The End of the World

Chapter 43


The bright but not scorching sun shines through the thick glass, even without the heat of midsummer. The light shines into the room, forming several mottled light traces in the air, and the floating dust dances like elves under the sunlight. The room was so quiet that it was as if a needle could be heard clearly when it hit the ground.

The sunlight happened to shine from behind Ji Chuancheng, printing a faint golden layer on his whole body. His face was stern, his thin lips were pursed lightly, and he seemed a little unhappy, and there seemed to be... an indescribably complicated expression.

Jing Xia stared blankly at such a strange yet familiar man, what was strange was his rare and serious appearance, what was familiar was... those seemingly cold eyes still showed a softened expression, and there was no reason for it from outsiders. Indifference.

Choking his throat, Jing Xia said after a long while, "Cough, A Chuan... What exactly are you talking about?"

After waiting for a while without reply, Jing Xia looked at the other party cautiously. I saw that Ji Chuancheng's handsome and profound face was still calm and composed, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he had an expression of "I'm still waiting for your answer".


Eyes as cold as obsidian looked Jingxia up and down for a long time, when the latter felt the hairs all over his body were about to stand on end, Ji Chuancheng suddenly sighed and said: "Do you still remember you?" When you were 17 years old, did you go out with the young masters of the Fang family and the Wei family to spend the night together?"

The words were so abrupt that Jing Xia couldn't figure it out at all. When he thought about Ji Chuancheng's words, he immediately remembered what happened back then. Night, the Fang family, the Wei family...

Jing Xia exclaimed: "You still remember that incident?!"

Ji Chuan nodded calmly as an answer.

But Jing Xia froze all of a sudden, he coughed twice, and said: "I was just ignorant at the beginning, and now I will never do that kind of stupid thing, you know." Touching his left cheek with his hand, the skin has already returned to its original smoothness and delicateness, but...he felt Ji Chuancheng's fiery punch as clearly as yesterday.

Back then, he was with those cronies in the dark and almost took drugs.

And that incident was also the most angry incident for Ji Chuancheng in the past twenty years, not one of them.

Hearing this answer suddenly, Ji Chuancheng raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "How did you answer me back then?"

Jing Xia was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately racked his brains to recall. Too much time has passed, and he has experienced too many things later. He should have completely forgotten this sentence that has passed so many years. However, he was surprised to find that just now he remembered a little sign, but he even remembered the situation at that time clearly!

In the garden of Ji's mansion, he stood behind Ji Chuancheng, and said embarrassingly: "A Chuan, this is definitely the last time for me. If I make another mistake, I will... I will listen to you in everything from now on! You Speaking of east, I absolutely dare not face west!"

As soon as the situation at that time came to mind, Jing Xia was so frightened that he said immediately: "Wait, why are you saying this all of a sudden? I... Where did I make a mistake?! I seem to have followed the rules since then and learned management in a serious manner. , Even Steward Wang said that I have changed a lot."

Ji Chuancheng lowered his eyes and glanced at him: "You listen to me?"

Seeing that the other party ignored her words at all, Jing Xia immediately exploded: "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I listen to you?!!!"

The tall and handsome man suddenly turned cold, and the icy aura emanating from his body made the air drop several degrees. Just as Jing Xia was about to shrink her neck, she suddenly thought that she must never lose her ambition again, so she raised her chin again, vowing to die.

"You did nothing wrong?"

Swallowing, Jing Xia whispered, "No... no."

The sharp phoenix eyes narrowed: "Really?"

"... Yes." Lowering her head helplessly, Jing Xia finally admitted: "I shouldn't have imagined the relationship between you and Qi Yang, and you should be angry. But A Chuan, this matter isn't that serious, right? I swear, I will never dare to guess your relationship with anyone again, there will be absolutely no next time!"



"Think again."

Jing Xia was taken aback: "What do you think?"

"My relationship with others, especially...emotional relationship."

The last few words came out of his mouth through gritted teeth. Ji Chuan's cold and dignified face was full of uncontrollable anger, but it was obvious that the young man on the other side didn't feel the blunt emotion at all.

Hearing this, Jing Xia's eyes widened in surprise, her handsome face was full of doubts.

He was a little confused.

relationship... relationship...

relationship? !

"What?! You actually like Sister Qin?!!!"


"Although you are my best friend, Ah Chuan, if it's Sister Qin, I think you're useless. Sister Qin is..."


The sudden high-pitched voice made the little black ball on Jing Xia's head tremble with fright, and rolled to the ground. Dejectedly, it immediately ran to hide under the table, never daring to look at that inexplicable man again.

The gradually dimming sunlight illuminated Jing Xia's face, and he looked at the furious man in front of him in horror. The broken black hair was scattered on the other party's full forehead, the dark and deep eyes were full of irritated expressions, and the thin lips were tightly pursed, with an expression of displeasure.

He really... had never seen Ji Chuan look so angry.

It was rare for this person to express his feelings directly on his face, let alone such fury. When Jing Xia was 17 years old, he only remembered the fierce and hard fist in the dim room, but he didn't see Ji Chuancheng's expression clearly. And now...

He actually saw it for real.

As if he was helpless, but also as if he was really pissed off by himself, as calm as Ji Chuancheng could no longer hide his emotions, he dissected all his emotions in front of him in vain. That strong emotion, like a volcanic eruption that has been silent for many years, made Jing Xia's heart twitch.

An extremely unreal thought suddenly came to his mind.

"When Aunt Jing passed away, I held you and knelt all night, and you cried out of breath in my arms. You were five years old."

"When you were young, you were playful. You climbed up the big banyan tree by the pond in the old house and fell into the river by accident. I jumped to rescue you and nearly drowned myself. You were six years old."

"Su Weishang framed you for breaking Mr. Jing's most beloved vase. You were punished to kneel in the study all night. It was I who secretly sent things in and begged Mr. Jing to reduce your punishment. You were nine years old."

"You skipped class and no one cared about you. You were almost hit by a car after you ran into the street. I searched all night to find you and dragged you to the old man's study. We knelt together and begged him to forgive you. That was when you were ten years old." .”

"you… "

Ji Chuancheng's usual deep and magnetic voice sounded a little excited at this time, and even the ending was trembling uncontrollably. He spoke word by word, his handsome brows were tightly frowned, and for some reason, his Yaohei eyes seemed to be glistening with water. He obviously still had that domineering and indifferent appearance, but looking at Jing Xia In his eyes, he felt that at this moment—

The same is a little fragile.

It seems that just a negative can make him completely collapse.

"At the old man's funeral, you were enraged by Su Weishang, and you were about to fight to displease Father Jing. I secretly sent someone to trap Su Weishang in the house, and you were twelve years old."

Jing Xia's body trembled a little, he stared blankly at Ji Chuan's appearance. His heart seemed to be completely hooked by these seemingly plain words. These words scratched his heart one by one, leaving scars of mottled and terrifying blood on his heart, and the gurgling blood flowed out, but there was no way to avoid it.

because he knows—

The man was right.

"You drove for a drive before you got your driver's license. You almost broke someone's leg. I took you to apologize in front of someone's hospital bed, and begged the forgiveness of your family and patients. You were fifteen years old."

"I finally came back to City B and wanted to see you, but you got drunk in the night with those drinking and meat friends. When I arrived, I saw you going to take drugs, and I was so angry that I wanted to kill you." Yes, but in the end I still endured it and carried you back to Ji's house and dared not take you back to Jing's house because you were seventeen years old."

The eye sockets gradually turned red, and Ji Chuancheng's voice no longer had the uncontrollable excitement. He gradually slowed down his speaking speed, his usually arrogant and indifferent eyes were gently closed, and he looked at the ground. The dim sunlight seemed to have lost its warmth, obviously shining all the man's tall body in, but Jing Xia felt that his whole body seemed to be icy cold, and even his heart... began to gradually become colder.

Her throat was already dry, and Jing Xia wanted to raise her hand with red eyes, but found that all the strength in her body seemed to be completely emptied, and disappeared in the long and short memory following the other party's words just now.

From the first meeting at the age of five to the reality of the confrontation between the two now.

I have been surrounded by this person in my twenty years of life, and he has never disappeared. Even if I went to the army, I still insist on making a phone call every day to report that I am safe.

He is very silent and not good at expressing his feelings. He only knows to stand by his side forever and do what he should and should not do. He will settle his own mistakes, and he will complete the things that he cannot do.

Everything seems to be taken for granted, taken for granted...

Even he himself didn't think there was anything wrong.

The stern and elegant face was shrouded in a faint dark color due to the light, and his thin lips suddenly raised. Ji Chuancheng sighed deeply, as if he wanted to spit out all the warmth in his heart, and he no longer had the strength to speak.

"In the twenty years since I was nine years old, I have never left your shadow in my life. When you are sick, I am so anxious that I wish I could be myself, and I can only guard you to recover from illness; you are rebellious, and I am so angry that I want to kill you I beat him hard, but I couldn't bear it."

"Jingxia, do you think my twenty-year relationship can be replaced by just saying 'you are my best friend'?"

Time stops and the air freezes.

Jing Xia opened her eyes wide in a daze, choked up her voice, but felt—

Can't even utter a word.