The Enchantress of Medicine, with the Heaven Defying Child, and the Black Belly Father

Chapter 169: tormented life


Muyan chuckled: "Little Treasure is really smart, but just defeating is not enough. Little Treasure has to make them willingly listen to you and be loyal to you. Only in this way can Little Treasure become strong enough."

"Just as strong as that apprentice!" Xiaobao clenched his fists, his big eyes became bright, "Then, I can protect mother."


Muyan was stunned for a long time before realizing that Xiaobao was talking about Di Ming Jue.

She glanced at the courtyard next door with a complicated expression.

Hmm... It's been a long time since I saw that person.

Probably, that night, he was really angry, right


In the next few days, the newly established Xinmo Camp fell into dire straits.

Their daily routine is like this—

Training, taking mysterious medicine, listening to little songs.

Does it sound particularly fulfilling and happy

But actually

This group of butchers crawled out of the sea of corpses with bloody hands, but their lives were worse than death.

The so-called training is not the cultivation of martial arts or profound energy.

Instead, let them line up, do exercises, and run back and forth every day. These boring strong men almost want to hit the wall.

After the training, Muyan prepared a bottle of body quenching mysterious medicine for everyone.

That is a super mysterious medicine!

Outside the Junji Pharmacy, many people tried their best to buy it but couldn't.

But the people in Moying cried and cried one by one.

Because drinking that mysterious medicine really hurts so much!

The muscles of the whole body are like being cut by a knife.

It will not disappear for more than an hour.

So every time it's time to take the medicine, you can hear the sound of a dozen strong men crying and howling.

The arrangement for the evening is to listen to a little song

This is always bad, right

The people in Moying said that I don't want to listen to Quer anymore in my life.

No, next life! In the next life, I don't want to hear it anymore!

Because the sound of the piano has terrible power, once they play it, they seem to have fallen into a boundless and endless nightmare.

Struggling desperately in the nightmare, he woke up in a cold sweat.

Think about it, listening to a piece of music every day is like living a hard and tormenting life, day after day, who can stand it!

Late at night, in the ink camp.

"Fuck it, I can't take it anymore, I want to escape from here!"

"Escape? How? Not to mention Yan Haotian who is guarding in the camp, just this yard, do you think you can escape?"

"If you can't escape, you have to escape! Are you going to be tortured to death here?"

More than a dozen people from Moying gathered together, angrily discussing how to escape from the clutches of the female demon and the little Hades.

Suddenly, a rough voice interrupted their righteous indignation.

"A group of idiots! Haven't you noticed that there has been any change in us in the past few days?"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and they all looked at the man with the scar.

"Chang Yu, what do you mean by that?"

"That's right, what are you, dare to say that we are idiots!"

The scarred man named Chang Yu glanced at them coldly, with contempt in his eyes, "I went deep into Baoshan and got great benefits, but I didn't know anything and wanted to run away. What are you idiots? "

"Chang Yu, please speak clearly, what great benefits have we obtained?"

Chang Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the surging excitement and joy in his eyes, and said in a deep voice after a long while: "In three months at the latest, I will be ready to advance to the earth level."