The Enchantress of Medicine, with the Heaven Defying Child, and the Black Belly Father

Chapter 36: Because of it, the strongest


Xiao Bao nodded obediently, and hugged the snow-white rabbit in his arms.

Mother said it was stir-fried rabbit meat, so it was stir-fried rabbit meat; mother said it was his spiritual pet, then it was spiritual pet.

What mother said is right!

Muyan looked at the rabbit again with deep eyes.

Can swallow the holy beast eggs without indigestion, it seems that this is definitely not an ordinary rabbit!

My son's luck is really against the sky, he picked up a random rabbit, and it turned out to be more powerful than a holy beast...

Just as she was thinking about it, suddenly, a gentle female voice sounded in her mind again: "The second inheritance trial of Kagurafu has begun."

"You need to choose the inherited musical instrument belonging to the Kagami musician from the musical instruments in this palace within half an hour. If you pick the wrong one, all living things in the space will die; if you pick the right one, you will enter the third inheritance trial space. Now the countdown begins .”

Muyan was startled, Kagura masters inherited musical instruments

Seeing that the palace is densely packed everywhere, let alone hundreds of musical instruments, without even a direction, how would she choose

Suddenly, her eyes fell on those distorted bones, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

It turned out that these bones did not belong to the former owner of the palace.

It is those who have entered the inheritance space of Kagura masters, but failed in the trial in the end.

Because beside these skeletons, there is a musical instrument!

So, if you make a wrong choice, what awaits you in the end is the same fate as them.

Most importantly, he will also catch up with his son Xiaobao.

Muyan frowned tightly, and really wanted to withdraw from the goddamn Kagmusha inheritance, but this palace is obviously a closed space, and she couldn't withdraw even if she wanted to.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Xiaobao asked with his head raised.

Muyan rubbed her temples and said: "Mother is currently undergoing an assessment, and she needs to find the musical instrument inherited by the Kagami musician from among so many instruments. But mother has no clue at all right now."

Xiaobao let out an "oh", tilted his head and asked, "Is it the most powerful musical instrument?"


As soon as Muyan finished speaking, Little Treasure ran to a corner of the room with his short legs, kicked away more than a dozen tattered Yaoqins, dug out an even more broken one, and groaned. Hang Chi dragged towards her.

Muyan was surprised, and the gentle female voice immediately came to mind, "You have selected the inherited musical instrument, are you sure? If you haven't put down the instrument for the last three times, it is considered to have been selected. Three... two..."

"Xiaobao, put it down quickly!!" Muyan's expression suddenly changed, and she almost rushed towards her son like lightning.

But after all, it was still a step too late, and the voice that counted down to "one" appeared in my mind, "Inheritance musical instrument is selected, the second trial of Kagura master inheritance is over, and the result of the trial is..."

Muyan hugged Xiaobao tightly in her arms, and closed her eyes.

At this point, we can only resign ourselves to fate.

However, the next moment, she heard the announcement of the result after the gentle female voice paused for a few breaths: "The result of the trial is—success. Now, the third layer of Kagura master inheritance space is opened."

The scene in front of him changes again, but Muyan doesn't bother to pay attention at all.

With a dazed expression on her face, she looked at Xiaobao, and then at the tattered Qin held in his little hand.

"Xiao Bao, do you know what kind of piano this is?"

Xiaobao shook his head.

Muyan: "Then why did you pull it out?"

Xiaobao thought for a while and said, "Because of it, it is the strongest."

Muyan picked up the piano, turned it over and over, looked and looked, but didn't see any clues.