-hand Alto as a daily commuter. Therefore, Lie Xinxi is inevitable after seeing this car.

"Look at your future, it's all cars, what's there to drive." Mother's voice came from the kitchen.

Dad ignored her at all, took the key and rushed out the door.

"Brother, do you have any presents from me?" The younger brother surrounded him as soon as the father left.

Ren Baqian's younger brother, Ren Wannian, is in the third year of high school this year. He is taller and more handsome than him. He has better grades in school, and he is also a sunny and cheerful person. It seems that the advantages of the whole family are concentrated on him.

However, one of the two brothers is responsible for eight thousand years, and the other is responsible for ten thousand years, which shows the expectations of the parents for the two. It's just that regarding this expectation, Ren Baqian just wanted to say: "The concubine really can't do it."

"I'll buy you a mobile phone tomorrow." Ren Baqian looked at his younger brother's height, and the capital that he could definitely rely on his face to make a living, feeling envious and jealous in his heart.

"Thank you brother." Ren Wannian smiled happily.

Ren Baqian put down his things, went into the kitchen and looked around, and saw that they were all his favorite dishes, and it seemed that they had just started frying.

I think my mother has been preparing for it all morning, and she only makes it when I come back, fearing that I won’t be able to eat hot food.

"When you come back, just stay on the side, don't get in the way here." With one sentence, my mother threw all the warmth that had just risen in Ren Baqian's heart into the ditch, rubbed her nose and sat on the sofa up.

"Brother, what does your company do?" Ren Wannian approached Ren Baqian and asked.


"Drugs? Brother, when did you understand this?" Ren Wannian asked curiously.

"I know a lot about your brother." Ren Baqian looked proud.
