The End of the World

Chapter 107


half year later.

The cold and bleak sea breeze blows from the vast and boundless sea, and every blow of the wind is like a poisoned knife, as long as it sweeps over the human body, it can scrape off a layer of bloody flesh.

The sky was white, a chilly white. Perhaps because of the too cold weather, the air on the entire seashore froze together. The three-kilometer sea area near the beach was completely frozen, and the innermost hundreds of meters were even covered with thick ice, with no water flowing at all.

But on this day, at this very moment, dozens of huge black mutated beasts came ashore one after another, led by the two extremely huge mutated beasts at the front, and stepped on the ice that seemed to be about to shatter. , Step by step, I walked to the place 100 meters in front of the beach and stopped.

Even an evolutionary with a power value of more than 1,000 would feel a little cold from this whizzing cold wind.

Half a year, those years of bloody battles half a year ago, chiseled the young man's already straight spine into a sharp sword, even with the scabbard covering it, it could not completely cover up that fierce aura.

Behind him were nearly a hundred evolutionaries, each exuding a dangerous and capable aura, watching those mutant beasts that had landed warily. In the hands of the first group of 20 people, they all held a long A-10 killing machine. Such armed equipment may cause fatal injuries even if it is an S-level mutant.

There was still a long scar across the ugly and ferocious face of the mutated killer whale. The blood and flesh rolled out and there was no way to heal it, but it stopped pus and blood, but it still couldn't heal with its own powerful recovery ability.

The killer whale lowered its head and looked at the tiny human.

Jing Xia raised her head slowly, looking at the giant beast hundreds of times bigger than herself with neither humbleness nor arrogance, there was no trace of fear in her eyes, she was calm and calm.

The two stared at each other for a long time, and finally the killer whale spoke first: "Humans, Area B has been completely frozen by ice. We agreed to your previous conditions, let's start the cooperation."

Jing Xia looked at the terrifying beast without fear, and said righteously: "I'm sorry, that was an agreement half a month ago. Starting today, our agreement will be adjusted. You will change the agreement made ten days ago. The group of low-level mutant beasts raging in the Jiaodong Peninsula captured and guaranteed the coastal areas of China... "

"Don't go too far, human!" The mutated Conger eel roared and shook the air: "The subordinates they lead are not much weaker than us. You have those things, and they can't be your opponents at all."

Jing Xia's face turned cold: "What we want is zero casualties."

"You!" Conger eel flicked its long tail angrily, and when it slapped the ice, cracks on the ice surface spread like broken glass.

The mutant killer whale took a step forward and stopped Conger Eel, preventing it from acting irrationally in a rage.

"Okay, we agree to your terms. What about our terms?"

Jingxia turned her head and said a few words with another evolutionary, then turned her head to look at the killer whale, and said loudly: "Within 10 days, you should deal with the affairs of the Jiaodong Peninsula, and we promise to remove the ice within one kilometer of the East China Sea. melt."


The mighty team of mutant beasts turned around and moved away from the smooth and cold ice, and when the tall giant beasts entered the ocean completely, the mutant conger finally couldn't help roaring: "Tigers! Those traitors! The strength is not weak, if we completely open fire with them, it will be very bad for us!"

After half a year of battling wits with humans and betrayed mutant beasts, the mutant conger eel is no longer as naive as it used to be. Although it is no longer reckless, it is not very smart, which makes it suffer a lot.

The mutated orca suddenly stopped moving forward, staring at the angry mutated conger with eyes as big as copper bells. Behind them, the mighty army of advanced mutant beasts quickly braked to a stop, obediently stopping without uttering a sound.

The killer whale said angrily: "All the creatures in a hundred sea miles have died out. Humans have a way to deal with this terrible weather. Go and change one for me?!"

This made a lot of sense. Even though the mutated Conger was full of anger, he couldn't refute it.

Of course it knows that after the ghostly weather started to get cold seven or eight months ago, just five months ago, there was a complete global cooling. At first they thought it was a good thing, but all the humans on the shore suffered.

Their marine organisms are very adaptable to temperature regulation, and the temperature of the ocean has always been higher than that of the land, so most of them dealt with this problem with the intention of watching a joke at first. until-

The ocean also began to freeze in large patches.

This perverted and terrifying icy weather seems to never stop, the temperature keeps dropping and dropping again, causing many mutant beasts who are confidently nesting in the ocean to suffer a big loss.

Human beings have already improved their living environment by virtue of technological innovation, but the mutant beasts were the first to lose the unmutated animals as food.

At this time, it is ridiculous to want to hold on to the belief that you don't want to cooperate with human beings. Even survival has become a problem, who would care about these external conflicts between races

Therefore, in order to survive, the mutant beast split into two organizations.

The first one is led by Conger Eel and Killer Whale, two of the most powerful SS-level mutants, a group of mutant beasts who have a cooperative attitude towards humans.

The second one is a group of mutant beasts led by some powerful s-level mutant beasts, who are bound to eradicate human beings and occupy the opponent's resources to gain a chance of survival.

The huge and mighty body of the killer whale is leading a group of black beasts towards the center of the ocean. No matter how huge and majestic they are, they are just some small black spots deep in the blue in the middle of the boundless sea, which is ridiculously small .

They are powerful, but not stronger than nature.

Humans may not be as powerful as them, but they have to admit that in this war against nature, humans have won.

They adapted well to the world and the earth, and they used their intelligence to gain a chance to survive, thus making these mutated beasts—


"tiger… "

A weak and helpless voice sounded, and the mutant killer whale turned away its black head and looked aside. The mutated conger eel, which has always been domineering, was hanging its stupid head down in mourning at the moment, not at all the high-spirited appearance just now.

The mutant killer whale was slightly taken aback: "Huh?"

Conger eel sighed deeply, and continued: "Without the king, can we really do nothing?"

This question kept the killer whale silent for a long time, and it finally answered: "If the king is still alive, I believe it will make such a choice. We have supreme force, and human beings have absolute wisdom. Their abilities have gradually faded away. Nearly equal to us, the strongest humans can already defeat me. And...they have weapons."

Conger said anxiously: "But that's for you! That human can only defeat you, he took advantage of his supernatural power, maybe he will only be a draw if he fights with me!" His tone became more and more urgent, it seemed to be Stubbornly resisting: "He will definitely not be the king's opponent, no human being is the king's opponent! You know, the king's terror, it only needs one look, and it can put you..."

Conger's voice stopped suddenly.

It looked at the deeply sad expression of the mutant killer whale, and gradually understood what the other party meant.

It lowered its head again, swam forward slowly, and muttered to itself in a low voice: "That's right, the king also...lost to humans in the end."

The vast and boundless sky is like a huge white bowl turned upside down. Because of the excessive cold, there is only that pale color left in the air, which makes people unable to see some warm tones.

After going deeper for about half an hour, and completely out of the area that humans could detect, the speed of the mutated herd gradually slowed down. Conger walked forward in silence all the way, this strange and strange appearance was completely different from its usual.

"I think... Wang is still alive."

A voice so weak that only a mutant beast called Conger Eel could hear it suddenly sounded in its ears. It turned its head in horror, and saw the calm and serious gaze of the killer whale all at once. Through the cloudy animal pupils, the wound on the right eye is dazzling and ugly.

Conger hesitated for a while and asked, "Tiger, what are you talking about? If the king is still alive, with its strength, it is impossible for it not to come back to look for us, and it is impossible to just let us be bullied by humans!"

"Our relationship with humans is not that kind of relationship, but cooperation." The killer whale sighed helplessly, explaining its plan for the umpteenth time. Seeing that Conger eel showed no signs of agreeing, it didn't force it, and continued to explain: "The king will die, I didn't believe it from the beginning. I always thought it would come back, one day. And, look at my wound , It cannot be completely recovered until now. This is the power of the king, because it has not died, it can continue to be maintained, isn't it?"

In the end, even the mutant killer whale felt a bit reluctant. Its tone was a bit skeptical, and in the end it even hoped to get the approval of the listener, even though it knew that this unqualified listener's mind was a mess.

"Maybe... that's it."

The mighty team finally turned a corner and headed towards the Jiaodong Peninsula.

With a desolate back and a lonely figure, he looked extremely small in the vast world.

They seem to be waiting for the king who can lead them to appear again, and it seems... they are silently shouting for their future destiny. Unwilling to surrender, unwilling to lose freedom again, as a race with wisdom, they claim the most basic rights.

But now, they can only hope for an ordinary life.

I only hope that this damned abnormal climate will go sooner!


When Jing Xia turned and left the beach with the evolutionary team, he was the last one. After confirming that the group of mutant beasts had really all left, he finally left.

Before reaching the reinforced embankment, he saw that person again from a distance.

As I have seen countless times before, wearing a straight black military uniform, standing upright and handsome, waiting for his return home with a silent posture.

Jing Xia couldn't help speeding up and walked up, and then hugged him tightly: "A Chuan, when did you come back from the base in city b?!"

This kind of joy of reunion after a long absence made Jingxia not care about the crowd around him who hadn't left. Coupled with the agreement he had just negotiated with the mutant beast, he hugged Ji Chuancheng's cold body happily, and almost wrote on his face "I am very happy" four characters.

Ji Chuancheng also stretched out his arms, gently hugging the young man's thin waist.

He lowered his eyes and stared at Jing Xia seriously for a long time. After confirming that the young man did not even lose a hair, he nodded in satisfaction and replied, "I just heard that you were sent by Professor Qi to negotiate since you came back. After accepting the appointment and negotiating, this is the fifth time, right?"

Jing Xia nodded: "Yes. But the good news is that we succeeded this time."

Ji Chuan raised an eyebrow.

The two of them walked through the thick gate of the embankment in harmony, and walked into the base of City S. Jing Xia said: "This time, because the ocean area B has also completely frozen over, they finally couldn't hold back. As for our There are also some changes in the requirements, which are... "

Ji Chuancheng listened carefully to Jingxia's sentence, the two of them slowed down, and they had already fallen a long way behind the big team, but no one wanted to catch up.

"This time... I think we have at least a year of peace." Jing Xia concluded.

Ji Chuancheng nodded slightly, and suddenly grabbed Jing Xia's left hand calmly. His warm palm suddenly touched the slightly cold temperature, which made Jing Xia startled for a moment, and her steps stopped abruptly.

He turned his head and looked at the man who suddenly became strange with a puzzled look.

In front of the embankment towering into the sky in the background, this handsome and silent man was dressed in black, looking at him quietly. These eyes are the cold and tall eyes that he has been familiar with for more than twenty years, and this face is also the profound elegance that he has known for many years. Some strange, some familiar.

What is so strange is the carvings of those years, what is familiar is the deep affection in the other party's eyes that has never changed.

Jing Xia slowly felt a lump in her throat.

He began to recall his first memories.

It seems that since then, this person has been looking at him with such eyes, right

Because I never thought about it much, I never noticed it. But when he recalled it, Jing Xia realized that in the past twenty years or so, he was either in a daze or joyful and radical, every minute and every second was mixed with this person's forgiving and profound eyes.

This feeling that has been slowly sprouting in a quiet and uninhabited place has been brewing until now, which makes Jing Xia feel a little lucky:

No misses, no rejections.

The corners of her lips slowly curved into a nice curve, Jing Xia asked with a smile, "Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?"

Ji Chuancheng answered irrelevantly: "I don't want to leave anymore."

Jing Xia was puzzled: "What?"

The stern eyebrows and eyes gradually softened, Ji Chuan's thin lips curled slightly, and finally sighed deeply, saying: "I'm tired too, and I don't want to leave again. If I leave again, I'm afraid I won't have the courage anymore .”

No courage to take on the unknown tomorrow, no courage to promise the result of whether you will really survive.

Jing Xia hesitated for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly: "Okay, you're not leaving."

This answer seemed to satisfy Ji Chuancheng. His slender fingers followed the arc of Jing Xia's knuckles and inserted them in. Finally, his fingers interlocked so tightly that he couldn't even find a gap. The two walked forward together slowly for an unknown amount of time, when Ji Chuancheng suddenly asked seemingly unintentionally, "How long do you think I have worked hard for today?"

Jing Xia was slightly stunned, and subconsciously replied: "The mutant beasts were able to compromise with us, probably since the research institute invented the ice-melting weapon three months ago. We can solve the things that the mutant beasts can't solve. It is our biggest bargaining chip. Your efforts are not in vain."

Reflexively, he thought for a hundred years that the other party was asking how long it took to achieve the "peaceful coexistence" between humans and mutant beasts.

But Ji Chuancheng smiled helplessly, and shook his head: "I have worked hard for 21 years... no, it has been 22 years today." Then, he turned around and looked down. Looking at the bewildered Jingxia.

In the young man's puzzled eyes, this thousand-year-old iceberg was full of helpless pampering, he stretched out his left hand and gently covered Jing Xia's chest. Through several layers of clothing, he still seemed to be able to feel the warmth of his beating heart.

Click, click, click, click.

"In order for a person named Ji Chuancheng to appear here, in order to smash the ice wall so thick that I can't see hope, I spent... a full twenty-two years. Finally, when I was gray-haired, I still To be able to see this person whom I have been waiting for for twenty-two years finally understands what I have always wanted to say."

Jing Xia stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.

"You are afraid of losing, you are afraid of being abandoned by others, so you simply never accept other people's kindness, and simply surround yourself with thick walls. You think that it is others who are blocking you, but in fact, you have always... blocked only yourself."

"A Chuan..."

"Okay, there is no future, Xiao Xia."

It was still this deep and magnetic voice, with low pressure in Jing Xia's heart.

Ji Chuancheng's voice was just like his own, with invisible coercion that made people dare not argue with him. It was this seemingly estranged appearance that made everyone regard him as a cold insulator, and did not dare to have too much contact with him.

However, when does the indifference on the outside count as true tenderness on the inside

Jing Xia has always known that this man actually has the softest heart in the world, and has always used the world's broadest mind to forgive and tolerate herself selflessly.

This thing called love never came too late, but he realized it too late.

After all, he let out a long sigh, and the smile on Jing Xia's lips became even stronger. He raised his head, taking advantage of the pure white to cold color of the sky, showing a peaceful and warm smile, and asked softly, "Then do you think... have you figured it out?"

Ji Chuancheng raised his eyebrows lightly when he heard the words: "Huh?"

"I don't think so." After speaking, Jing Xia turned around and left, pretending to be angry not to give the other party a chance to defend himself.

But how could Ji Chuancheng, who already knew the other party's arrogant and awkward temper, give him this chance

Immediately grabbing his arm and bringing him into his arms, Ji Chuancheng looked at Jingxia with a smile in a rare good mood, and asked back, "Why is it gone?"

"When you go out, you know what to say and don't want to leave again. You never thought about... taking me with you?"

This made Ji Chuancheng choke suddenly, just wanting to refute, but found that there was nothing to say at all. He could only ask in a low voice, "Then what do you want?"

"You have to dig slowly, digging every time, digging every location, don't try to be lazy."

Ji Chuan smiled teasingly: "That night also counts?"

"Ji Chuan Cheng!!!"

Jing Xia was agile, and kicked Ji Chuancheng's waist with her feet up.

Under the clear and pale dome, two people simply fought together, one person recklessly drove out the supernatural powers all over his body, which would definitely kill the other, while the other seemed to be helplessly cooperating to avoid, show mercy everywhere, and even had to be careful Don't hurt each other.

As for the waste of abilities, that's it, and it can't be done anymore.

The sky is blue and the sea is calm.

The earth is gradually sealed by ice, but the ice in some people's hearts has already been slowly chipped away by others.

The world is so beautiful that people admire it. Even the suffering that cannot be avoided now will one day be reduced to ashes, shaping the most gentle and bright future.

The ice layer will eventually be chipped away.

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