The End of the World

Chapter 14


"Where did you learn your fighting skills and that... that gesture?"

Jing Xia was taken aback, and immediately understood what Qin Chu meant.

In his previous life, Ji Chuancheng not only conducted some cruel training for him, but also taught him a lot of fighting skills. I have to admit that Ji Chuancheng is indeed a good teacher, at least these seemingly ordinary things have saved Jing Xia time and time again later.

As for that gesture—

Thumb down, ring finger inward.

This means two feints and one final attack.

This is also what Ji Chuancheng taught Jing Xia later.

With a smile on his face, Jing Xia said with a relaxed tone, "That's what Ah Chuan taught me. He said it on purpose when he was on duty at night before, if something happens, he must cooperate well. I This is deliberately following the orders from above, hehe."

Qin Chu looked at Jing Xia meaningfully for a long time, but didn't speak again. Ji Chuancheng, on the other hand, cast down his eyes and glanced at Jing Xia calmly, and did not refute. The group of four continued to walk towards the west like this, only the "chichi" of Xiao Hei Tuanzi kept calling.

The further you go in, the more it seems to be an ominous sign.

The layers of mountain forests are getting denser and denser, and even the scorching hot sun at noon can't penetrate the thick leaves to shine down. The entire forest was so quiet that even the sound of footsteps echoed. There was no chirping of cicadas or birds, which isolated the place surrounded by heavy mountains from the outside world.

Everyone was walking with 120,000 points of vigilance. Although their expressions were still as relaxed as ever, Jing Xia's right hand was tightly holding the handle of the knife, and he never let go. During the journey of more than half a month, some small accidents occurred almost every day, and the frequency of occurrences became higher and higher, and the dangers became more and more dangerous.

"Sister Qin, when will we get out of this mountain forest and go to the restricted area troops?" Jing Xia asked while biting a piece of compressed biscuit: "If this continues, no matter whether our supplies can last longer, I'm afraid... we can't compete with the biological evolution in this mountain."

Jing Xia didn't know the speed of human evolution, but judging from the more than half a month of fighting, the vegetation and creatures in the mountains evolved at an abnormal speed. Maybe it's a blowout period, the mountain creatures that were originally only small threats are evolving faster and faster, and they...

No one has evolved so far.

Qin Chu took a sip of water and said, "Actually, according to our speed, we should have arrived at the restricted area long ago. But...the changes in this mountain are too great, and we are likely to go around in circles. The trees mutated too quickly, blocking the position of the sun, We can't tell the direction. Even the compass has lost its effect because of the change of the magnetic pole." Sighing softly, Qin Chu looked up at Ji Chuancheng who was looking around, leaned closer to Jing Xia, and whispered : "We must be... lost."

"..." Jing Xia was speechless for a while, and finally asked: "Didn't you say this kind of thing earlier?!"

Qin Chu spread his hands helplessly: "The young master didn't mention it, so I'm too embarrassed to say it. Isn't this... a slap on the young master's face!"

Jing Xia clenched her back molars tightly, followed Qin Chu's line of sight and looked back, the more she looked, the more annoying that tall figure became. He simply got up and walked towards Ji Chuancheng, saying, "A Chuan! We are all lost here, why do you still look calm?"

Hearing this, Ji Chuancheng silently looked down at Jing Xia. There was no fluctuation of expression on the handsome face, just watching quietly like this, Jing Xia felt terrified all over, as if he was being watched by something. He rubbed his arms, braved up and continued, "Say it yourself, have we lost our way?"

After a long time, Ji Chuancheng nodded slightly: "Well, for the time being."


"What is temporary!" Jing Xia was so angry that he really wanted to slap this person on the face just like what Qin Chu said, to see if he could still say such words without changing his expression or beating his heart. "If we can never go out, what should we do?! Well, even if food can be hunted from the mountains, what about the water source?! It's Sister Qin, she seems to have used up all that, and the next time she menstruates When, that can..."

"Little bastard!!! How do you know!"

Jing Xia turned her head subconsciously and said: "I saw it when I was holding the water bottle, do you still have sanitary napkins, Sister Qin?! That's impossible, I really... um..." Just halfway through, Jing Xia The voice stopped. He watched Qin Chu walking towards him step by step with a dark face, forced an awkward smile on the corner of his mouth, and waved his hands with a dry smile: "Qin... Sister Qin, I'm just joking with you, how can I, a big man, observe What about you, I really... "

"little bastard!!!!"

Qin Chu ran towards Jing Xia waving the long knife still in the scabbard in his hand, so frightened that the latter quickly hid behind Ji Chuancheng, continuing to use his own bamboo horse as a shield. "Sister Qin, I also care about you."

"Hehe! Thank you so much for your concern." Qin Chu rubbed his fingers and made a "click-click" sound, and said with a sneer, "Don't hide behind the young master, just come out if you are a man, and have a good fight with me, a weak woman .”

Jing Xia looked sad and angry: "I'm a man but Sister Qin, are you a weak woman!!!"

Qin Chu pursed his lips, and smiled "gentlely": "Little bastard, what do you mean... you, Sister Qin, and I are a tomboy?"

Seeing the other party's gentle and ladylike smile, Jing Xia trembled all over, and hid behind Ji Chuancheng, not even daring to poke her head out. He swallowed his saliva, and said in a low voice: "...Where is a man's wife... This is the Rafflesia flower at all."

"Jingxia!!!" Qin Chu gritted his teeth, and said, "Master, you still protect him! Today I must beat him to death, this nasty little bastard!!!!" Qin Chu simply ignored him Waving the scabbard directly, she rushed up, she had calculated that Ji Chuancheng would not be able to do anything to her, and she might even step aside, exposing that damned little bastard directly to her scabbard.


Qin Chu's eyes widened in horror: "Young master! You actually drew your sword at me... for me because of this little bastard?!"

"A Chuan?!"

The sharp blade directly blocked Qin Chu's scabbard, and there was a crisp metal impact sound. Qin Chu stared at Ji Chuancheng in shock, while the latter remained calm and indifferent, but frowned slightly, wondering what he was thinking. Even Jing Xia looked at Ji Chuancheng in surprise and bewilderment, even he didn't expect that Bingshan would speak for himself like this.

There was a warm current in my heart, Jing Xia blinked movedly, and said: "A Chuan, I didn't expect you to be so kind to me, you really deserve to be..."

"Who's there, come out!" A long, sharp knife slid across the edge of Qin Chu's scabbard, and Ji Chuan turned his eyes to the grass pile on one side. The naked Jing Xia was exposed to Qin Chu's eyes.

Jing Xia: "Ehhh?!!!!"

Qin Chu was also stunned for a while, and then reflexively slapped Jing Xia's head with the scabbard. Seeing the latter's face covering his head with tears in his eyes and speechless, she smiled: "I want you to be more proud, you little bastard!"

On the other side, Ji Chuancheng approached the grass with a solemn expression. The long knife in his hand glowed with a cold light, his fingers tightened slightly, and he gripped the handle even tighter. Behind him, Qin Chu and Jing Xia also put away their jokes just now, and looked warily at the grass, but they could only see the weeds that grew up to their waists.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.


A grass-green figure suddenly stood up from the bushes, with fine grass roots all over his body, and camouflage on his cheeks. He stood upright in the middle of the haystack, put the five fingers of his right hand on his temple, and gave a military salute solemnly.

"Li Guang, Deputy Commander of the Fourth Reconnaissance Company of the Restricted Area Force, reported to Lieutenant Colonel Ji!"

Ji Chuancheng nodded calmly: "Well, it's a major, not a lieutenant colonel."

"Yes! Major!"

Jing Xia: "..."

Jing Xia was so horrified that she didn't know how to face this situation. Why is Ji Chuancheng able to face such a person who came out of nowhere with such a calm and calm attitude? Shouldn't it be strange to ask the other party why he appeared here!

Jing Xia, who was really unable to communicate with this group of non-human beings, sat back on her rock depressedly, watching Li Guang who suddenly appeared and began to communicate with Ji Chuancheng and Qin Chu. As if they didn't want people to know, the voices of the three of them were so low that Jing Xia, whose hearing had improved, couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

Angrily took a bite of the biscuit, Jing Xia simply looked away from the group of people.

"Master Keke, do you think... Young Master Ji and Ms. Qin treat us as outsiders?" A kind voice came from one side, and Jing Xia turned to look. Butler Wang smiled kindly and said, "Young master, everyone has their own secrets cough... You also have many secrets that you haven't told others. And now Master Ji and the others are talking about some very confidential things, you have to understand and be considerate Keke..."

After hearing this, Jing Xia could only sigh: "Well, I know, Grandpa Wang. Don't talk too much, it's important to take good care of your body."

"Chichi!" The chubby little black dumpling suddenly popped out from Steward Wang's arms, and called out "chichi" at Jing Xia. Just after yelling twice, he realized that Jing Xia was staring at him, then suddenly twisted his body awkwardly, pushed his butt up, and only showed Jing Xia those little butts that looked like two meatballs.

"... Bah!" Jing Xia laughed back angrily, "You stinky bastard! Who wants to see your stinky ass!"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!"

I won't show you Uncle Mouse's little butt! Pooh!

"Hahahaha." Steward Wang couldn't help laughing loudly when he saw his young master fighting against this little thing, and his face, which was originally flushed from coughing, looked much better.

They chatted for about half an hour. When Ji Chuancheng and Qin Chu came back, the simple-looking Li Guang also walked over. He put his thick backpack on the boulder, and there was a loud bang, which attracted the attention of Jing Xia and Steward Wang.

The little black ball also climbed up "chirp chirp chirp chirp", staring at the big bag curiously.

"Captain Qin, I have a total of about one and a half months' worth of rations here. If you... the three of you, you can definitely last for about 20 days." After speaking, Li Guang began to take things out of the big bag, "This is far from the troops. There is only less than two days of travel, and I have marked the way along the way, so I will never lose my way. When we come back, your rations will definitely be more than enough."

Qin Chu nodded: "Okay, you guys hurry up and go to the army first, we will walk forward along the mark you made. If there is any accident, light the signal flare."

Li Guang: "Okay. Then we will leave now, and we will send someone to meet you when we return to the army."

Qin Chu nodded: "Well, don't worry."

"Wait a minute... can I ask what happened?" Listening to the conversation between the two, Jing Xia's originally awkward expression gradually became serious, and he clenched his hands into fists, and a bad premonition suddenly emerged. Shang Xintou: "What do you mean... 'we'? Apart from you, I can know... Is there anyone else who is leaving too?"

"it's me."

A deep and magnetic voice suddenly sounded from behind, Jing Xia suddenly turned around to look, her eyes widened in shock. I saw that Ji Chuancheng had already packed up all his things, looked at himself expressionlessly, approached step by step, and said: "There is an accident in the army, Li Guang and I will go back first, and you, Qin Chu, and Steward Wang, take your time slowly." walk."

Jing Xia subconsciously shouted: "I can go with you first!"

"Your physical condition cannot support a high-intensity rush." With a straight brow, Ji Chuancheng looked deeply at Jingxia for a long time, and then continued: "Wang Steward can't keep up with our speed, you and Qin Chu Come slowly, don't rush."

The other party's voice was as calm as ever, but Jing Xia couldn't calm down at this moment. He never thought that after his rebirth, he would be separated from this man again. He remembered very clearly that since he met this man in his last life, they were separated only once.

And that time, the S city base encountered a swarm of S-class beasts, and he died tragically at Su Weishang's feet.

As if feeling the piercing pain again, Jing Xia reflexively said: "A Chuan! Don't..."

All the voices were annihilated in the warm and broad embrace of the other party, and Jing Xia felt the tight arms around her waist in a daze. There was a warm exhalation in his ear, and he said in a voice so small that only he could hear:

"The matter in the army is very serious, I must go back immediately."

"You have to take good care of yourself, life comes first"

"I promise, this is the last time I will leave you. Jingxia, this time you must walk in front of me intact."

"Take care of yourself, baby."

Until the gentle voice that he had never felt in the past twenty years completely disappeared into the air, Jing Xia still didn't come back to his senses in a daze. The wind blew the leaves and made a sound, Jing Xia caressed her chest, shaking for a long time.

The heart in the chest was beating violently at an unprecedented speed, faster and faster, and even the blood was boiling hot. Before Jing Xia passed out, his last consciousness was—

That gentle voice was definitely not Ji Chuancheng.