The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 87: Watch Mountain Bird


What would happen if the Seventh Prince really died? Is there such a thing as origin in this world? Will he absorb his origin? Is he really himself in another world

When these thoughts appeared in Ren Baqian's mind, he seemed to be holding a Pandora's box in his hands, tempting him all the time.

But he didn't dare, really didn't dare.

Even the few people who were trampled to death or hanged by his order were all the confidantes or housekeepers of those young masters.

Although he showed that vicious look, he knew what he could and couldn't do.

As the Seventh Prince, he really didn't dare.

His death here is just like the death of a president of a big country in China, the impact is too great.

This is directly slapping the Daxia royal family's face with a slap, and spitting by the way.

The other party doesn't need any evidence at all, as long as they have a little doubt, they can send someone to kill themselves.

Let's not talk about whether the Empress will protect herself, even if she thinks, unless she never leaves the palace, the other party only needs to send a master.

Ren Baqian rubbed his forehead, suppressing this thought, he still needs to finish the matter that the Empress told him first.

Let's keep the matter of the Seventh Prince at the bottom of my heart.

But Ren Baqian has raised his vigilance, he will have such an impulse, what about the other party? Will it be the same as myself? If the other party has such thoughts, as the other party, there is no need to worry about this and that. Then you are in danger.

In the afternoon of the same day, all those who have arrived so far and are planning to participate in the harvest have been counted.

All of you, all of you.

Unlike Ren Baqian, the others already knew about Feng Lie. Arriving at Mist City before Feng Lie, he naturally planned to participate.

They could each take a squire anyway.

After all, people from other countries are not as skilled as the ancient people. Even if those sons and brothers are all good at martial arts, they still need a helper who can help drag their prey.

This is the difference between them and Ren Baqian.

Although Ren Baqian is not from the ancient tribe, he does not have this kind of preferential treatment.

While counting the number of people, Ren Baqian put down his thoughts and went to look for Gu Daxiong. After all, you must have a mount if you want to hunt, right

Let alone riding a horse, Ren Baqian has never even touched it. Even if you are cramming temporarily, you have to think of a way now.

Gu Daxiong was snoring in the room, and was a little bit dissatisfied when he was woken up by Ren Baqian and cursed a few words. Then he laughed after Ren Baqian said what he came for: "The ones in the backyard circle, you can take the one you like."

"Thank you, Master Gu." Ren Baqian cupped his hands in thanks and went straight to the backyard.

Generally speaking, people in ancient times talked about cattle pens and horse pens, but Gu Daxiong only talked about circles. After Ren Baqian went there, he could understand why.

It has everything in it, except the horses.

Speaking of which, Dayao's horses are still relatively small, mostly cattle and sheep.

The same is true in this pen at this time. There are a few sheep, all of which are pulled carts on the street. They are huge in size, similar to horses. There are also a few cows that look relatively docile, and the cows have curved and spiral horns Not sure what the difference is. Cows with spiral horns are bluish in color and thinner in build.

In addition, not far away, there are two huge birds with tawny feathers. It looks a bit like an ostrich, but its head is much larger than that of an ostrich, its beak is wider, its neck is also thicker, and it has a light smell on its body. Although it is not very heavy, it is very disgusting, and Ren Baqian can't bear it. Stop covering your nose.

"This thing is also used for riding?" Ren Baqian asked the person in charge curiously.

"My lord, this is the Wangshan bird. This thing runs extremely fast, especially over mountains and rivers. It is much faster than others. It is usually used to send letters." The person in charge of these animals said immediately.

Ren Baqian looked at the two mountain birds curiously again, and then asked: "If you go hunting, which one is better to ride? It should be docile and easy to control."

"One is Wangshanniao, which can be ridden on the mountain, and can jump directly on low-level rocks. The second is this kind of curved ox, which is not slow and can carry things, but it is not as convenient as Wangshanniao on the mountain. " said the person in charge.

Ren Baqian followed his fingers to look at the two curved oxen with spiral horns, and then at Wangshanniao. He liked the curved ox better, with a wider back, so it would definitely be more comfortable to ride on, and could also carry loads.

Although Wangshanniao can run and jump in the mountains, according to Guan Shi's words, there are many fierce beasts in the mountains. If you ride this thing up the mountain and encounter fierce beasts, you may not have time to react. It is better to walk slowly with your legs to make yourself feel safer.

And it's not that Qu Niu can't go up the mountain, it's just that it's not as easy as watching the mountain bird.

The main problem is the stink on Wangshanniao's body. If he keeps riding, it will be a bit of torture.

"Let me take out this ox and try it." Ren Baqian greeted.

"Okay!" The person in charge opened the wooden fence, pulled out a bent ox, and brought a set of saddlery from the side to put on it, then took the rope and said to Ren Baqian: "My lord, please."

Qu Niu's back was about one meter and three meters from the ground. Ren Baqian took a deep breath and climbed up while grabbing the saddle.

This Qu Niu was honest, he didn't move when Ren Baqian was crawling online. After Ren Baqian sat firmly, the person in charge handed him the rope and told him how to operate it.

"Go!" Ren Baqian's calf knocked on the cow's belly, and the cow immediately moved forward.

The rein is put on the cow's face, which is similar to that of a horse, and the control method is also similar. In addition, Qu Niu has a docile temperament, so it is easy to control.

However, once the Qu Niu started to run, Ren Baqian had to keep Qu Niu's body for fear of falling. And it didn't take long for Ren Baqian to feel uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. When the cow was running, it wasn't too slow, but it was too bumpy, and it was shaking from side to side, which made Ren Baqian feel motion sickness.

Ren Baqian hurriedly stopped the cow, jumped on the ground and waited for a while.

"Is this the most stable?" Ren Baqian asked.

"Wangshanniao is more stable than Quniu, adults can try it."

Seeing this, Ren Baqian had no choice but to ask the other party to lead Wangshanniao out.

Wangshan bird is also very docile, or domesticated very docile. Ren Baqian touched the feathers first, Wangshanniao made a "giggle" sound in his throat, and turned to look at Ren Baqian.

"Adults can touch its head first, it likes that." said the person in charge.

Ren Baqian put his hand on Wangshanniao's head and stroked it. Wangshanniao let out a "cluck" sound in his throat, and at the same time narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that he really felt very comfortable, no different from a cat or dog begging to be petted.

After he climbed up to sit on the back of the mountain bird and ran for a while, he found that this thing didn't look very eye-catching, but it was indeed much more comfortable than riding a cow. The feathers on its body were also softer, and it didn't rub the inner thighs, so it ran more smoothly. . The only downside was that faint stench, which was always drilling into his nose.

"Is this stuff so stinky?" Ren Baqian asked.

"Yes, it's the smell of this thing that makes other beasts not like to treat them as prey." The person in charge said.

Ren Baqian frowned for a long time, come on, this thing smells a bit, but it is really comfortable to ride. If he was riding a curved ox, he would probably be paralyzed before reaching the place.

Let’s just put up with the stinky ones. I can bear it myself. At worst, I’ll bring two bottles of perfume and spray it on when I come back from the earth.

That night, Ren Baqian first took Wangshanniao back to the animal garden, then sent the list to the palace, and then returned to the earth in his sleep.