The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 73: Warrior


Gu Shou threw an official uniform to Ren Baqian, it might be just right for others, or it might be a little looser, if Ren Baqian put it on, he would not be able to see it.

Hold it in your hand and prepare to go out to find a clothes changing shop to have it changed.

Originally, the rattan gourd and the iron knife were two bodyguards, but now there is Xiong Wei for comparison, and the comparison immediately disappears. Standing in front of Xiong Wei, if you want to see him, you have to look up.

Although Rattan Gourd and Tie Dao are not small, they are only about 1.75 meters tall, which is about the same as Ren Baqian, but they are much stronger, at least about 200 catties. But compared with Xiong Weiyi, the two are as thin as chickens.

Ren Baqian pressed Xiong Wei's arm, like it was made of steel.

"Master Ren, this is?" the two asked.

"This is Xiong Wei, he has been following me these days, you two should go back first." Ren Baqian said. "Get rid of those animal skins earlier, I still have use for them."

The two nodded simply. Originally, the two belonged to the beast garden, and they followed Ren Baqian every day because it was easy for Ren Baqian to go out alone. With Xiong Wei by their side, the two of them have nothing to worry about.

"What do you usually do in the department?" Ren Baqian asked Xiong Wei after the two left.

"Drink, sleep, and practice." Xiong Wei grinned.

"Practice? What are you practicing?" Ren Baqian asked with great interest.

"I'll know when Si Cheng comes." Xiong Wei led Ren Baqian around this row of houses, and there was a field behind. At this time, there were five or six people there, and a few were practicing boxing and kicking. They moved quickly and powerfully. . There are also people who are lifting stone piers, that is, the kind of stone piers that weigh one or two hundred catties. They stretch out their hands to lift them flat and then put them down. More than a dozen are still the same, and I don’t know how many have been done.

"What do you usually do?" Ren Baqian asked, he was curious about the strength of this bear, after all, there were not many people of this size in Dayao. Although physique does not represent strength, but Gu Daxiong specially called him to follow him, presumably the strength here is also top-notch.

"Your Excellency, please watch from the side, so as not to hurt you." Xiong Wei grinned, walked to the side, and there was a big stone with a square meter, he hugged it with both hands, shouted loudly, and lifted the stone The boulder was picked up, raised to the eyebrow level, then slowly lowered, then raised again, and lowered again.

Ren Baqian opened his mouth and was almost startled by him.

You know that a stone with a square meter can weigh two or three tons, so he just lifted it up like this? He lifted and lowered it several times, and finally threw the stone over his head with a loud shout, two or three meters high.

"Damn." Ren Baqian finally couldn't help but speak.

If it falls like that, most people will be smashed into meatloaf directly. If it was two or three hundred catties, it would be better for Ren Baqian to accept it.

But this is two to three tons, almost the weight of a car.

Xiong Wei caught it calmly and steadily, but pressed his legs down a bit, in a posture of buffering the impact, then threw the stone up again, and then caught it again.

Xiong Wei throws stones to play, and the stone lock player can't continue to play. If he gets a one or two hundred catties, he directly gets a 20 times the size, how can he play? What a shame.

"Okay, stop." Ren Baqian hurriedly shouted, seeing Xiong Wei's exercise movements is really a bit dizzy, his heart is trembling, he always feels that if he doesn't catch it, a freshly baked one will appear in front of him pizza.

If Xiong Wei was dyed green all over, he could become the Hulk, and there would be no doubts about it.

Hearing Ren Baqian's shout, Xiong Wei turned around and left without picking up the stone, and the whole ground shook when it hit the ground.

"Let's go, go and change the official uniform first." Ren Baqian looked at Xiong Wei in front of him, threw two or three tons of boulders a few times, and didn't even break out in a sweat.

Taking Xiong Wei out, Ren Baqian felt that he didn't have to worry about being hit by someone while walking. With such a guy behind, no guy would bump into him blindly.

Xiong Wei's body shape is also quite scary for Dayao people, the kind that people will look sideways wherever he goes.

Zhulian District basically has a lot of government offices and few residential shops. Ren Baqian took Xiong Wei directly to Goujiazhai District. There are many houses there, so it should be easier to find shops for changing clothes.

As soon as I entered the main street of Goujiazhai, I saw a shaved ice shop next to it. There were many people sitting there, and they all ate shaved ice there to escape the summer heat. This is still in the morning, if it is in the afternoon, there will be more people.

"Qingshan." Ren Baqian went in and shouted.

"Oh, Lord Ren." Shi Qingshan raised his head inside, and the ashes on the beams fell straight down in his voice.

"Keep down, don't be so loud." Ren Baqian rubbed his ears and said, "Two bowls of shaved ice, any kind of fruit." Then he found an empty table and sat down.

"Sit here." Ren Baqian patted the stool next to him.

Xiong Wei shook his head: "I still won't sit down."

"Sit down, I told you." Ren Baqian insisted, there was no reason why he was sitting while he was standing. In the future, I will rely on him to protect me.

Seeing that Ren Baqian persisted, Xiong Wei sat down slowly.


The long stool broke directly.

Xiong Wei took a stride, stood up and scratched his head again: "I'd better stand."

Ren Baqian was also speechless.

It seems that Xiong Wei didn't sit on one or two stools before, and he already has experience.

Seeing Xiong Gu's figure, Ren Baqian called Shi Qingshan again: "Let's add another bowl of shaved ice."

When the three bowls of shaved ice came out, Ren Baqian chose the one with the color he liked the most, and pushed the other two bowls to Xiong Wei: "Here's yours, don't eat too fast."

Along the way, he felt that Xiong Wei was a bit naive, resembling a bronze armor.

Ren Baqian had only eaten half of it, and looked up to see that Xiong Wei had already eaten two bowls, and was still licking his lips, with a relaxed look on his face.

"This is cool." Xiong Zhenhan said with a smile.

Ren Baqian quickly finished his bowl, raised his head and called Shi Qingshan: "Qingshan, how can anyone change clothes?"

"Walk 300 steps in, and there is one in the alley next to it."

"Let's go." Ren Baqian greeted, and led Xiong Wei to follow the location guided by Shi Qingshan, and he saw a right-turning alley, which was only two meters wide, and there were wooden houses next to it.

I walked inside and didn't see a single sign.

"Brother, may I ask, where is the clothes changer here?" Ren Baqian called to stop a big man who had just come out of the house to pour water.

"You passed by, that's it." The man glanced at Ren Baqian, then at Xiong Wei behind him, and stretched out his finger.

Ren Baqian looked back, and pointed to the third gate just after entering the alley.

"Thanks, brother." Ren Baqian laughed, turned around and went into the house with Xiong Wei.

The man looked at their backs and scratched his head. It's really rare for a foreigner to be followed by a big Yaoren, not to mention that he is of this size, and he is also a warrior among warriors when he joins the army.