The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 7: Are you being tricked?


"Tell him the specific situation." The female general said to the person in charge of the animal garden.

"Yes" the man nodded first, then looked at Ren Baqian, Ren Baqian could clearly see the strange look in the other party's eyes.

Ren Baqian was almost immune to such gazes at this time, and he was more concerned about what happened to the white bear.

This is related to whether one's head can stay where it should be.

"This bear was sent by the Xia Kingdom. Its lifespan is similar to that of humans. It is about fifty or sixty years old. It symbolizes the friendship between our country and the Xia Kingdom. As long as this bear is here, the two countries will never have swords." The man said seriously.

The corner of Ren Baqian's mouth twitched. Could this really be a polar bear? Seeing the bear lying motionless in the water, it is very possible.

Sending polar bears to such a hot place and not knowing how to raise them, the friendship of Xia Guo-hehe! People didn't think this bear could live for a year, did they? They are ready to fight with you at any time, right

There is no need to find any more reasons. The bear that is a characteristic of the friendship between the two countries was sent to you, but you killed it in less than a year. Did you do it on purpose? Do you want to go to war

"What's the situation with it now?" Ren Baqian asked after complaining in his heart.

"It was alright when it was delivered, but the bear doesn't like to move when the people of Xia Guo left. It lies on its stomach in the water all day long, no matter what it feeds, and only eats occasionally. It is already very weak now. If it doesn't The method, I'm afraid it won't last long." The steward said with a bit of worry.

Then his face became resolute again: "This is my negligence of duty. If that happens, I wish to die to thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

Ren Baqian was speechless after hearing this. They're obviously playing tricks on you, right? Then the bear dies and you die too? The people of Xia Kingdom would die laughing if they knew it, right

Hearing what the steward said about the bear's performance, he felt even more hot.

Such a hot environment, even I can't bear it, it's strange that the bear is willing to eat.

But just in case, he still has some questions to ask: "When was this bear sent?"

"A month ago."

"Did they say anything when the bear was brought in?"

"This bear was produced in the northern region of the Xia Kingdom. It is snow-white and rare. It is extremely precious, so it must be taken care of."

"Xia Kingdom is in the north?"

"Yes." The man had an expression like why do you even have to ask me this.

"Have you ever seen snow?"


"I understand." Ren Baqian stood there in red underpants and nodded thoughtfully.

"As long as you can do this well, His Majesty will not be stingy with rewards. Otherwise..." The female general named Xinzhe held a knife in one hand, and she didn't even want to know what he understood. His trick was completely in vain.

"It's okay." Ren Baqian said happily. I was finally able to save my life, and even encountered such a simple problem, the red pants were still useful.

"Two requests!" Ren Baqian raised his finger: "First, get me some clothes, this is not too much."

Xin Zheli ignored him and asked directly: "What is the other request?"

"Get some saltpeter." Ren Baqian said. As long as there is saltpeter to make ice, everything will be solved. Polar bears are resistant to cold and heat, so holding a block of ice for it should be much better.

But it's better to seal it up and fill it with ice.

"Nitre, what is that?"

"..." Ren Baqian fell into deep thought, what is saltpeter? Good question.

He remembered the saltpeter, but he couldn't remember how it was made.

I just remember that things existed in ancient times, and they were easy to get.

"Is there any ice?" Ren Baqian changed his request.

The others looked at Ren Baqian like a fool, not to mention it was summer, even in winter there was no ice here. Ice, like snow, is only found in Xia Country.

"Get me some clothes first, give me five days, and I will definitely be able to solve this matter." Ren Baqian said helplessly.

Fortunately, I can still go back, just go back and buy some saltpeter, which is sold everywhere. You can also look online where you can find saltpeter.

"Okay, I'll give you five days. If you can't solve know the consequences."

"I know, of course I know, five days is enough." Ren Baqian said repeatedly.

"He will stay here for the past five days. You are responsible for watching him. If there is any mistake..." Xin Zhe said to the other two sergeants.

"Yes, this subordinate understands. If there is a mistake, please come and see me." The two stood upright and said in unison.

"Give him a piece of clothing, and I'll report back to His Majesty." Xin Zhe left after ordering the two of them without even looking at Ren Baqian.

Ren Baqian was afraid that something might be wrong, so he just stared at the white bear to see if there was anything else wrong, and when the time came, he would go back and check online or ask a veterinarian.

After all, it is a matter of life, and it cannot be ignored at all.

Not long after, the steward brought over an old dress, made of rough cloth, it was very abrasive to wear, but it was better than dangling around in trousers.

"What's wrong with it?" The manager asked, seeing what he said just now, it would definitely be resolved, and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Hot." Ren Baqian said.

"Hot?" The steward was stunned.

"Wrap you in a layer of fur and throw it under the sun to bake, and you won't be able to eat anything." Ren Baqian said casually.

"Uh, the toothed tiger also has a layer of hair, and so do other beasts." The steward was still a little unconvinced.

"Is it as thick as it's body?" Ren Baqian stretched out his finger, and the fur on the white bear below was as long as a finger, and it was wet by the water and stuck tightly to his body. The hair on the back was dried, so he rolled in the stream, wet his whole body and continued to lie on his stomach.

Other than that, the white bear didn't move, completely listless.

Seeing this, Ren Baqian was almost certain that this guy was hot.

Seeing that the steward still wanted to ask, Ren Baqian waved his hand: "Forget it, you will know in a few days, just watch."

That night, Ren Baqian lived in a row of houses in the animal garden, and all the handymen here also lived there. The environment is not good, but compared with the dungeon, it is already heaven and earth.

For the next two days, Ren Baqian still spent most of his time there looking at the bear, and the rest of the time he wandered around in the zoo, looking at those animals that were somewhat similar to those on Earth, but not the same.

On the third night, if Ren Baqian guessed correctly, he would be able to return to Earth this evening.

Before entering the room, he told those two guards who had been staying close to him for the past two days, but asked the guard who said nothing: "I have completely figured out how to save the white bear in the past two days, please don't disturb me tomorrow, I will prepare well Just put the food at the door. If there is any problem that leads to failure, I will hold you two back even if I die."

After speaking, without looking at the two of them, he went directly into the room and closed the door. The two looked at each other, one left and one right, guarding the door.

They don't care what the people inside want to do, as long as the people are inside.

At the same time, in a certain palace, a woman in red was sitting on a couch, holding a tin pot in her hand, raising her head to take a sip from time to time.

"What's going on at the beast garden?" The woman asked suddenly remembering something.

"The man said it would be settled in five days. It has been three days now. He has been wandering around for the past three days. I always feel that he is delaying time."

Xin Zhe, who was wearing a helmet on the bottom, took two steps forward and said with fists in his hands.

"Well, there are still two days left. If you can't do it..." The woman was silent for a moment, and said: "Cut it off, don't tell me."

After speaking, he raised his head and took another sip.

Ren Baqian couldn't sleep that night, he was afraid that if he couldn't go back, it would be a disaster for him.

I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took before he woke up suddenly, reached out and touched the bed under his body, which was much softer than that in that world, and the familiar scene he saw through the light coming in from the window, Ren Baqian finally let go of the bed he was hanging on. heart of.

"I'm back!"