The End of the World

Chapter 27


Along the secluded and secluded corridor is a row of monstera potted plants, the leaves are green, and there are seven or eight concave gaps on the leaves, which are uneven. The stem is about one meter long, and the dense branches and leaves cover the scene in the corridor, coupled with the deliberately dim lights, it looks even more mysterious.

"These monstera have not mutated, so you don't have to worry." A kind and smiling voice sounded, and the gray-haired old man turned his head to look at Jing Xia, and said, "Of course, I think with your skills and abilities, you shouldn't would be terrified of these little things."

"Professor Lu really praised me so much. It's no less labor-saving than the mutated rose just now."

Zhou Yi had already left first, only the old and the young were walking in the corridor together, and the sound of footsteps broke the silence of the corridor.

Professor Lu nodded with a smile, not paying attention to Jing Xia's modesty, and asked: "That boy Zhou Yi has already said something about you before. You have water abilities, right?"

Jing Xia replied: "Well, yes, I have the ability of the water system. But I am more aggressive, probably a little different from the evolutionary who provided the water source that Brother Zhou mentioned before."

Hearing this, Professor Lu gradually smiled, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper. He was wearing a white coat, with a beautiful Parker pen pinned to his breast pocket, which seemed to be just a decoration, it was so weird that it only had a cap but no barrel. He is not tall, half a head shorter than Jing Xia, but when he walks, he has a kind of refreshing and breezy, which is exactly the same as Ji Chuan.

"Is there a difference? We will understand right away, but I will trouble you to cooperate later." After a pause, Professor Lu added: "This is a test that every evolutionary needs to do. You don't have to be too nervous. Take it easy."

With delicate eyebrows and eyes slightly curved, Jing Xia nodded: "Okay."

The two walked through about three more rooms, and finally stopped in front of a white steel door. Professor Lu moved his steps slightly sideways, blocking Jing Xia's sight with his body, and then only heard the sound of locks and keys being bitten and released. After nearly a minute, he suddenly opened the door, turned around and smiled at Jing Xia: "come in."

Jing Xia followed into the house, without taking another look at the complicated door lock.

And Professor Lu looked at his calm and composed appearance, nodded approvingly, and explained: "This is my laboratory, which stores some confidential information, such as the information about the abilities of all the evolutionaries in the city base in S. These Each of our core researchers will have a copy of the materials. You are a bit late tonight, and only I and another professor are left in the institute. He is doing some experiments, and the little guys have gone to his place, so Only I will test you."

Jing Xia's eyes quickly swept across the shelf full of strange animal organ bubble bottles, then turned around and asked, "Professor Lu, are you not afraid that I will attack you now? Only you and I are here, I don't think you Can... uh... "

"Swipe" twice, the silver long arrow suddenly appeared and disappeared in Professor Lu's cuff.

"Haha, you young man is really interesting. Although few of us old guys have evolved, there are still life-saving things. Although your evolutionary physical fitness has improved, your defense ability is not as good as those mutant beasts. They are so perverted, we can still deal with them."

Jing Xia spread her hands helplessly: "Okay, Professor Lu, let's test the ability."

The scene of the ability test has not changed from what Jing Xia experienced in her previous life. It is still the silver-white metal bracelet, and a tiny needle protrudes from the inside of the ring to collect a drop of blood. Even, this room is still the one that Jing Xia entered back then, and the person who tested the ability was also this gentle and cheerful old man.

Professor Lu is one of the senior researchers of the Base Research Institute in S City.

Jing Xia didn't have much contact with these old professors in his previous life, the only one he knew was this Professor Lu who tested his abilities for him. This room was reduced to ashes during the first beast tide in city s, and the old man was also buried in the loess, becoming the ration of mutant beasts.

Not only Professor Lu, almost half of the researchers in the entire institute died.

The first wave of beasts was unexpected by everyone. Most of the mutations of animals and plants far exceeded the evolution rate of humans. Their sudden surprise attack left humans unprepared, and fell into a desperate and collapsed situation.

Perhaps there were leaders of intelligent mutant creatures in the first wave of beasts. The base camp and research institute in city s were the main targets of mutant beasts' attacks. As Professor Lu said, these defensive measures of their own can still be seen against humans, but against those mutant beasts, or even A-level and S-level mutants, they are basically like children's water guns, which are useless.

Jing Xia sighed softly, before thinking about anything else, she felt the cold bracelet being taken away from her wrist. He lowered his head to look at his right hand, only to see that because only a little blood was taken from the puncture, the tiny needle hole quickly healed and healed on its own.

After a while, Professor Lu looked away from the data on the full screen, and said: "Jing Xia, your water system ability is very good, and it is much stronger than another water system evolutionist in our base in terms of developability. Currently, your power value is 197, which is very high." After a pause, Professor Lu seemed to suddenly think of something: "By the way, you probably don't know what power value is."

Jing Xia nodded cooperatively, pretending not to understand anything, and said, "Yes."

"I heard from Zhou Yi before that you have the will to kill S-level mutants, so it seems that you also know that we divide mutant beasts into E-level to S-level. I don't know where you know this division?" Professor Lu asked.

Jing Xia nodded: "Well, this is what a friend of mine told me."

Professor Lu raised an eyebrow in surprise: "Oh? A friend of yours?"

Jing Xia smiled: "Well, his name is Ji Chuancheng."

Putting all the problems directly on A Chuan's dead iceberg is the first excuse Jing Xia will use every time he makes a mistake in the past twenty years.

To his surprise, Professor Lu suddenly smiled: "It seems that the one who came with you is indeed Major Ji. I guessed it when I heard Zhou Yi's description before, but I didn't expect it to be him."

Listening to Professor Lu's words, Jing Xia gradually understood.

Most of the old professors and researchers in these institutes were directly under the military region before. It may be difficult for them to know ordinary military officers, but it is quite normal to know Ji Chuancheng. Even if you don't know Ji Chuancheng, at least you should know General Ji. This circle is not small, but there are not many people at the top.

"Then let me explain to you about the power value first."

Professor Lu put the silver metal bracelet back into the drawer of the desk, and sat down opposite Jing Xia again. The bright ceiling lamp illuminates the entire room, shining on the strange specimens on the shelf, and the strange green liquid color is shining with a transparent light.

"Every evolutionary and evolutionary loser will have a rapid heartbeat and blood circulation when awakening the power, the brain is in a state of extreme excitement, the metabolism is too fast, and eventually coma. There are two results in the coma, the first one, Evolution is successful, the second one..." Professor Lu's voice gradually lowered, mixed with a trace of helplessness: "The second one is evolution failure."

Listening to Professor Lu's sad and helpless tone, Jing Xia naturally understood the other party's psychology.

Professor Lu does not often participate in research experiments, but is responsible for daily feedback and observation of the evolutionary's abilities.

Professor Lu also said these words to him in his previous life. Before Ji Chuancheng arrived in City S, he entered this room together with Wu Jiqing and Su Weishang for the supernatural test, and Professor Lu told them about the cruel reality and difficulties faced by evolutionists.

These things seem to have happened many years ago, but when Jing Xia recalled it, probably because his brain became more active after evolution, those memories completely appeared before his eyes, just like yesterday.

"I know that feeling, but I just don't know how the power value is determined." Jing Xia changed the subject calmly, so that the old man in front of him would no longer recall those sad things.

After all, he has experienced too many ups and downs in his life. Professor Lu quickly broke away from his sad emotions and continued: "In fact, when all evolutionaries are in a coma, their heart rate will reach a peak, and we will set this peak is called the raw power value."

Jing Xia nodded, motioning for the other party to continue explaining.

Naturally, he already knew these nouns, but at this moment he didn't mind hearing the other party repeat them again.

"After our research, we found that this number has a special meaning, which can be used to determine the level of the ability." As if worried that Jing Xia would not understand, Professor Lu made another analogy: "For example, the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius. 0c is equal to 32°f, and 100c of boiling water is equal to 212°f. No matter what kind of standard weights and measures, as long as they measure the same thing, they can be unified to some extent.”

Jing Xia said with a smile: "So, you have made your own weights and measures for abilities?"

Professor Lu laughed loudly: "We decided on the unit of power value after precise research and testing. Of course, this data does not represent a person's fighting level. Response ability, quality of dealing with danger, fighting skills, etc. They are all important data to comprehensively evaluate a person. However, I think that from your actions against Xiao Yueyue just now, your actual combat ability is very good."

Jing Xia was taken aback, and subconsciously repeated: "Xiao Yueyue?"

Professor Lu said calmly: "Oh, that's the name given by a little assistant in our institute. It's the mutant rose in the yard."


Professor Lu explained to Jing Xia some related things about the evolutionary, which can be regarded as thoroughly popularizing the basic things that an evolutionary can know at present. Professor Lu is getting old, and he is indeed a little bit powerless in research, so he volunteered to do the clerical work of guiding the evolutionary, which can be regarded as his contribution.

"By the way, why did Major Ji suddenly come to City S? He should be closer to City B." When he was packing his things at the end, Professor Lu suddenly remembered something, and asked, "According to his duties, it's really a bit of a hassle to come to City S." That's weird, is there something wrong?"

Jing Xia straightened his clothes and stood up, suddenly heard Professor Lu's question, he blinked, thought for a while and said: "A Chuan has something to do, he wants to escort Qi Yang to S City to hand over to..." Recalling, He continued: "It seems to be handed over to Professor Qi."

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell Professor Lu all this because he told Ji Chuancheng that City S would become the last stronghold of human beings, and several beast hordes would break out in the end, and it was also the most critical point of human defense.

The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, just as Jing Xia was about to raise her head and continue to say something, the smile on her mouth froze suddenly when she saw Professor Lu's expression.

I saw this old man who had always been kind and kind suddenly opened his slightly cloudy eyes wide, his gray eyebrows trembled slightly because of shock, and the whole person looked at him in shock, and exclaimed: "Qi Yang?! You mean that Is it Qi Yang from the restricted area?!!!"

Nodding because she didn't know, Jing Xia said, "It should be."

"Height 181, weight 74 kg, there is a small red mole behind the left ear, and the middle finger of the right hand is half a centimeter longer than the left hand..." A series of words spit out like pouring beans, from physical characteristics to personality habits, Professor Lu excitedly Blushing, she crossed the table and walked in front of Jing Xia, and continued: "That Qi Yang who always wears a pair of red star and silver-rimmed glasses?!"

Jing Xia swallowed, and said silently: "It seems... not wearing glasses."

"Qi Rong, this old guy is really disgusting! He didn't even say anything when the little monster arrived in S City!" The excited words were kept in his mouth, and Professor Lu didn't even put down the folder in his hand before swishing towards the door. After rushing, he turned back just halfway there: "Xiao Jing, please show me the door, my assistant will come back later and close the door."

Jing Xia half-opened her mouth in surprise, and was about to reply "Okay, I see", before the words came out of her throat, Professor Lu ran out again without looking back. The speed is so fast that it doesn't look like an old man, but a runner who is sprinting to the final.

Jing Xia stared at the swaying metal safety door in silence for a long time, and after a long while, he said helplessly to himself—

"Little monster... Qi Yang?"