The End of the World

Chapter 34


The base has a special medical room, but Ji Chuancheng walked in the opposite direction. He walked straight to the small buildings of the research institute with quick strides, pushed the door open and asked, "Where is Qin Chu?" His voice was deep and magnetic, suppressing a trace of anger and worry.

And the group of people who were disturbed turned their heads to look at him in surprise.

I saw the tall man holding Jing Xia in his arms easily, and just rushed in. There was a little black ball running around at his feet, and behind him was a man who expressed embarrassment that he had failed to stop the other party from entering. Assistant in white coat.

It was Qi Yang who was the first to react.

He threw the huge surgical forceps in his hand into the metal tray beside him, making a crisp collision sound, and while removing the mask on his face, he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

When these words fell to the ground, the professors and assistants in the entire laboratory came back to their senses.

As if it was also infected by the air-conditioning that spread from the door, the mutated rose, which was still struggling even after being stomped on its head, continued to jump up and down after a short period of stagnation, struggling to death.

Ji Chuancheng looked up at the professors who were in a hurry in the middle of the room, and then frowned: "Xiao Xia is injured. Where is Qin Chu?"

"You come with me."

As he said that, Qi Yang took off his white coat that was stained with green plant juice and threw it away, and was quickly caught by the young assistant who was waiting by the side. He walked out of the laboratory door without looking back, causing the assistant behind him to shout in surprise: "Major Qi, Major Qi! The experiment has not been completed yet, you..."

"I'll leave this simple thing to Professor Qi." Without saying a word, Qi Yang and Ji Chuancheng disappeared into the gate of the laboratory. The thick metal safety door closed.

The little assistant who was left behind really burst into tears and was speechless.

Since he was assigned to Major Qi a few days ago, his brain cells have been reduced by at least half, right? ! !

Qi Yang's face has never been so serious before, causing Jiji to look at him strangely several times. He took off the red star glasses on the bridge of his nose and put them in his shirt pocket. There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, which seemed to be caused by being bored in the laboratory for a long time.

"Which mutant beast did he compete with for this accident?" The voice was no longer playful, and Qi Yang looked down at the unconscious young man while walking, and said, "I probably know the strength of all of you along the way." Well, at Jing Xia's level, he wouldn't be able to make it look like this, at least the mutants raised in captivity in the city S base shouldn't be able to knock him out."

"It's Su Weishang."

Qi Yang's footsteps faltered, he was half a beat behind Ji Chuan, and quickly caught up: "This is the first time I know that there are human evolutionaries fighting and hurting people in the competition area, and that Su Weishang doesn't know about the competition area Is it a rule?"

Since evolutionaries are extremely rare, the most important of the regulations in the competition area is—

You can't hurt people.

Therefore, the competition with mutants is risky, while the competition between evolutionists is much safer.

Without directly answering this question, Ji Chuan showed a murderous intent on his stern face. He will never forget that when the sharp wind blade shot at the young man in his arms, how he felt that the blood in his whole body was coagulated, and even his heart stopped beating. With this feeling, there is no way to try it a second time.

"I checked Su Weishang's information. As an evolutionary with a relatively weak foundation, his abilities are not high, and his physical fitness is not strong. I don't think he has anything outstanding." Qi Yang took Ji Chuancheng around. Bend, and then went upstairs: "Oh right, except that his luck is very good, so good that I am very interested in studying it."

"He's not normal."

A sudden sentence resounded in the peaceful and quiet stairwell, Qi Yang narrowed his eyes and was about to say something, when he turned his head, he saw the young man in the man's arms slowly opened his eyes, his beautiful and delicate peach blossom eyes blinked slowly Blinking, it seems that he is still not fully awake.

Ji Chuancheng stopped abruptly, lowered his head and called softly: "Xiao Xia?"

In a few seconds, Jing Xia frowned, shook his head vigorously, and when he opened his eyes again, except for a trace of fatigue and tiredness in his eyes, the whole person had recovered his original spirit.

Ji Chuancheng put him down immediately.

"This is... what's wrong?" A puzzled voice sounded, and Jing Xia looked around for a while, only to realize that he had left the training base at some point. He turned his gaze and looked forward, his eyes widened suddenly: "Qi Yang?!"

Qi Yang nodded slightly and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Jing Xia replied reflexively: "I'm still a little dizzy, and I feel a little light under my feet. It's basically nothing serious." After a pause, he suddenly realized what happened, and said in surprise: "Where's Su Weishang?!!!"

Upon hearing this name, Ji Chuancheng involuntarily tightened his fingers, his eyes slightly sullen: "He is still in the field of the competition area. Since you are still not feeling well, you should go to Qin Chu to have a look first, she Right at the institute."

Jing Xia nodded in confusion, then shook her head with her hand, trying to stop the buzzing voice in her head. As soon as he raised his head, he happened to meet Qi Yang's gaze. Jing Xia looked at Qi Yang's rare and solemn expression in surprise, and his mood, which was originally relaxed and normal, gradually became serious.

It took the three of them a few minutes to find Qin Chu on the third floor. As soon as the door was opened, a tall woman in a white coat was reaching for a certain reagent on the medicine shelf. When she heard the door open, she turned around in surprise. First glance: "Master, you little bastard?!"

Qin Chu has not yet awakened the ability, but she comes to the research institute every day to conduct drug research to see if she can find a way to heal some injured evolutionaries in the base.

Ji Chuancheng nodded slightly, and then said: "Show him." Jing Xia pointed at the target.

Although Qin Chu didn't understand what happened, she was already used to obeying orders. First, he took the pulse directly, and then with a serious expression, he used some modern instruments reserved at the city base in S. When all the actions were over, Qin Chu let out a long breath and said, "It's not a big deal. Except for a little dizziness and headache, All parts of the body are normal."

Ji Chuan hit the nail on the head: "What's so special?"

Qin Chu looked serious: "If there is anything special... I just checked the brain with a new type of light-transmitting scanner made by the research institute, and found that several blood vessels near the diencephalon have slightly shifted and The spasm, the small offset distance is not a big deal, it can be repaired by itself; the degree of spasm is also decreasing, and it will be fine to check again tomorrow."

As soon as these words fell to the ground, except for Jing Xia, the other three fell silent.

Ji Chuan had a cold face, and the aura in his whole body became even more suppressed. Qi Yang also frowned tightly, not the usual easy teasing. Even Qin Chu looked Jingxia up and down with a strange expression for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Little bastard, what did you do? When I saw you this morning, you were still alive and kicking."

After such a long time, the voice that had been ringing in Jing Xia's mind gradually weakened. He touched his forehead, feeling that the dull pain in his head that seemed to be cut by a hatchet was getting lighter, and he gradually recalled what happened before.

Now, even he couldn't calm down.

Looking up, Jing Xia said seriously: "A Chuan, Su Weishang is too weird. At the end, I felt an inexplicable suction sucking me towards him, and then my whole mind was completely dazed, and I didn't even know what happened. what."

"Chirp chirp chirp! chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!!" Little Hei Tuanzi seemed to want to say something, jumping up and down non-stop, but from the beginning to the end it could only be "chirp chirp" screaming. People can't understand.

Ji Chuan looked down at the mutated hamster calmly, and said, "You flew upside down in the end."

Jing Xia was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously repeated: "Fly upside down?!"

Ji Chuancheng closed his eyes and nodded, before he could speak, he heard Qi Yang ask, "Do you still remember the feeling at that time, Jing Xia? Describe it in detail."

The straight and delicate eyebrows were tightly frowned, Jing Xia thought for a long time, and finally said: "I really can't tell the specifics, if I have to describe it... probably the feeling of being taken away by someone. The whole person I was dizzy, my body was out of my control, and I was about to rush over there. Oh yes! When I was about to reach Su Weishang's side at last, I vaguely felt a danger—I always felt that if I was really completely If you breathe it in, you will definitely die."

"Your memory only stays in the process of being sucked in?" Ji Chuancheng asked.

Jing Xia nodded.

The handsome and elegant face was covered with a shadow, and the gentle but not brilliant sunlight in the afternoon shone in through the glass windows of the room, brightening up the whole room. Jing Xia raised her head and saw Ji Chuan narrowing her phoenix eyes, which were deep and dark, as if a black hole could attract all the light into it, she didn't know what she was thinking.

But what he didn't know was that Ji Chuancheng had countless thoughts in his mind.

From the young man's strange attitude towards Su Weishang when he first entered the base in City S, to the first disharmonious meeting in the research institute, and to the end—the two wind blades that were full of murderous intent and went straight to the death spot .

The fingers tightened slightly, and the nails were all embedded in the flesh of the palm.

"This is really weird. I heard from Major Ji that you were caught by him after flying upside down. Since you didn't want to, could it be that Su Weishang threw you out?" Qi Yang said in a strange voice. He paused for a while, and then said: "Su Weishang's wind ability has detailed investigation data in the research institute, and he has been observed by special personnel in several competitions in the competition area. He has never had this kind of ability, and ... It is impossible to have such an unreasonable wind ability."

Jing Xia thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that in his last life, he was finally defeated by Su Weishang. In addition to being injured because of fighting mutants in the beast tide war, Su Weishang was also surrounded by no one. Under such circumstances, he was sucked in strangely.

And he always thought it was a kind of wind ability.

"Isn't this the wind ability? It sucks people in?"

Qi Yang shook his head: "Maybe there is such a power, but it is definitely not Su Weishang's. Through the research on his cells and blood, I found that his wind power is the same as that of the public, which is caused by changing the density of the air. Wind. If he can suck a large living person, then at least the wind will be blown up in the whole venue, and everyone can feel it."

Jing Xia was taken aback: "No accident?"

Qi Yang looked at Jing Xia with his downcast eyes, which contained more complex emotions besides a kind of exploration and contemplation. He was silent for a while, and finally replied: "Unless... he is the owner of dual abilities, which humans have never discovered before."

Ji Chuan looked up at Qi Yang calmly.

Jing Xia exclaimed: "Double abilities?! There is still such a situation?!"

In his previous life, among the thousands of supernatural beings he knew, none of them possessed two supernatural powers. Possessing supernatural powers is a difficult task in itself, let alone combining two supernatural powers into one.

Qin Chu also asked strangely: "I've never heard of the saying that there are dual abilities?"

Qi Yang said with a smile: "I don't know, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. From the very beginning, I don't think that people can only have one kind of supernatural power. I'm also researching whether the supernatural power can be integrated. Although I haven't succeeded, I don't deny it." the possibility exists.”

Jing Xia lowered her head and thought for a while, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the possibility of Su Weishang having dual abilities was very high. He was raising his head to say something to Qi Yang, but as soon as he raised his head, his eyes met Ji Chuancheng's. I saw those dark and quiet eyes staring at him seriously and solemnly, with a dignified expression.

"I want to ask you alone." After a pause, the man pursed his thin lips tightly: "Jing Xia."