The End of the World

Chapter 102


There was deafening roar on the beach after another, and the temporary medical area, which was only three kilometers away from the battlefield, gradually became busy with the beginning of the war. The medical staff carried one stretcher after another in and out, and from time to time stretchers covered with white cloth were carried out by the expressionless nurses.

The number of sacrificed evolutionaries gradually increased, but the number of dead mutant beasts was even more astonishing!

In the area from the center to the east of the entire S city base, except for the bloody sea battlefield and the busy medical area, there are almost no other people. Unrelated personnel have long been evacuated to a safe area for isolation and protection. Except for researchers like Professor Qi who are determined to live and die with the base, only Qi Yang and his team are still unwilling to evacuate.

But they did not go to the front line, but still stayed in the laboratory on the third floor underground, not daring to relax for a moment to conduct research.

"The pr-h value is too high!" Zhang Bendan looked at a complicated instrument and shouted loudly.

A young female assistant nodded immediately, and began to prepare the solution with three or four liquids of different concentrations, but poured it all into the thing isolated by the protective glass in a short while.

Inside the three layers of bulletproof glass is a metal-like spherical object that looks only the size of a fist.

Its surface resembled a layer of semi-melted liquid that seemed to be constantly flowing. The metal feeling reflecting the cold luster, coupled with the sharp object that is raised like a hedgehog for some reason, the sphere is still constantly stabbing, as if it is very unstable.

Qi Yang was wearing a sterile mask. He observed the sphere carefully for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Bendan. The two looked at each other for a very short time, but there was a silent negotiation going on quickly, and in the end, it was Zhang Bendan who was defeated first.

Zhang Bendan said: "The shells of Stab-3 have reached the final stage. How is the upgrade of the gun barrel in Team A going?"

There are two experimental tables in the laboratory, and the leading elite researcher on the other side immediately looked up and reported: "The 3 series modified with the stab-2 launcher has been theoretically successful, and Zhang Sijing is in the final scan , the current computer scan results are very stable and can be put into use.”

Zhang Bendan nodded slightly, then raised his head silently, and looked at the man in the white coat opposite him.

Qi Yang has slowly taken off the latex gloves on his hands. He is putting his hands in the pockets of his coat at the moment, looking at the hedgehog-like ball expressionlessly with his narrow and handsome eyes. Stab-3's shells have already surpassed the scope of ordinary biological and chemical weapons. As far as this kind of active life expression is concerned, it already has the most basic cell reflection ability and can avoid risks.

Zhang Bendan hesitated for a while, but still asked: "Major Qi, we should start the last step."

After waiting for a long time, I didn't get Qi Yang's answer. Just when Zhang Bendan was about to ask again, he suddenly heard a low laugh from Qi Yang's throat, and then said: "I will inject the final birth-inducing fluid. You go out first. Its theoretical range is within ten meters in diameter, even if the experiment fails, as long as you leave the ground, there is an 80% chance that you will survive."

"Major Qi!"

"Professor Qi!"

"Major Qi!"

The other assistants and researchers all took off their masks and shouted anxiously. But Qi Yang raised his head silently, and swept their faces one by one with deep and complicated eyes, making them all silent.

Qi Yang's serious expression was rarely seen by assistants like them who met every day. It's as if the appearance of each of them is deeply engraved in their hearts, as if they will never see each other the next moment.

Zhang Bendan choked his throat and shouted in a low voice: "Major Qi..."

Qi Yang shook his head lightly: "You all go out, those who don't believe in my research can stay now."

To someone like Qi Yang who is arrogant and conceited, such words are nothing more than a solemn order to expel guests. All the assistants hesitated for a moment, and finally who turned around and left first, and then a group of people turned around and walked out of the electronic door, taking away the drowsy mutant hamster.

When only Qi Yang and Zhang Bendan were left in the laboratory, Qi Yang raised his eyes indifferently and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Looking at this situation, Zhang Bendan couldn't help laughing: "Major Qi, I have been waiting for you so many times before and begged you to evacuate quickly, but you are not willing to leave. Why, this time you want to drive me away ?”

Qi Yang laughed back when he heard the words: "Stupid Zhang, when did you speak so sharply?"

After getting acquainted with this perverted and weird man, Zhang Bendan has no temper for the other party to give him this "pet name", or he is simply used to it. He spread his hands and said with a smile: "Major, your right hand is inconvenient, let me help you with the injection."

Qi Yang raised an eyebrow: "What if it fails?"

Zhang Bendan asked back: "Are you so unconfident in yourself?"


It was the first time that Qi Yang was completely defeated in the hands of someone other than Ji Chuancheng!

Of course, Zhang Bendan didn't mean to show his prestige verbally at all. He looked at Qi Yang's strange expression, and a wry smile appeared on his lips: "Major Qi, when I was under Professor Qi, I heard about your Name. No, it should be said that there is no one in the entire Huaxia Military Research Institute who does not know you."

Qi Yang raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Bendan calmly.

"Your reputation is very famous, and you have made many contributions. It can be said that I grew up listening to your research results. I was really happy to be arranged by Professor Qi to be your assistant at the beginning. You are the most important thing in my heart. People who respect and admire."

Qi Yang still had that foolish look, but he looked at Zhang Bendan very seriously.

Zhang Bendan continued: "When Professor Qi sent me to you at the beginning, he hoped that I could introduce you to the affairs of our research institute in S City. I did not complete this task well, but I can assure you that it is At the last moment, I will not leave you alone."

Qi Yang frowned when he heard the words, he was about to say something when he was interrupted by Zhang Bendan: "Major, let me inject."

Zhang Bendan's voice was very sincere, and the ending was trembling all the time, which seemed to have a hint of pleading. This assistant who has always been innocent in Qi Yang's mind is acting like countless soldiers in the restricted area he has seen at this moment.

Knowing that the results of the experiment were inconclusive, those wounded soldiers still straightened their spines and lay upright on the cold metal long bed, entrusting their lives to him to carry out the experiment with confidence. experiment.

Qi Yang felt a soreness in his throat.

The result... what is it

Under his hands, one cold corpse after another appeared. Even if he submitted the materials for terminating the supernatural experiment many times, he was refuted by the higher-ups. He could only bite the bullet and keep experimenting, and then failed again and again, crashing again and again.

If it weren't for the perseverance he cultivated since he was a child, his spiritual world might have already been broken into pieces and he couldn't put it together.

Qi Yang was silent for a long time, when Zhang Bendan anxiously wanted to fight for himself again, Qi Yang suddenly sighed and said: "Zhang Bendan, since you must persevere, then... I believe you also have the ability to put everything together. All done."

Zhang Bendan was startled suddenly, and it took a while to understand what happened.

There was a flash of heat in his eyes, and then he nodded desperately. After carefully distributing the preparation in the test tube and injecting the bubbling liquid into the thick needle, he approached step by step under Qi Yang's silent gaze. next to the metal ball that kept prodding.

The liquid in the needle tube is a deep and quiet dark red, and there are a little fisheye-sized bubbles tumbling little by little. This liquid is immersed in the spinal cord basal fluid of six s-level mutants, the gene extraction fluid of ss-level mutant killer whales, and the cell activity fluid of s-level mutant hamsters, and the most occupied among them—

Qi Yang's blood.

Zhang Bendan felt that the small needle in his hand seemed to weigh tens of millions of catties. After he barely controlled himself to hold it steady, he looked at the metal ball that was breathing like life, and he didn't make a move for a long time.

"Let's get started." Qi Yang's sigh sounded very distant in the quiet laboratory.

The voice gave Zhang Bundan great encouragement. He nodded abruptly, then held his breath, and forcefully injected the liquid in the needle tube into a small tube in the glass cabin, watching the dark liquid flow straight down the transparent pipe. Entering the interior of stab-3, gradually... blending into one.

The white light suddenly lit up!


The battle between Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng has entered a fierce stage.

The air on the beach has been occupied by the stench of beasts and the rusty smell of blood, occasionally mixed with a bit of salty sea breeze, but it is filled with boundless blood as the mutant beasts and evolutionaries fall down. Fill and fill.

There were already many scars on the killer whale's body, and its physical strength consumption was so huge that it even rarely used its abilities in the later stage. After all, it was restricted a lot by Ji Chuancheng and Jing Xia's abilities. The mutant killer whale's current state is not good, and it is even a little bit disadvantaged.

But Ji Chuancheng and Jing Xia did not let down their vigilance.

The enemy clearly knew that the mutant killer whale could be limited by his two evolutionaries, so why did he send it as a general to attack? Even a mindless person like Wu Jiqing would not do this kind of action.

In fact, just when Jing Xia raised his ice sword and was about to pierce the killer whale's long tail, he suddenly heard a terrified voice on the beach: "Then... what is that!!!"

The sound made Jing Xia stunned for a moment, and the movements in his hands paused, allowing the mutant killer whale to escape.

After a while, large and small exclamations resounded from all over the beach.

"Then... are those mutant beasts!"

"There are so many mutant beasts, how can we deal with them!!!"

"That's the conger eel! I know him!"

Jing Xia immediately looked back and saw that the ugly and ferocious mutated Conger eel was galloping towards the beach in the wind and waves, laughing horribly: "Hahahaha, you little bugs! Die!"