The Enchantress of Medicine, with the Heaven Defying Child, and the Black Belly Father

Chapter 369: Serial slap in the face


Now, she didn't even feel how terrible her swollen cheeks and bloody wounds were.

Because after a while, the wound that is ten times uglier than this will be copied on Jun Muyan's face.

However, after a while, Shi Lanling suddenly felt that the wound on his face was itchy.

She frowned, and managed to resist not scratching with her hands.

However, the itching became more and more serious, making Shi Lanling almost doubt whether Jun Muyan deliberately harmed her.

Just when she couldn't help but want to scratch anymore.

But Jun Muyan's leisurely voice wafted beside her ears, "Fairy Shi, the rapid healing of the wound will naturally cause unbearable itching, but in order not to leave scars and affect the healing, I advise you better not to scratch with your hands."

Shi Lanling's hand froze, and was about to refute, how could it heal so quickly.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, staring at the glass mirror in front of her.

The wound on her face is actually healing! Really healing!

Moreover, as time went by, the itching on the face became more and more serious, but the speed of wound healing became faster and faster.

Shi Lanling didn't know how long it had passed, but definitely not a quarter of an hour.

The three scars on her face had already begun to scab.

One even fell off, revealing new flesh inside.

But just like what Muyan said, although there are scars, the scars are not deep.

Presumably within three days, it will completely disappear.

"A quarter of an hour... it's here." Muyan rolled up a strand of hair hanging beside her face, and said slowly, "I wonder if Fairy Shi is satisfied with the healing of her wound?"

Shi Lanling's whole body was stiff, his expression was dull and startled, and he couldn't speak a single word.

Rui Zhu on the side couldn't help but take a closer look, and couldn't help shouting again: "Miss, your wound has really healed completely! This, how is this possible?! How can there be such a magical mysterious medicine in the world?" ?!"

Muyan sneers, turns around and takes Xiaobao from Di Ming Jue's arms, and kisses him on the cheek.

Hmph, being able to make alchemy is amazing!

Even if she doesn't know how to make alchemy, she can still beat this woman by ten blocks!

But remembering that the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill she ate was refined by this disgusting woman, Muyan was still very upset.

Isn't it alchemy

She didn't believe she couldn't learn it!

As soon as Xiaobao got into Muyan's arms, he immediately put his arms around her neck, and said crisply: "Mother's profound medicine is the most powerful!"

The intimacy is completely different from being in Di Ming Jue's arms.

Han Ye mockingly looked at Shi Lanling who was in a daze.

I don't know if this woman has a bad brain or a mental problem.

Why do you have to bring your face closer to be beaten again and again!

It's not enough for your majesty to finish the fight, but let the young master fight. The young master was not satisfied after the fight, so he wanted Miss Jun to fight again.

Tsk tsk... It's really hopeless for a criminal to become cheap!

"Fairy Shi, your wound has healed now, is there anything else you can do? If you have nothing to do, please leave quickly! We, Emperor Garden, don't allow... outsiders to approach!"

Shi Lanling staggered, turned around and was about to leave.

But just when she was about to leave, Muyan suddenly smiled and said.

"Oh, by the way, there is one thing that I forgot to tell Fairy Shi."

"I accidentally mixed a wisp of white jade and purple frost powder into the mysterious healing medicine that Fairy Shi used just now."

"However, I think Fairy Shi will not care about it. After all, Fairy Shi said that you can solve it with nothing but white jade and purple frost."