The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 83: Busy


Ren Baqian naturally didn't know what happened in other places, and he was busy from that day on.

I can't even take care of the air cooler.

After the copper armor was made into the shell, it was thrown directly to Steward Shi.

As for the price, fifteen taels of silver each, anyway, the people who buy this thing are not ordinary people, so it doesn't matter if the price is more expensive.

The production method of this thing is too simple, that is, it can earn a fortune, and it will definitely be imitated as soon as it is released.

Although Dayao people are not good at doing business, Dayao people are not stupid. Just ask someone to do it. They almost put money under their feet. They will never even bend over.

Even if Dayao people are really stupid, there are still those businessmen from various countries.

Now Ren Baqian is not thinking about it, although a few hundred taels of silver is a lot, it is not very important to him.

What he didn't know was that as soon as Steward Shi put this thing in the newly renovated shop on Jingyang Avenue, it immediately aroused the interest of many people.

Especially after showing the combination of ice cubes and blowing cold air, there were a total of 20 air coolers, seven of which were sold on the same day, and the remaining thirteen were sold out the next day.

Compared with what Ren Baqian thought at the beginning, it was much faster.

In fact, there is one thing he doesn't know. Since the air cooler was given to the empress, the empress often uses it even when she is in court, and other ministers have long been envious.

As soon as it was displayed in the shop this time, it was sold out immediately after being discovered.

Twenty air coolers earned more than 200 taels of silver. Steward Shi's eyes were red immediately, and he hurried to find Ren Baqian.

Hearing this news, Ren Baqian was somewhat surprised, the air cooler would definitely be sold, he knew this for a long time. I just didn't expect it to sell so quickly.

Ask Steward Shi to go to the same shop as last time and order a hundred more. It is estimated that they can catch up with the sale of a batch.

Leaving the matter to Steward Shi, Ren Baqian continued to deal with Honglu Division's affairs.

As the day of the empress's birthday approached, more and more people arrived in Lancheng.

Many of them used to have business families in Dayao. Because they often have their own caravans, they have a very accurate grasp of the time, and they usually arrive about a week in advance.

At this time, more than 70 batches of personnel arrived in Lancheng, most of which came from one convoy to another convoy, bringing a large number of commodities in addition to personnel and gifts from various families to celebrate the empress' birthday.

There is still one week until the Queen's birthday celebration, and it is estimated that there will be some people in the last few days. After a while of busy work, I can throw this stall out.

Ren Baqian dropped his pen, stretched long and then yawned.

These days are indeed a bit busy. After all, it is different from before. Many things now require him to make decisions, arrange personnel, and even mediate disputes.

Just as he thought before, none of the people who can come here are ordinary people, and none of them are good stubble, they are all used to running rampant in their old den.

"What are you looking at?"

"Why am I looking at you?"

"What are you talking about? Cut you! Give it to me!"

Almost nine out of ten disputes have the above-mentioned beginnings.

There are many powerful people in this world, and Ren Baqian has met a few of them recently. But all kinds of arrogant and domineering sons who are already at home fighting cocks and walking dogs can't change their behavior and eat shit when they come here.

Even in China, where the information is so developed, there are many such people, not to mention the many princes who basically only hang around within a hundred miles of their homes in the feudal society.

Even if they have learned from the past, they can't manage so many things when they are passionate.

In the past few days, Ren Baqian hanged three more people, all of them alive.

Xiong Wei wrapped the rope around each other's necks and lifted it up, and the three began to struggle uncontrollably until they finally died.

This way of handling gave a great shock to many hot-blooded young masters.

Making them meet Ren Baqian was like seeing a ghost.

It was really that Ren Baqian's methods were too ruthless, but he still had a kind face all the time, even when he ordered to kill someone, his face didn't change at all.

It is not uncommon for them to kill them, and some people have even killed them with their own hands. But Ren Baqian's behavior still made them feel chills, especially behind him was Xiong Wei who looked like a monster to others.

After a few times like this, no matter what happened, as long as Ren Baqian and Xiong Wei threw a stick there, everyone would immediately disperse like birds and beasts.

What happened in the past few days has spread throughout Lancheng.

Many people know that Hong Lusi has an extra Si Cheng who looks gentle but is actually ruthless.

And those sons and brothers from the other three countries hated Ren Baqian to death, wishing to cut him to death. I don't know how many times I thought about how to deal with Ren Baqian if he fell into their hands.

If it was what they thought, Ren Baqian would be hard to die if he fell into their hands.

But now that people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads. These sons and brothers now know that in Lancheng, at least Ren Baqian is better than them, so they can't accept it.

In previous years, when celebrating the Empress's birthday, people caused a lot of trouble every year, but this year it was much less, even the Secretary of Public Security was surprised.

In a stockade on a mountain one day away from Lancheng, Qizhi was carving a puppet with a knife. Not long after, he heard the noise at the door. A big man rode his horse into the stockade, jumped down and strode towards Qizhi: " You kid is very happy to be here."

Qi Zhi laughed out loud immediately: "It's much more comfortable than dealing with those bastards. This year, I don't have to see those bastards at all. If you want me to say that Your Majesty might as well throw me into the army, it will be more comfortable."

"Who told you to lose?" As soon as the big man said this, Qi Zhi's face turned black.

"How about Hong Lusi? That kid wasn't tortured to death by those people, right?" Qi Zhi changed the subject.

As soon as this remark came out, the big man had a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Qi Zhi asked curiously seeing his expression.

"Hey, now those guys see that kid like a mouse seeing a cat."

Hearing what he said, Qi Zhi's curiosity was immediately aroused, "What's going on? When I was here, those bastards had no time to be honest. They made trouble for me every day, and wished they could just strangle them to death."

The big man laughed and said some things he knew.

"The bastards were all terrified. They were terrified to see him. As long as he stood there, he didn't need to speak. No matter what disputes there were, he turned around and left."

Qizhi stroked his short stubble and cursed: "Grandma, bear, I broke four people's legs last year, and those guys didn't take it seriously. It's because I'm easy to bully, and I will cause trouble next year." I also slaughtered it directly. If it weren't for the fact that they were giving gifts to His Majesty, would I not know how to kill people?"

The big man laughed again, then shook his head: "You can't scare them. Even if you are overbearing, you can kill people neatly. But that kid is different, like a snake. I didn't see it on the spot, but I heard what they said , that kid was smiling, so he asked Xiong Wei to put a rope around the man's neck and hang him up. It's nothing to be afraid of cutting him with a big knife. He smiled at you like this, and even greeted you, while Stabbing you with a knife makes people feel terrible in their hearts."

Qizhi threw the knife in his hand straight forward and stuck it on a wooden board, as if he felt aggrieved that he was not as good as a soft boy.

"Grandma, bear, at first I thought that the kid would be tortured enough, and I also thought that His Majesty would not come here with a stronger one, but I didn't expect it to be quite powerful." Qizhi cursed, and then slapped the big man on the leg: "But who did you learn this from?"

"I learned what the guys from Chen Guo said." The big man laughed.