The End of the World

Chapter 23


After entering the protective net, the atmosphere of the city suddenly changed.

The bloodstains that flowed and leaked on the road could not be cleaned thoroughly because they had turned black, but the random piles of garbage and sundries could not be seen on the road at all. Unlike the bleakness and desolation outside the protective net, although the buildings, street trees, and street lights in the S city base are dilapidated, people walk and work from time to time, creating a lively scene.

"Our evolutionaries are all concentrated on the coastal edge of the new area, and one-third of them are stationed along the Huangpu River. The mutant beasts in city S are mainly oceans and rivers. Most of the land has been wiped out. A few They were all captured and handed over to the group of researchers above for study." The man in the lead was named Zhou Yi, who was originally an aborigine in S city, and his evolution direction in the last days was mainly muscular strength, which is one of the best offensive types among evolutionaries.

Qi Yang looked around thoughtfully, and suddenly asked: "Your protective net seems to be electrified? I can know how you ensure the supply and conduction of electricity under the current situation, and how to To reduce power loss?"

Zhou Yi was introducing the current situation of the base in city s. After hearing Qi Yang's question, he was stunned for a while and replied without thinking: "Our base in city s has two evolutionaries with lightning abilities, and one of them has the ability to It is very strong, so it can supply large-scale power." After a pause, he added: "As for the cyclotron AC circuit designed by Professor Qi, I don't know the details, but it is quite economical anyway. Oh yes No, the protective net is only instilled with circuits during the 12 hours from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 the next day, and there is no electricity under other circumstances.”

Qi Yang slowly curled his lips, nodded and stopped talking.

On the contrary, Zhou Yi suddenly asked in surprise: "No, the electricity is not connected yet, even if it is connected to a normal person, it should not be able to see that it is charged. How do you know that the protective net is charged?"

Qi Yang turned his head to look at the tall buildings all around him, and he didn't intend to answer Zhou Yi's question at all. Seeing that Zhou Yi, who was rushing straight to the irritable, was about to get angry, Jing Xia hurriedly said: "He is not a normal person, so you don't need to pay attention to him." After speaking, Jing Xia pointed to the baked chains on Qi Yang's hands, and said : "Here, look. This man is going to be locked just after he came out of the courtyard. Don't worry about what he says."

Zhou Yi suddenly realized and nodded: "So he is a lunatic."

The voice was not lowered at all, and it naturally reached Qi Yang's ears, but the latter didn't seem to be angry at all, but showed a disdainful smile, his eyebrows were slightly curved, and he seemed to like the term "lunatic" very much.

"By the way, I'm a little curious why there are still humans living outside the protective net?" Seeing that they had walked about a kilometer away, Jing Xia couldn't help asking: "The protective net should be set up to ensure the safety of life. How could it be?" Someone living off base? It's not safe."

Because of Jing Xia's appearance, Zhou Yi was smiling all the way, but after hearing his words, this simple and simple man suddenly stopped smiling. An ugly look suddenly appeared on his face with rigid lines, and after a long time, he said: "Actually, this is not a secret, you are right, the protective net is the edge of our base in S City, and those ordinary people are Living off base."

Jing Xia was startled when he heard the words, turned his head in surprise, exchanged glances with Ji Chuancheng, and continued to ask: "Although the area where these people live is not close to Jianghai, they will not encounter extremely dangerous mutants. But they are not There is no evolution, and no ability to fight against mutant beasts, so..." Jing Xia didn't finish her sentence.

Zhou Yi sighed: "I'm afraid you don't know that in City S, our evolutionary status was very embarrassing at the beginning. It can even be said that... everyone shouted and beat us. We were not recognized by ordinary people, and we were even going to be wiped out. We worked hard It's been a long time since we got the status we have today. However, even though we have taken on the main task of defending against mutants, some ordinary people still regard us as aliens." The tone seemed flat, but there was a trace of depression and helplessness in his voice .

"As for these people, they refused to live with us and refused our protection, so they didn't enter the base in City S, but lived outside the protective net." After a pause, Zhou Yi continued: "Of course, There were still some people inside who were unwilling to participate in labor, so they took the initiative to go outside.”

Zhou Yi didn't want to say more after talking about this, and Jing Xia was also surprised and didn't want to ask any more.

In his previous life, he left after experiencing a miserable and desperate beast tide in city b, and was suggested by Su Weishang to come to city s. A group of them walked for a long time on the way, and when they arrived at the base in S City, it had been more than half a year since the divorce started. At this time, the city s base has established a complete coexistence system for evolutionists and evolution abandoners. Although the relationship is still awkward and rigid, there is absolutely no such irreconcilable and imminent confrontation.

After walking about two kilometers, because I turned a corner, I could no longer see the layers of protective nets. As the sun set, the entire land suddenly darkened. As time went by, the sky that was originally glowing with blue light was finally silent in darkness.

The moonlight is not bright, and it can only vaguely cast a rough shadow on the things within 200 meters.

Zhou Yi took a black strong flashlight, and said with a smile, "There may be some troubles in city S due to the large number of people, but a large place also has its advantages, that is, there are many resources before the end of the world." Press the rubber switch button, and suddenly a bright and dazzling light shoots out from the small flashlight bulb. The brightness is so strong that the white light does not stop until it hits the wall more than ten meters away.

"This flashlight has been modified by the researchers at our base in City S. It is more durable and can withstand a ton of pressure."

Qi Yang suddenly let out a hum from his nose, sneered but didn't speak.

Zhou Yi was taken aback, and said, "Jingxia, isn't your friend a bit strange? Could it be that he really came out of the courtyard?"

Jing Xia casually glanced at Qi Yang and said, "You can treat him as dumb."

Zhou Yi: "..."

Qi Yang: "..."

Ji Chuancheng slightly raised his eyes to look at Jing Xia, his face was as indifferent and calm as ever, but there was a deep smile in his eyes, his thin lips were slightly hooked, and his handsome face was much softer. But soon, he turned his gaze away and continued to look around seemingly aimlessly.

Since Qin Chu and Yu Kai left, Ji Chuancheng has been following behind Jing Xia and Qi Yang without saying a word. Once he wanted to make himself disappear, it seemed that he really lost his sense of existence, and even that Zhou Yi didn't notice his existence. Hiding his figure in the darkness, he walked silently.

Because of the need to save electricity, the entire city of S seemed to be shrouded in darkness after nightfall. The moonlight was dim, and the stars were few and far between. The people who occasionally walked on the road gradually disappeared, and finally only a few were left to rush home.

Zhou Yi took Jingxia and the three of them for another one kilometer, and finally stopped in front of a two-story civilian building. He first smiled and said a few words to a short, black and thin man, and then brought him to Jingxia, introducing: "This is an evolutionary from our base, and his evolution direction is The speed and agility type has also evolved a little bit in terms of strength. We are still some distance away from the headquarters, so I asked him to take us to the headquarters, so that the speed will be faster."

Jing Xia looked up and down the dark and thin man for a long time, and found that this man had the same face as Zhou Yi, so he didn't look any more. He nodded and said, "Okay, then it's hard work."

Although I feel that I am a little sorry for the other party, Jing Xia also knows that the headquarters of the S city base is beside the Huangpu River, which is still some distance away from their current location. So they didn't refuse. A group of people stepped on an old rickshaw. Before they could stand still, the black and thin man pulled up the front handle and started running.

Jing Xia's feet were unsteady and he was about to fall, but suddenly he felt a warm and strong arm pulling him back, and then held his hand tightly. Jing Xia raised his head subconsciously, and his eyes fell into a pair of deep and quiet eyes, he couldn't help being stunned. It took a long time before I woke up and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Ji Chuancheng shook his head slightly: "Be careful."

Jing Xia coughed twice, then quietly broke away from Ji Chuancheng's hand, and held on to the half-person-high iron railing to stabilize her figure. He lowered his head, and didn't notice that Ji Chuancheng narrowed his eyes slightly because of his actions, but he quickly returned to normal.

The whistling wind blew past Jing Xia's ears, and the cool evening wind in the autumn night blew his long hair back. The air is mixed with the humid atmosphere of the ocean, and there is a calm and dangerous smell. The little black ball on top of the head desperately pulled at Jing Xia's two strands of black hair, and swayed her fat body from side to side with the violent night wind, almost falling off several times.


In response, Jing Xia took the mutated hamster off her head, and said words of disgust, but the movements of her hands were gentle and serious: "Pull my hair again, it's going to be middle-aged and bald, so take all your hair Cut them off and make a hairless mouse."

"qaq chirp..."

After arching his little head twice in Jingxia's palm as a coquettish, Jiji twisted his little body and finally found a fulcrum to stand up. His two little eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at this stranger curiously. And beautiful steel city.

"You said you came from City B, which is really far away." Zhou Yi looked at the interaction between Jing Xia and Xiao Hei Tuanzi, and said with a smile: "But last month, two of our base in City S also came. The people in city b are all evolutionaries, which is indeed very strange."

Jing Xia was looking down at the stupid little black group, but when he heard this, his whole body froze.