The End of the World

Chapter 29


City S in late autumn is not as smoggy as City B, and the temperature is relatively mild. The peaceful sunshine shone on the street, and these people who rested at night took to the street one after another, continuing to clean up the dilapidated mess and plant new crops.

Although the new seeds developed and produced by the research institute have reduced the possibility of plant variation to less than 10%, the cultivation of rations is still a difficult problem in today's increasingly scarce food situation.

Jing Xia stared for a long time at the large soil planting area where the low buildings were overthrown and re-planned.

"Today I will take you to the cleaning team first. Today you will be in charge of sweeping a community eastward from Area 81 of the base, and you can come back at noon." Yi looked at Jing Xia's ecstasy, looked in the direction of his line of sight, and said, "It turned out to be a large six-story old residential area over there. The people in the research institute said that the soil conditions over there are suitable for the cultivation of new seeds. , so a growing area was opened up there.”

Jing Xia nodded when he heard the words, turned his head away from looking there, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, are you going to work with me on the cleaning team today?"

"Haha, that's right. You just came, and Professor Lu entrusted me with the task of guiding you. Of course, I want to get to know you well. The task of the cleaning team is to sweep through unknown safe areas and confirm..."

Jing Xia listened to these tasks that he already knew, while absently looking at the people who were working non-stop on that large piece of land. Only about a kilometer away, the bright sun shone on the river on the other side of the field, with silvery ripples.

This is one of the mutant landing points of the first beast horde war.

Different from the busyness of ordinary people in the base, the evolved ones seem to be very leisurely. Jing Xia and Zhou Yi walked slowly on the street, heading towards Area 81. It turned out that Zhou Yi should be resting today, but he was assigned by Professor Lu to take care of Jing Xia.

This sincere and enthusiastic Northeast man took Jing Xia away without saying a word, and kept explaining the work that the cleaning team needed to do along the way. The two walked for more than an hour and arrived at Area 81. There were fewer and fewer people along the road, and in the end there were only some evolutionaries left, and no ordinary people were left.

"There are fewer ordinary people as we get closer to the border of the base, so we need to expand the scope of the base to confirm safety." Zhou Yi reached out to greet an evolutionary, then turned his head and continued to say to Jing Xia: "This job is generally still a job. It's a bit dangerous, but I don't think it should be too difficult for you. By the way, the mutant you encountered in the research institute was discovered in Area 81, and it seriously injured one of our five-sense evolutions. "

Jing Xia was taken aback: "Xiao Yueyue?"

Hearing the name, Zhou Yi's face turned red and then white, and finally he had to admit: "That's right, it's Xiao Yueyue."

As if he didn't want to continue this topic at all, Zhou Yi sped up his feet, found a thin man who was waving his hands and smiling at them, and introduced: "Jing Xia, this is Xu Qi, he is in our group today. "

The person who came was not tall and short in stature, but his eyes were full of light. He looked Jingxia up and down curiously for a while, then stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Xu Qi, hehe, I was in the dormitory last night. I heard Brother Zhou told you about you, Jingxia."

Jing Xia smiled and reached out to shake the man's hand, saying: "Then it seems that you also know what my supernatural power is, I don't know what your supernatural power is, Brother Li?"

"Haha, I am a five-sense type. My retinal nerve cells have evolved, and I can see objects within two kilometers, and can see through the distance within 10 meters when I concentrate, and see the dynamics within 100 kilometers per hour. object."

Zhou Yi laughed loudly: "The cleaning task awarded to us this time is only three of us to complete. Since you are cleaning for the first time, our task today is very light."

Jing Xia nodded understandingly: "Brother Li is a reconnaissance type, Brother Zhou is the main output, and I am a special ability. Although the team composition is a bit rough, basically there is no big problem."

"Okay, then let's go first."

Said it was a departure, but it was just passing through the border protection net of Area 81 and entering that community.

All the people have been evacuated long ago, and only the chirping birdsong echoed in the entire community, breaking the long-lasting silence. Jing Xia walked past a large piece of broken glass, the lower two floors of the entire community were devastated and swept away, only the top few floors were in better condition.

"Is this to find all the escape?" Jing Xia looked around and said with emotion, "I can imagine the crazy scene when people here started to leave the building."

"My home is in this community." Xu Qi said suddenly, and he reached out to break through a bunch of weeds that rose suddenly on the ground: "Fortunately, I live on the seventeenth floor, and I met many people when I ran down, but Few people will climb up again, after all, there are still threats of mutants at that time."

"Xu Qi's encounter is not bad. I live near the S City Zoo, and that is a miserable scene. Okay, let's not talk about this." Zhou Yi brushed a stone into the community Behind an osmanthus tree more than ten meters high, he said: "We can just ignore the mutated grass just now. After it is confirmed that it is safe, ordinary people will come to rebuild. Of course, we must Make sure there is no danger."

Hearing this, Jing Xia smiled and nodded: "Okay, I still understand these. But I think this community is not too small, we still have to speed up..."

Before Jing Xia finished speaking, he heard a rustling sound from the grass ten meters away, and everyone immediately looked over there vigilantly. In the place covered by the weeds more than one meter high, there was a wave of wheat shaking from south to north, running towards Jing Xia at a high speed.

Xu Qi narrowed his eyes and said, "The white animal is about the size of a medium-sized dog. It's very fast. I think it's a mutant."

Following Xu Qi's words, Jing Xia and Zhou Yi stared ahead more warily. Xu Qi is not an offensive ability, he naturally walked behind Jing Xia and Zhou Yi. I saw a snow-white shadow rushing from the grass, the long and slender tentacles and narrow eyes under the sun, except for the extraordinarily large figure, everything was so familiar that Jing Xia was shocked.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Two voices sounded suddenly, and Jing Xia shot a water arrow at the mutated mouse, a little blood flowed out of the huge body, and the mutated mouse turned around and ran away in fright, darting into the clutter with its big tail shaking. In the grass.

At the same time, a little black ball leaped down from Jing Xia's head, and chased after it.

Jing Xia: "!"

"..." Zhou Yi was silent for a long time, and asked, "Is that mutant hamster of yours... chasing someone?"

"Brother Zhou, I'll go after him first, you guys move first, the community is not big and I'll go find you." Jing Xia said quickly, and chased Jiji away. Fortunately, the patch of mutated weeds was not that big, and it didn't take long for it to suddenly drop in height, so that Jing Xia could see the little black ball scurrying here and there.

Jing Xia frowned, and thought to herself: When you catch this little thing, you must let it go back and close it... Close the drawer.

If someone could look down from the sky now, they would see two rats playing a strange game of chasing each other among the weeds piled up and down. The mutated mouse running in the front was huge. Although the mutated black-lined hamster in the middle was faster, it was often blocked by stones and giant grass because of its small size.

At the end of them is a young man who is getting further and further away.

Even with the improvement of physical fitness due to evolution, Jing Xia is still far from catching up with these extremely fast four-legged animals. Just when he was so angry that he was about to raise his hand and shoot that bastard with a water arrow, the fleshy little black ball suddenly stopped, and his small body stood between two mutated weeds, as if he was lost. He looked around in a daze, and stopped chasing the white mutant mouse that was running ahead.

Looking at this strange scene, Jing Xia paused for a moment, not quite understanding what happened to this damned little thing. But he didn't worry too much, as long as he got this thing back, he had plenty of ways to let this guy know what the punishment of leaving home was.

One person and one mouse were separated by a distance of several hundred meters. Jing Xia was extremely fast, and it only took tens of seconds to catch up with the little guy who stopped suddenly. To his surprise, he saw the little black ball moving its ears and blinking its eyes, and just as Jingxia was about to catch up with it, it turned around and ran in another direction with a swish. go.

Jing Xia: "..."

Don't let him catch this thing! ! !

Passing through the half-broken garden arch of the community, jumping over the street trees that were pushed to the ground, Jing Xia followed the little Hei Tuanzi all the way into the underground garage, and finally watched the little Dongzi disappear into the thick fur of the same color. in the dark.

In the dark and secret underground garage, Jing Xia slowed down and began to be careful around her surroundings.

He turned on the flashlight he carried with him, and as soon as he turned it on, the white light illuminated the spacious and empty underground parking lot. Accompanied by the sound of dripping water coming from nowhere, Jing Xia walked carefully while looking for that Jiji who didn't know where to go.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi...!!!"

Suddenly hearing the familiar "chichi", Jing Xia stopped abruptly, turned around with a sneer and walked towards the place where the sound came from. The shoes creaked and creaked when they stepped on the fine stones. Jing Xia let out a cold snort from his nose, walked to the corner, and said in a low voice: "You'd better explain to me why you ran. Tonight Go back and close the drawer, don't try to escape again..."

The voice stopped abruptly, Jing Xia looked at the green pebble tightly hugged in Xiao Hei Tuanzi's arms. The green stone, which is only the size of an adult's thumbnail, exudes a deep green light in the dark, like the best green ghost, clear and transparent. That strangely bright and astonishing light color seems to be tempting people to fight for it, everything is thrillingly beautiful.

Jing Xia opened his mouth in a daze, and looked at the little green stone that was obviously not a mortal thing in shock. He stretched out his hand in a daze, wanting to touch it, but he only moved a little, and saw that he was hugging the little green stone tightly. The black ball swallowed the magnificent green stone with a sudden click.

When the emerald green light disappeared from the field of vision, Jing Xia instantly woke up from the feeling of magic. His right hand was awkwardly stretched in the air, and his left hand held a strong flashlight, illuminating the dark mutant hamster.

The little black dumpling showed off its belly, swaying under the white light, showing off its plump fleshy face as if it wanted to fly into the sky.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!!!"

be mine! I ate it, what can you do to me! ! !

Jing Xia: "..."

"Bah! Who wants to snatch it from you! Smelly shameless!"