The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 92: A teacher who doesn't know martial arts is not a good cook


The guards stopped before 500 cavalry, forming two ranks.

Afterwards, the unicorn that Ren Baqian had seen once came out from the palace gate, pulling a large chariot, surrounded by cloth curtains.

After the Qilin and the chariot came out and stopped, all the cavalry and guards held their sabers with one hand on their mounts, and bowed slightly: "Your Majesty is welcome."

Those second generations of ancient officials also sat on their mounts and made the same movements, but their weapons were not as neat as those of the guards and cavalry. It can be said that there were all kinds of weapons, such as broadswords, long halberds, and hammers. It is hung next to the mount.

Only those from other countries didn't make any noise.

"Let's go." The empress's cold voice came out.

Following the order of the Empress, the 500 cavalry and guards were divided into two rows, some of them cleared the way in front, the guards followed behind, and the chariot on which the Empress was riding also moved forward slowly.

Another part of cavalry and guards automatically followed behind the empress' chariot.

Then the disciples of the bigwigs in the imperial court also instigated their mounts to follow behind. After they left, Ren Baqian also rode Wangshanniao to follow.

Behind them were people from those three countries. Many people looked at Ren Baqian who was not far in front of them and laughed, and deliberately made their voices loud enough to reach Ren Baqian's ears.

Wangshanniao's head is 2.5 meters high, and its back is about 1.4 meters from the ground. It is fine for Baqian to ride, but compared with other people's mounts, it is like a chicken following behind. Yes, very cold.

Looking at Ren Baqian in front of him, the brothers and sisters who have been tormented by him these days suddenly found a sense of superiority, which made them laugh.

On the one hand, it was because the Wangshanniao that Ren Baqian was riding was really hard to see among the many mounts, like a pile of gold and silver jewels mixed with a piece of rusty broken iron, it was as much an eyesore as it was. Or it could be said that a Huang Bo got mixed up among a bunch of handsome men and beauties.

On the other hand, it was also because of Ren Baqian's lonely appearance.

Although this is Dayao, you are also an outsider.

Ren Baqian simply ignored those people behind. Face is nothing to him, at least compared to life.

On the way out of the city, Ren Baqian looked at the people in front of him and guessed in his mind.

For example, there was a big guy in front who couldn't sit still on the back of a horse, his body always leaned forward, his buttocks were pushed back, Ren Baqian thought maliciously that this guy probably had hemorrhoids.

Whether it is true or not is not important. Anyway, Ren Baqian didn't dare to ask.

Guess if I stepped forward and asked, "Brother, do you have hemorrhoids!", if you were on the earth, you would still be glared at by people, let alone here, you will probably pick up the most handy guy and open it directly for yourself. .

All the way out of the city, the laughter behind has long since disappeared. After all, it wasn't a group of mentally handicapped children behind, even though it was ridicule, if Ren Baqian didn't respond, he couldn't laugh all the way, and he felt that it was boring.

Not far out of the city, I saw a sunrise rising from afar.

Ren Baqian hadn't seen the sun rise much when he was on Earth. It seemed that everyone was accustomed to this natural phenomenon. Unless they were in certain specific places, few people paid attention to it.

But looking at the fireball that is a circle larger than the earth's sun here is still a bit interesting, but after watching it for a long time, I feel that it starts to be dazzling, and I have to look away.

The speed of the group is not slow. Although the speed is fast without a car, no matter whether it is a cow or a sheep running in this world, people can feel the strong wind blowing on the face, and there is a large amount of trampled dust that hits people's faces. .

This is the important reason why Ren Baqian kept looking sideways at the sun.

This road was a flattened dirt road. After a large group of horses ran past, they immediately kicked up the dust, and the people behind were all eating dirt. Ren Baqian felt as if he was rushing into a sandstorm.

Ren Baqian buried his head behind Wangshanniao, and at some point a guard appeared beside him and walked side by side with him, and shouted at himself: "Ren lectures, Your Majesty calls."

Ren Baqian turned his head and saw that it was indeed Shihu.

Most people think that their position is Si Cheng, but this is only temporarily suspended, and they have to hand over this position after the Empress's birthday is over. My job is still to lecture in the Qingxin Hall in the palace.

"Let's go now." Ren Baqian yelled, and as Shi Hu turned Wang Shanniao to the side, he accelerated and passed by the second-generation officials in front, leaving behind a trail of fragrance.

When Ren Baqian passed by, he turned his head and took a look. Everyone was ashamed, as if they had come out of a coal mine. As for the demeanor and momentum, it has long been out of the blue.

On the contrary, some women covered their faces with a cloth. It seemed that no matter where women valued their appearance more.

The head can be broken, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up. Although it is wrong, the meaning is similar.

Those people also looked curiously at Ren Baqian who was riding a chicken all the way forward.

There are guards leading the way, but they can guess that it is the empress calling. It seems that this Ren Sicheng has been favored by the Empress recently.

It's just that the fragrance of the merle is too pungent, and the merle ran in front, and the smell of perfume went straight into the noses of everyone.

As soon as Ren Baqian came to the chariot, the curtain in front of the chariot was pulled back, it was Qing Yuan, who waved at Ren Baqian.

When Ren Baqian saw that the chariot was still moving, how could he get on it

Fortunately, it was useless for him to think too much, Shi Hu stretched out his arms beside him, carried and threw Ren Baqian, and Ren Baqian felt a rush of clouds and fog, while Qingyuan on the chariot with a smile grabbed Ren Baqian who was flying in the air with one hand. With their arms on the chariot, the two of them seemed to be passing the ball.

Ren Baqian calmed down, he was a little nervous flying in the air just now. Then he cupped his hands towards Qingyuan: "Thank you, Miss Qingyuan." Then he got into the chariot to salute.

The empress seems to only like red, and at most occasionally reveals the white underclothes underneath. At this time, she is still dressed like this, and her hair is simply inserted with hairpins.

The Empress took a closer look at Ren Baqian, and she was exactly the same as the Seventh Prince. If she didn't know that Ren Baqian had a mysterious origin, even more mysterious than Prince Daxia, she might really have thought that he was the descendant of Emperor Daxia left behind.

"Have you made preparations for this Fenghun?" the empress asked softly.

"I've made some preparations, but I'm really not good at martial arts and hunting. I'm afraid it's hard to get anything from going up the mountain. Why don't you tell His Majesty a story at the foot of the mountain, which can also play a role in easing Your Majesty's boredom." Ren Baqian said quickly, It would be great if the empress could accompany herself at the foot of the mountain.

But the empress didn't care and said: "Even if you can't win the championship, you still have to gain something. You are my favorite, if you can't even go hunting, wouldn't you lose my face?"

Ren Baqian was speechless for a while, what kind of logic is this? I never heard that to be a teacher you have to know martial arts, and to be a cook you have to be a special soldier.

But this is Dayao's logic. It's very inexplicable, but also in line with the impression that the ancient people have always given people.