The End of the World

Chapter 104


Professor Qi had made a positive judgment before, and based on his understanding of Qi Yang, there was a 99% possibility that Qi Yang would not come this time. But if his words reached Qi Yang's ears, he would definitely get a half-smile expression, and then asked back: "I don't even dare to say that I understand myself, Professor Qi really thinks too much."

Time has to go back an hour.

When Zhang Bendan injected the last thing into stab-3, the dazzling white light illuminated the whole laboratory like daylight, making Zhang Bendan firmly believe that the experiment was a success!

But then, when the white light completely dissipated, Zhang Bendan's excited expression completely froze on the small round ball that was so ordinary that even a little bit of metallic luster could not be observed. In a moment of impatience, he directly opened the glass cabin and reached for the cannonball regardless of the danger, but he didn't get the sharp counterattack before.

Zhang Bendan collapsed, and the corners of his eyes gradually sparkled: "Ms... Major, we seem to have failed."

Among the nearly a hundred experiments they failed, the results of the failures were different. Some exploded, but luckily the explosion was not as powerful as they had planned, and did not cause too much damage;

But as it is now, the failure of turning into a gray and shrunken useless ball is probably the last chance for them to try in this life.

Zhang Bendan couldn't afford such a blow.

"Major..." Zhang Bendan cried out in grief, but when he looked up at Qi Yang, he found that Qi Yang's eyes were shining with excitement. He slowly stretched his trembling fingers into the glass cabin, but in When he was about to touch the small bullet, he stopped suddenly.

Zhang Bendan asked in confusion: "Major? Are you..."

Qi Yang finally seemed to have made up his mind, he suddenly grabbed the bullet that was only half the size of his palm with his left hand. Just as he was about to take the stab-3 out of the cabin, his whole wrist shook violently, and it took a long time before he took it out slowly.

At this moment, no matter how calm and calm Qi Yang was in the past, he couldn't help but blushed, and his voice gradually became hoarse: "We probably... succeeded."

So, that's what they felt anxiously about what happened before on the beach battlefield.

Professor Qi thought that what Qi Yang wanted to concentrate on dealing with was the king of mutant beasts, that is, s1, so he never expected that Qi Yang would appear at this time with stab-3 instead of recharging his energy. But Qi Yang himself knew that there was another way for s1 to show up, besides voluntarily.

In less than half an hour, except for the elites of Group A and Group B who were trapped in the center of the battlefield by the army of mutant beasts and could not escape, the other evolutionaries had all retreated to the vicinity of the embankment and started a defensive strategy.

When Lieutenant Chen was called to the embankment by Qi Yang, he suddenly tightened his palms, only to realize that his palms were already covered with sweat. He has been with Qi Yang for a long time, at first he was reluctant, but later he was completely intimidated by this person.

In the experiment, Qi Yang's appearance of killing... beasts without changing color, even an iron-blooded soldier like him, was overwhelmed by his methods.

But now, when he came to Qi Yang again, he subconsciously assumed a standard military posture, with his legs folded and his right hand close to his temple: "Report to Major Qi, Lieutenant Chen Rang is here! Commander, please!"

Qi Yang's right hand was in his pocket, but in his left hand he held a long and delicate gun. Under the reflection of the sea and the sky, the silver gun barrel is not inferior to the blue and deep color of the sea water. The cold and familiar metallic luster made Lieutenant Chen startled, and he immediately understood where he got it from.

Qi Yang looked at Lieutenant Chen silently for a long time, and when he saw this honest man feeling uncomfortable, he said suddenly: "Are you afraid of death?"

Lieutenant Chen was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "I'm not afraid! But I'm afraid that death is not worth it!"

Qi Yang evoked a gentle smile which was rare, and his pale and gentle face suddenly softened a lot. He held up the barrel of the high-speed powerful magnetic railgun in his hand, and asked, "Do you still remember, when was the last time I held this thing with you?"

Lieutenant Chen replied without hesitation: "Back to the major, it was 8 months ago! You led me and my men to go forward from the 80th area to detect, and you captured two A-level mutants with this gun!"

Qi Yang nodded lightly, but added: "Yeah. But I didn't do as well as you. You captured alive that disgusting and ugly mutant beast that was shouting at us on the battlefield before... s1."

This time on the battlefield, since Ji Chuancheng called out the name of s1, the appearance of the mutated orca acknowledging in horror came into Lieutenant Chen's eyes. Most of the people present didn't know the meaning of the name s1, but Lieutenant Chen understood it.

He finally understood why the other party said something like "You used it to hurt me" when he saw the mutant humanoid beast for the first time.

Because, when he and Qi Yang went to clear the bottom of the river together, Qi Yang thought that the little black mutant beast was too weak, so he didn't attack with the high-speed and powerful nuclear railgun himself, but he, Just using the simplest lightning cannon, the mutated beast passed out, and was brought into the laboratory by the people of the research institute.

If Lieutenant Chen was given another chance, he would never have chosen the Thunderbolt Cannon back then, but would have used every opportunity to kill this ungrown mutant beast in its cradle.

But he also vaguely understood that even Qi Yang's terrifying experimental methods could not kill this mutant beast, and he must have been unable to kill him with his own level.

Lieutenant Chen took a deep breath and calmed down, then nodded seriously: "Yes, I captured s1 alive."

Qi Yang turned his head to look at the vast and vast sea, and said abruptly: "It hates me."

Lieutenant Chen's throat stopped and he didn't answer.

Before making him wait for long, Qi Yang turned his head again, looked at Lieutenant Chen with calm eyes, and said with the same affirmative tone: "It hates you too."

Not hate, but disgust.

Lieutenant Chen nodded calmly: "I know. Is the major trying to use me to lure the other party out?"

Qi Yang shook his head lightly: "You are just a cover, I will lure it out."

Lieutenant Chen was stunned: "Major, how did you know it would be around here? The evolutionists from the base in City N seemed to come to communicate an hour ago, and they have also been attacked by mutant beasts, and the situation is very critical. In our City s base, they have already sent two ss-level mutants over, presumably s1 is not necessary at all... "

"It will come." Qi Yang's cold and indifferent gaze penetrated Lieutenant Chen's body, as if he was looking at someone. He slowly raised the corners of his lips, and whispered as if sighing softly: "Because it wants to watch me die."

Lieutenant Chen was suddenly speechless.

What Qi Yang asked Lieutenant Chen to do was very simple, that is, to stand on the high place of the embankment and use lightning cannons to sweep across the C-class mutants on the ground. In fact, the lightning cannon attack method is the most basic of all Lieutenant Chen's attack methods. Now that his power value is already close to 500, he has not used this attack method for a long time.

However, with the support of stronger supernatural strength, Lieutenant Chen's dedicated lightning strike can always kill a C-level mutant directly, and what's more, kill two birds with one stone, blowing up two C-level mutant beasts .

Qi Yang, on the other hand, stood beside Lieutenant Chen expressionlessly, and he glanced at the furious mutant beasts under the embankment.

To some extent, Lieutenant Chen's attack was nothing more than a trivial matter to these army, most of which were high-level mutant beasts. But no matter how much he played around, he couldn't help killing too many mutant beasts.

Groups of c-level mutant beasts were pulverized in that small lightning strike, finally making some b-level mutants angry.

Seeing this, Qi Yang just frowned, and then ordered Zhang Bendan to use a-6 blocks to kill those third-level b-level mutants. Only when a few A-level mutants started long-range attacks, Qi Yang sighed heavily, raised the gun in his hand, and fired with one hand.


An A-level mutant fell to the ground and died.

Afterwards, he did not respond in silence. One after another, bullets were ejected from the high-rotational powerful electric nuclear railgun, and almost every blow was the downfall of an A-level mutant. However, this weapon that can even be used to seriously injure S-level mutants, Qi Yang has been simply using it to kill A-level mutants.

This strange behavior seemed inexplicable to Zhang Bendan.

But Lieutenant Chen's heart sank slowly, he gradually understood Qi Yang's plan a little bit, and he knew... why did he ask himself if he was afraid of death.

He, Chen Rang, volunteered to join the army at the age of nineteen.

After three years of ups and downs in the army, he was specially recruited into the special forces of city S, and was sent to the border for four years. When he came back, he was already a lieutenant. Such a military rank is obviously not commensurate with his merits, so in this year's big evaluation, his promotion to captain is already a certainty.

But just like Ji Chuancheng may always be a major, Chen Rang also understands that he may only end his military career as a lieutenant in this life.

After the Mutation Day, China's system has almost collapsed. Only those who evolve are qualified to establish a new political system.

Of course, all of this has to happen after the end of the last days.

Thinking of this, and thinking that all this is not over yet, Lieutenant Chen continued to shoot the lightning cannon with a serious face. When the last C-level mutant in the visible range fell to the ground, Lieutenant Chen's heart trembled. The next moment, he ran down the embankment without hesitation and entered the defense army to attack!

Zhang Bendan saw that Lieutenant Chen suddenly entered the enemy's encirclement regardless of the danger, and was startled. He quickly turned his head to look at Qi Yang, and said anxiously: "Major Qi, why did Lieutenant Chen suddenly disobey your military order and run down by himself..."

Zhang Bendan's voice stopped abruptly.

He saw Qi Yang straighten his back in silence, watching Chen Rang step by step into the encirclement of those ferocious and terrifying mutated beasts with a solemn and solemn look, and was gradually surrounded by those mutated beasts. Nowhere to be seen.

He asked, are you afraid of death

He replied, I am afraid that death is not worth it.

A soreness gradually appeared in Qi Yang's throat. He clenched the cold gun in his left hand, as if suppressing his voice, and shouted in a low voice: "S1, you should come out!"