The End of the World

Chapter 39


The beautifully curved peach blossom eyes drooped slightly, and Jing Xia looked at the ground silently. A look of loss and sadness could not be concealed between his brows. Even Qi Yang, who was unaware of it, could clearly feel the helplessness and grief from his body.

With a sigh from his throat, Jing Xia nodded and said, "Yes, we all have to face God's punishment." His tone was extremely slow, as if he was lamenting, but also seemed to be fearless, but that was hidden behind the words It was sour, but only Ji Chuancheng could hear it.

With his phoenix eyes narrowed, Ji Chuancheng raised his eyes and glanced at Qi Yang coldly, then asked lightly, "When did you believe in Christ?"

He said this very abruptly, with a contemptuous tone, a displeased face, and his cold eyes shot straight at Qi Yang like a dagger. While talking, Ji Chuancheng put his hand on Jing Xia's right shoulder, causing Jing Xia to look up at him in surprise.

After pointing at his own nose for a long time, Qi Yang asked in a daze, "Me?"

Ji Chuan nodded calmly: "Yes."

"I have never believed in Christianity. I am an atheist. I only believe in myself." He said without concealing the proud meaning in his words.

Ji Chuancheng lowered his eyes: "Oh, then shut up."


"Pfft." Jing Xia finally couldn't help laughing out loud, seeing Qi Yang's deflated appearance again, he really felt refreshed, even the air was much fresher. When he felt relaxed, he wanted to break free from Ji Chuancheng's arm, but the latter stepped up his strength and hugged him even tighter.

Jing Xia was slightly startled, and shouted, "A Chuan?"

Ji Chuan lowered his head expressionlessly: "Well, I'm here."

"Your hand." As he spoke, Jing Xia pointed to his right shoulder. I saw a slender and broad hand resting on his shoulder, refusing to move it domineeringly in an irresistible posture.

Ji Chuancheng coughed lightly: "It's too cold."

Jing Xia blinked in confusion: "But I'm not cold."

"I am cold."


He finally understood Qi Yang's feeling just now!

This guy is really disgusting!

Let yourself be a warm handbag for him? !

How can there be such an expensive and beautiful hand warmer in the world!

Angrily shaking off the man's palm, Jing Xia curled her lips and simply refused to look at him. He just turned his head, so he didn't notice that Ji Chuancheng's tense body had finally relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the young man who had returned to normal with relief, his thin lips curled up slightly.

Seeing this, Qi Yang snorted coldly, then stepped forward and bumped Ji Chuancheng's chest with his elbow, and said in a low voice, "Major Ji, using me to comfort Xiao Xiazi, does this count as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha?" His The voice was extremely low, and Jing Xia didn't hear it.

Ji Chuan glanced at him calmly, and then asked, "Are you a flower?"


After two minutes, it seemed as if all the water in her body was about to evaporate, the delicate and pleasant little girl opened her eyes profusely with sweat. Her coat was already wet with sweat, leaving a large trace of sweat on her back.

Zhang Sijing wiped away the sweat from his forehead, looked at Qi Yang, and said, "Major Qi, I checked this jade carefully, and there is basically no major problem. There is no change in the various components, structures, and properties."

Qi Yang raised his eyebrows: "Will it have something to do with supernatural powers?"

"Ability?" As if she didn't expect the other party to ask this question, Zhang Sijing thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "It should have nothing to do with the ability. When I infiltrated with the ability, it didn't have anything to do with my ability." Something special happened."

Hearing this, Jing Xia couldn't help sighing in disappointment: "It seems that we really thought too much. Su Weishang probably really used it as a talisman. Although his mother..." The voice stopped suddenly, and Jing Xia finally found it. An adjective: "Although his mother is relatively humble in terms of character, to Su Weishang, that is his mother and the last relic left by her. As a talisman, it is still very possible."

Qi Yang also spread his hands helplessly: "My molecular magnetic pole scanner can't lie."

In the empty room, there were only four people standing in a circle, and the dim yellow light above their heads shone down from top to bottom. Zhang Sijing flattened her palm and put the jade in the palm of her hand. The light from top to bottom gently sprinkled on the bright green jade. It seemed that it was really just a piece of jade that was so ordinary that it was not even high-quality.

Qi Yang stretched out his hand to take the jade in Zhang Sijing's palm: "Su Weishang will be back in five minutes, I'll take the things first, you guys..."

"Wait a moment."

Qi Yang's movements were suddenly interrupted, and the voice made everyone look at Ji Chuancheng.

The stern and elegant man slowly frowned, looked solemnly at the timid little girl, until her cheeks were flushed, and he opened his lips and said, "Really, there is nothing weird about it? Any Any place, as long as it surprises you a little bit, you can say it.”

Zhang Sijing swallowed her saliva, blushed and said, "This... If I have to say it, its quark seems to be a little different from some jades I have experienced before. But the ones I have measured before are all of excellent quality. Waiting for Haoyu, this is a little different, and it is very possible."

Ji Chuan's eyes froze: "What kind of difference?"

Zhang Sijing stammered: "It's just that it feels different."

Qi Yang didn't take it so lightly anymore, he explained with a serious expression: "Zhang Sijing was just an ordinary college student studying art, and she came to the research institute after awakening her abilities in the past two months, and someone specially taught her knowledge of this."

The implication is that Zhang Sijing can't describe this aspect, but can feel a slight difference.

After these words, Jing Xia was also a little disappointed. Zhang Sijing was the only one who could feel this level, but she couldn't say it in detail, which meant that it had no effect.

"Actually, I can probably tell a little bit. The weak interaction between its quarks seems to be a bit wrong. If you want to describe it... there are some abnormalities in the ckm matrix element, which is different from what I have encountered before."

Hearing this, Qi Yang immediately widened his eyes: "What's different?!"

"This... I'm sorry Major Qi, I really can't tell, it's just different. Of course, the difference is very subtle, it's hard to detect, and it doesn't have much impact on the whole. I think this is very likely to be an individual abnormality."

"Of course it's tiny! Quarks aren't tiny yet, so could molecules be tiny?!" Qi Yang's face was so serious that he was about to drip water: "I asked you to test so many different substances before, and you never felt anything. Abnormal, and now, the weak interaction of this jade makes you feel abnormal."

These words came out of Qi Yang's mouth in a crackling manner, without any hesitation or delay, and the words were very strange and obscure. Jing Xia was confused, but she didn't intervene to ask. He knew that now Qi Yang's brain is thinking at a very fast speed, and the external manifestation is-

He started pacing back and forth incessantly.

"This is wrong! It can be different from quarks, but there is no difference in the whole? This is simply impossible!"

Zhang Sijing swallowed her saliva in fear, and guessed: "Major Qi, it's probably because... small mistakes can't affect the general situation?"

"You don't understand at all!" Qi Yang immediately retorted: "This is a quantitative change causing a qualitative change. The weak interaction between every six quarks is determined by the ckm matrix element, from quarks to neutrons, protons and electrons, to atoms and molecules , and finally to this piece of jade. This is like a piece of diamond, its molecular structure begins to change, so it becomes c60, which are two completely different substances. And quark, that is much smaller than the molecular structure .Even the quarks are abnormal, and the whole thing can still be normal?!"

"Is this... is this... so serious?" Zhang Sijing asked in a low voice.


Jing Xia took a step back silently, leaving the center of the room for this man who had already started to fall into a strange circle of thinking. Because of Jing Xia's sudden movement, the little black ball lying on top of his head and sleeping soundly fell to the ground unexpectedly, and because of the extremely elastic fat all over his body, the chubby mutated hamster bounced twice on the ground.

Opening the sleepy little mung bean eyes, Xiao Hei Tuanzi rubbed his little head that was hurt by the impact, raised his fat head in a daze, and looked at Qi Yang who was making the noise in the room.

"Chichi?" Tilting his head, Little Hei Tuanzi was a little confused about what happened.

Seeing this, Jing Xia immediately reached out to grab Jiji back, he whispered: "Jiji! Don't bother Qi Yang, he's going crazy now..." The voice stopped abruptly.

Jing Xia was horrified to see that Jiji woke up in the blink of an eye, as if he had never slept, and he rushed towards Zhang Sijing with a "swish" full of energy. Jing Xia has never seen it fly at such a fast speed, even... never seen this little thing's squinting eyes open to such an extent!

The tender little girl did not expect that something would rush towards her suddenly, she was so frightened that she took a step back, her hand was unsteady, and the emerald green jade fell from her palm. Jing Xia immediately stretched out his hand to catch it, but just as he had an idea, he saw the dark mutated hamster hugging the emerald green jade into his arms, and then made a falling motion with his small body.

The fleshy hind paws stepped on the ground, hugging the precious jade that was almost half the size of his own, Jiji rolled on the ground twice, then stood up immediately, and made a beautiful landing show.

Jing Xia: "..."

"Chi Chi Chi Chi ~!"

Only then did the others react, and Qi Yang was the first to bend down angrily and prepare to grab the disobedient little hamster: "You little thing, return my baby quickly!"

Jing Xia was taken aback: "This...isn't it a piece of inferior jade, how did it become your treasure?"

Qi Yang didn't take Jing Xia's words to heart at all, he chased Jiji back and forth in this small room, playing a game of chasing each other. One jumped up and down, the other ran with all its strength, and the little black ball scurried back and forth across the room.

"Hurry up and return my beloved treasure! I'll give you ten pieces of top-grade imperial green glass jadeite in exchange!"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp!!!"

Fool! Who wants to change with you! Bah bah bah! ! !