The End of the World

Chapter 33


"Brother, we meet again." With the same gentle and clear voice, a bright smile appeared on the corners of Su Weishang's lips, and then he turned his head to look at the indifferent and stern man on the side, his eyes stayed for a long time, and continued: "It's been a long time No see, Brother Ji."

Jing Xia snorted coldly.

Ji Chuancheng glanced at Jing Xia thoughtfully, then nodded slightly.

Su Weishang didn't seem to notice Jing Xia's indifferent attitude, he continued to smile and said, "It's fate to meet you here, are you going to come to the test area for training?"

Looking at the young man's dazzling smile, Jing Xia slowly opened the corner of his mouth, and said with a gentle attitude: "Yes, but we don't know much about it yet, can you demonstrate it for us?" The tone was very sincere Seriously, changing from the cold and indifferent attitude just now, even Ji Chuancheng looked at the young man several times in surprise.

Hearing this, Su Weishang suddenly widened his clear eyes. But it was only a moment before he recovered immediately: "Brother... what do you mean?"

Jing Xia sneered in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be easy-going: "Su Weishang, I haven't seen you for so long, and I miss you a little too." Hearing what Jing Xia said, the smile on Su Weishang's face froze, and they Obviously I saw it outside the base a few days ago. "It's rare to meet in the competition area, why don't we come and have a competition? Because I'm still a newcomer, I haven't fought against the enemy much, and my level is naturally not enough. You are so careful and care about me, I must be able to guide me well. I."

These words were so impeccable that Wu Jiqing touched his head and felt a little weird.

How does it feel... These words are not at all like what Ah Jing would say.

But Jing Xia acted as if nothing happened, and also seemed to have always treated Su Weishang in this way. There is a confident smile on his flamboyant and delicate face, which makes people feel good at first sight.

These superficial skills that Su Weishang can do are not because he didn't do them in the past, but—

Feel contrived.

But he found out more and more that it was because of these pretentious things that some people who couldn't see the truth were kept in the dark, and it was himself who suffered in the end. Since it can be done easily, why not do it? He didn't mind using Su Weishang's sharp blade to beat him back to his original shape.

The handsome and indifferent man lowered his eyes and stared deeply at the deceitful young man for a long time. Others may not be able to spot the young man's tail that is so proud that it almost goes up to the sky, but Ji Chuancheng can easily spot the proud gesture of Jing Xia from the corners of Jing Xia's slightly hooked lips. Like a confident little fox, waiting to receive a compliment in a swaggering manner.

There was an imperceptible smile in the deep and dark eyes, Ji Chuancheng raised his eyes and glanced at Su Weishang, who was pale, and turned his eyes indifferently, just in time to meet Jing Xia.

"Any accident will never happen. 』

Jing Xia got this reassurance from Ji Chuancheng's gaze, although he was a little surprised, somehow he suddenly felt a warmth in his heart, which flowed out from his heart and spread to his whole body.

Raising an eyebrow, Jing Xia replied—

"You still don't believe in my strength? 』

The thin lips hooked slightly, Ji Chuan smiled but said nothing.

Originally, Su Weishang wanted to refuse, but Wu Jiqing agreed without hesitation. In his heart, this is a great opportunity for Ah Jing and Xiao Shang to rebuild their relationship, how could he miss it? The handsome man didn't notice the hesitant expression of the young man beside him at all. After waiting for a while, Su Weishang also agreed with a smile.

There weren't many evolutionaries trained in the test area this day, and most of them were still on the other side of the field. Occasionally, a few people saw Jing Xia and Su Weishang standing on the ground of the competition area again, and surrounded them curiously, intending to take a look at the strength of this new evolutionary.

Different from the self-training area, the ground of the competition area is still a piece of uneven land. Probably because of the rain just a few days ago, the ground is a little wet, but not muddy. Occasionally, new shoots burst out, but they were also submerged in the large expanse of soil and could not be seen.

Jing Xia glanced at the empty space, and then stopped at Su Weishang who was opposite. The two looked at each other at a distance of more than ten meters. Although they didn't speak, they both raised their guard and began to think about how to break through.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!"

In the north of the entire field, the fleshy little black ball managed to find a place on the man's shoulder where it would not slip off, and then lay firmly on its stomach. After stabilizing its body, it waved its small fists and let out a "chirp chirp", as if cheering Jing Xia on, the two small horns on its head glowed light golden in the sun.

Hearing this sound suddenly, Jing Xia turned his head to look at the source of the sound, and saw a lump of fat hanging on Ji Chuancheng's shoulder. He was just feeling a little funny, and before he could react, he noticed a sudden sound of breaking wind in the air, coming straight towards him.

With a chill in his eyes, Jing Xia subconsciously turned his body sideways to avoid a sharp wind blade.

"Chick! Chick! Chick!!!"

bad guy! You took the opportunity to play tricks! ! !

Su Weishang ran to the right at a high speed, a wind blade suddenly blew up, collided with Jing Xia's water arrow in the air, and finally scattered into a small pool of water. The competition is not over yet, Jingxia's proficiency in defensive evasion, offensive shooting, control over supernatural powers, body agility, speed and strength are obviously much better than Su Weishang.

Su Weishang was almost running away, the distance between the two became smaller and smaller, until finally there was no gap.

With the water knife as the blade, Jing Xia turned his hand and slashed directly at Su Weishang's right arm. Wu Jiqing who was on the side shouted "Xiao Shang" in horror when he saw this. He was about to rush into the arena, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"It will be fine." The indifferent and calm words sounded.

Just as Wu Jiqing turned red and was about to defend himself, he saw Su Weishang bent over very quickly, narrowly dodging the knife. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, muttering in his mouth: "This... This is still very dangerous."

Ji Chuancheng glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Su Weishang will never be in danger." His tone was firm, with unquestionable prestige.

Wu Jiqing choked in his throat, a little confused about what Ji Chuancheng meant.

But the latter didn't mean to explain, and still raised his head and continued to look at the competition on the field.

It was almost one-sided. In terms of physical strength and fighting ability, Su Weishang was far from Jing Xia's opponent. In terms of supernatural powers, Su Weishang's base in S city could only be regarded as an average level. Even so, his reputation is not inferior to Wu Jiqing's at all, because of his kind and gentle personality and... weird and inexplicable means of escape.

Even Wu Jiqing had suffered some minor injuries when fighting mutant beasts during the cleaning mission. But the strange thing is that Su Weishang is like the darling of the heavens, without even a slight injury, and has been able to save himself from danger several times.

Thinking of this, Jing Xia couldn't help but frowned, sideways dodged a wind blade, then raised his hand to return three water arrows, and then sprinted forward without any hesitation at the same time, barely dodging three arrows from different directions before Su Weishang. When the sharp blade was raised, it was a hand knife, which slashed directly at Su Weishang's neck.

Jing Xia's eyes were deep.

Su Weishang could no longer avoid this blow, but the competition was only to the end, and it was naturally impossible for Jing Xia to strike at the last moment. But he didn't slow down his speed at all. In just a few seconds, Su Weishang looked at each other with a cold killing intent.

He was forcing, forcing Su Weishang to resort to the last resort, to see if the other party was really lucky enough to escape the enemy's attacks again and again, or... there was another way.

Just in the blink of an eye, Su Weishang's clear and delicate cat eyes widened in horror. In such a dangerous situation, he had no reason to think about where he was, and subconsciously used the last skill directly.

And all of this, in the eyes of the onlookers, Wu Jiqing and even Ji Chuancheng, Jing Xia suddenly sucked forward without any warning, and then flew out backwards. The impact seemed to be so huge that the young man lost consciousness all of a sudden, and he didn't even take any action to save himself.

At the same time, two sharp wind blades shot out from Su Weishang's hand at an extremely fast speed. One narrowly brushed past the young man's cheek, cutting off two strands of hair, while the other went straight to his heart. !

Seeing that Jing Xia hadn't resisted all this time, everyone realized that at some point, the young man had completely fallen into a coma!

The pitch-black phoenix eyes widened suddenly, and Ji Chuancheng's body shot out like an arrow off the string, but the speed of the wind blade was too fast, and Ji Chuancheng was too far away. All I could hear was the nervous and frightened "cheep" of the little black ball that was thrown to the ground, and the uproar of the onlookers.

Just when the wind blade was about to touch the cloth on Jing Xia's chest, I don't know if he suddenly woke up or something, a water arrow condensed to the point that it almost turned into solid ice shot down the wind blade. The strength was controlled extremely cleverly, and it inevitably cut Jing Xia's chest clothes, revealing a little fair skin, but only scratched some oily skin, and nothing major happened.

In the next second, the thick wall of water blocked the young man's backward trend in a hemispherical shape, and Ji Chuancheng also ran up to him, hugging the unconscious young man tightly into his arms.

And this seemingly complicated event happened in just ten seconds, so fast that neither Wu Jiqing nor the people around him realized what happened.

After carefully checking that the fainted young man was not injured, Ji Chuan turned his head and stared coldly at the pale young man not far away: "What was that just now?" The resolute killing intent is not like Jing Xia's disguised eyes just now. Those eyes seem to be soaked in countless blood. In Su Weishang's eyes, it looks like a hell.

Su Weishang's face seemed to be completely drained of color, he faltered and bit his lower lip, biting his white lip until it was almost bleeding, and he didn't make a sound.

Ji Chuancheng clenched his fingers, and the curvature of his lips slipped a little more. He ignored the pretty boy who was obviously pretending to be stupid, picked Jing Xia up and walked out of the competition area, heading towards the research institute.

The mutated hamster that was left without mercy also hurriedly pawed at its small thick legs, paved the dirt floor, and rushed out, catching up to the two at an extremely fast speed. He just thought about climbing onto the shoulders of this human being again, and when he raised his chubby face to look at Ji Chuancheng's expression, he completely languished, and had to walk on the ground obediently, not daring to move anymore——

"chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp qaq"

It's so scary... Chick Chick!

But in the competition area that Ji Chuancheng disdained to pay attention to, Wu Jiqing seemed to come to his senses suddenly, and he ran up quickly to see that Su Weishang was not injured, and he was relieved.

The crowd of onlookers did not disperse, and from time to time someone pointed at the two people in the center of the venue with complex expressions.

It is very taboo in the competition to release two wind blades to kill the opponent when he is already stunned. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the water arrow, no one knows what the result will be now. It's not that no one doubts how Jing Xia can release her abilities when she is in a coma, but there are also people whose bodies can automatically sense danger and respond, so everyone's focus is not on this point, but...

They all looked at the seemingly fragile and harmless young man with some disdain.

"Xiao Shang... why did you release two wind blades at the end?" After hesitating for a long time, Wu Jiqing finally couldn't help asking after hearing the increasingly loud discussions around him.

What responded to him was the young man's bright and pale smile, and he defended weakly: "Jiqing... I... I was probably too scared all of a sudden, that's why I didn't respond to this question."

Hearing this, Wu Jiqing, who had already faced dozens of mutated beasts, suddenly felt a little surprised.

It's not that they haven't encountered a more dangerous situation than before, but...he has never felt that kind of cold murderous aura from Xiao Shang. I'm afraid Xiao Shang himself didn't know... At that moment, those eyes that he always thought were gentle and clear were colder than his ice picks.

Reluctantly suppressing the astonishment in his heart, Wu Jiqing asked again: "By the way, Xiaoshang, what method did you use to make Ah Jing fly out just now? made Ah Jing faint? You don't seem to have this kind of behavior before. Ability, what is this?" There was a hint of doubt in his tone, and Wu Jiqing didn't realize that his attitude seemed less enthusiastic than before.

But Su Weishang didn't notice this. Hearing Wu Jiqing's words, his already pale face became even uglier. With a forced smile, Su Weishang rolled his eyes and said, "This... is just one of the wind powers, which I only recently understood."

Wu Jiqing frowned: "Really?"

Su Weishang nodded and said nothing more.

Wu Jiqing seemed to understand, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, under the catalysis of the accelerated start, they will break out of the ground, grow continuously, and eventually become a towering tree that cannot be cut down.