The End of the World

Chapter 111: burst (middle)


"Master, the little bastard... is gone."

A few days later, the order of the entire S city base has woken up from the hectic and anxious days before.

The troops stabilizing the remote areas and preventing the enemy from attacking again were in order. The burning of the casualties and the mourning ceremony were also handled simply. I stood in front of my house all day.

Finally dealt with all the things in her hands, and she finally had time to take a look...

This room has been closed all day.

Qin Chu had thought countless times about what kind of reaction he would get when he told Ji Chuancheng the cruel and realistic truth. Grief, anger, pain, sadness and despair, and even abnormality, she had considered all of them.

In the company of more than twenty years, even an elm-headed, ignorant and stupid woman can already discover Ji Chuancheng's undisguised protection for Jing Xia. What's more, she is Qin Chu.

However, after all this, what she never expected was—

Ji Chuancheng was only silent for a few minutes, then nodded lightly, asked her seemingly casually... where the corpse was parked, then turned and left.

Qin Chu looked at Ji Chuan's tall and thin back, and it seemed that the man's red eyes, the fingers tightly pinched into the palm of his hand, and the pale thin lips appeared in front of her eyes again.

No matter how well it was hidden, Qin Chu was able to discover the abnormality of the other party at the first time after being with him for more than 20 years.

Qin Chu felt that his sky seemed to be getting darker, and it faintly wanted to collapse, but it held on to the last pillar. She looked at Ji Chuan's back in the distance, walking steadily, neither fast nor slow, just like this, but his back was not as strong and upright as before.

When... did the young master bend his back

Qin Chu didn't know, and never wanted to know.

All she knew was that the young master had locked himself in this room for a whole day and night. All day and night, not a drop of water, not a grain of rice, not even a ray of light penetrated.

He locked himself with that person's body.

Gritting his back molars hard, Qin Chu finally made up his mind: even if he was knocked out, he must be taken out!

But to her surprise, just as she took the first step, the door of the room that had been closed all night opened with a "squeak". She hurriedly stepped forward: "Master, you..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Qin Chu stared blankly at the man who was slowly walking out of the darkness, and she felt that there seemed to be a faint flame flickering in her throat, touching her broken and scarred heart one by one, making her All her words were drowned in the expressionless gesture of the other party, feeling the silent grief.

"Well, let's go."

When Ji Chuan took the first step down the steps, he staggered slightly.

Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for many days, maybe it was because he was exhausted from rushing back from the base in City N, or maybe it was because his whole spirit had been completely emptied, and he became a walking dead with weak beliefs, so he slowed down for a while. Only then did he stabilize his figure.

Qin Chu raised his head and watched the man walk down the steps step by step and walked to his side.

With a handsome and elegant face, sharp and deep eyebrows, and a bluish-black chin that cannot be hidden, this person doesn't seem to be tired at all, and is still full of energy like a sharp sword, sharp when it is unsheathed.

Qin Chu's lips moved, but he still didn't speak in the end.

Obviously tired, why... still hold on like this

"Master, I know you are in a very sad mood now. You haven't cried since your wife passed away. However, tears are also a way to vent your emotions. If this can make you feel more comfortable and stop your heartache, then You don't have to hold back..."

"Am I heartbroken?"

This strange question made Qin Chu silent in surprise.

She watched Ji Chuancheng turn slowly in amazement, and looked at her silently. It seemed that no more light could shine into the quiet and dark pupils, just looking at her quietly like this made her heart sink suddenly, and then Dao Ji Chuancheng sighed and continued: "Why does my heart ache? …”

Because the heart is dead, it will never hurt again.

This answer suddenly appeared in Qin Chu's mind, but she couldn't say a word no matter what.

She watched Ji Chuancheng raise his right hand at a slow to dull speed, and the sun shone on the white scar on the back of the hand, making it particularly dazzling. Ji Chuancheng paused for a long, long time. When the time passed until he could even breathe still, he sighed with all his strength, and then clenched his right hand.

In an instant, a flame of no reason burned behind him.

This room, which was barely used to store the body of the dead, was already in dilapidated condition, and when the flames rolled up, it was quickly burned to ashes. Seeing this, Qin Chu exclaimed, "Master, if you burn it like this, you won't be able to find his ashes and the rest of his bones!"

Qin Chu turned to look at Ji Chuancheng, only to find that his back was facing the place where the raging fire was burning. He raised his head, looking indifferently and calmly at the warm sunset in front of him.

No amount of wars and killings on the earth can affect the magnificence and beauty of nature at all. The purple-red sunset glow sweeps over half of the sky, dyeing the original light blue sky into a beautiful and colorful color with the most complicated and varied gradient colors. Seven colors.

Such bright light reflected on Ji Chuan's stern face, covering up the tiredness of those days, and vaguely softening the sharp edges and corners, making him seem to blend into this magnificent sunset, the news is gone .

Qin Chu felt a wave of fear in her heart. Suddenly, she seemed to see a drop of tears flowing from the man's silent eyes, but when she blinked again and looked hard, she found that everything was as usual.

That drop of crystal and fragile tears seemed to be her illusion, just a beautiful mistake.

Qin Chu always believed that she would never be able to see this man's tears in her life.

He is Ji Chuancheng, and he has never shed a tear since his wife passed away.

General Ji's words of instruction, even Qin Chu, still feel that they often ring in his ears: The men of the Ji family bleed but not cry!

But Qin Chu never expected that in her life, she would be able to see Ji Chuancheng again after he was nine years old... Tears of grief streamed down her face.

That was after the fifth wave of beasts came, Ji Chuan's cold-blooded and rational command and participation in the battle allowed them to capture alive the first SS-level mutant beast on the human battlefield. The mutated conger eel, which was once so rampant, had several tendons cut off at this time, and could only barely struggle on the ground.

It roared angrily: "You bloody bugs! The king will kill you all!"

The strongest person in the city s base is Wu Jiqing. At this moment, Ji Chuancheng is standing in the rear headquarters of the large army to command, and he has been appointed to negotiate on behalf of human beings.

"Your king never showed up to save you, and that already explains everything. You are just one of its pawns, and your animal nature is hard to change. After all, you are just a low-level race."

"Shut up!"

Qin Chu vaguely felt that what Wu Jiqing said was a bit strange, but before she opened her mouth, she saw Su Weishang on the side stepping forward and said, "Kangji, if you admit defeat, we humans can guarantee to divide the domain with the mutant beasts and coexist peacefully."

Qin Chu finally couldn't help it anymore: "Su Weishang! We have no such plan at all, and we can't achieve such an ideal state under the current situation..."

"Human, are you deceiving me?"

Before Qin Chu could finish her reprimand, she heard a deep and magnetic male voice resounding from the sky. The voice passed straight through her eardrums and into her heart. When she turned to look over, she saw a strangely pale man walking towards him step by step.

His steps are so elegant and composed, as if he is just attending a big dinner party.

"Wang..." Qin Chu murmured subconsciously.

The man in black glanced lightly at all the humans on the battlefield, then moved his eyes down and fixed on Su Weishang. Su Weishang's expression was a bit strange, his face was pale, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, as if he was very excited.

Qin Chu felt sick in her heart. She didn't understand what Su Weishang's expression meant at this time, but she felt a strange nausea, which made her feel that there was something wrong with Su Weishang's attitude towards the king.

The king just looked down at Su Weishang for a long time without saying anything, and the rustling wind swept across the beach. Just when Qin Chu bit the bullet and wanted to speak for the dumb Wu Jiqing, the king suddenly sneered. With a sneer, he sneered at Su Weishang: "Human, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? You are selfish and vicious, you killed your own compatriots, and you still try to deceive me?"

When Qin Chu heard this, it was like a blow to the head.

She didn't quite understand what the king meant, but when she saw Su Weishang's face so pale that he was trembling all over, a light flashed in her heart, but it disappeared so quickly that she couldn't catch it at all.

At this time, Wu Jiqing suddenly said: "Mutated beast, your kind is under our control now, if you want to save its life..."

"Let it die." Wang coldly glanced at the mutated conger eel without hesitation.

Wu Jiqing: "You!"

The mutated conger eel trembled for a moment, then lowered its huge head obediently, not daring to say a word.

It has always known that Wang has always been cold and emotionless. There is nothing in the world that can touch Wang. It is like a cold machine with a human appearance, but the blood all over its body is cold, like the machine fluid of death.

But at the next moment, an indifferent voice interrupted Conger Eel's thoughts: "Since you are here, it means that you want to negotiate." With the sound of that voice, the crowd of evolutionists gradually gave way to a passage , Let that cold and powerful man walk step by step to this tense place.

Ji Chuancheng raised his cold face, glanced at Su Weishang who was nervous at the side, then looked at the evil and brutal black-clothed mutant beast, and asked, "So, what made you make this decision?" ?”