The End of the World

Chapter 49


As night fell, the entire S city base gradually fell into endless darkness.

Unlike the past who were stingy with power supply, the city of S tonight seemed to have returned to the prosperity before the end of the world. The lights are brilliant, dispelling the darkness gradually, and the electric lights on the road are lit up, illuminating the road like daylight.

Among them, the brightest ones are naturally the base headquarters in S City and the research institute next to it.

Most of the injured ordinary people were transferred to the base headquarters for treatment, and the research institute housed hundreds of injured evolutionaries from the entire city of S. Many people are still searching and salvaging the corpses of evolutionists and ordinary people near the beach in Area 80, and they are always on guard against further attacks from the enemy.

"This kind of injury... looks like it was attacked by a mutated beast that resembled a rostral snake? It actually mutated into a scorpion-like snake that is also poisonous. It must be a C-level mutant or higher."

The researcher wearing a white anti-infection mask quickly made a judgment on the masked corpse in front of him, and then took the record book to the second corpse and started a new round of recording.

This situation is constantly happening in the area 80 beach area.

In order to destroy dead human corpses in time to prevent infection of air and water sources, it is necessary to register the death list first, and barely reduce personnel damage and omissions to a minimum.

The Institute is divided into five divisions, occupying nearly a dozen small buildings and a large area of unoccupied land. At this time, all the injured evolutionaries were arranged to be treated by the medical support department in the third division.

In the evening, Jing Xia could already start to move her body.

This is not only because Qin Chu healed 70% of the broken wounds on his legs from the very beginning, but also because the evolutionary's own super-strong metabolism has accelerated the body's recovery ability, and it also includes the new medicine secretly researched by the research institute.

This potion called x-1 greatly surpassed the highest knowledge that people could achieve about potions before the end of the world. It was created by Professor Qi through the modification of three mutant peptide substances secreted by the pancreas of two c-level mutant beasts. In the future, the body's own immune recovery speed has been greatly improved, and under the condition of temporarily unknown side effects, an evolutionary whose heart has been corroded by half has been successfully rescued.

In addition, the true strength of the institute was even revealed in this temporary enemy attack. The powerful and mysterious offensive weapons, several powerful healing potions, and the precise and accurate exploration and measurement instruments for mutant beasts are all amazing.

The dim night made those things hidden in the darkness recede even more.

Jing Xia reluctantly propped up a crutch that Yu Kai made temporarily, and struggled forward bumping and bumping in the corridor where people come and go. From time to time, someone looked at him suspiciously, and then quickly turned away and continued to busy with their own affairs.

Compared with many evolutionaries who were injured and almost died, Jing Xia's "minor injury" with a broken leg can only be regarded as ordinary.

He asked a few people along the way before he found the rooms on the top floor of the medical area.

After the apocalypse, due to the substantial improvement in the physical fitness of the evolutionaries, the establishment of ICU intensive care units is almost unnecessary. Except for individual mutated viruses, there are almost no microorganisms that can infect the evolutionary's wounds, and they will definitely not become a fatal hazard.

Jing Xia pushed open the door cautiously, and saw the peaceful man lying on the bed at a glance.

He was very calm, his whole body was sunken in an arc because of the soft and comfortable bed, Jing Xia's closing sound was not small, but it obviously didn't wake him up. The sharp and indifferent eyes in the past were tightly closed at this moment, the thin lips were tightly pursed, and the brows were furrowed. Even in a coma, Ji Chuancheng still did not completely relax.

There is only Ji Chuancheng alone in this room, or in other words, the rooms on the top floor are barely regarded as intensive care units, each of which is a single room.

Jing Xia struggled to support the crutches and walked to the bed step by step. He took advantage of the opportunity and sat on a small chair, finally being able to put the crutches aside.

The light source of the whole room is a small pale yellow lamp beside the bed, which only illuminates a small area. It can be said that except for the bed, most of the places are plunged into dark shadows. Watch other things more.

He lowered his head and looked at the person on the bed seriously.

Just a few hours ago, he thought he would never see this man again, but now... this man was lying alive in front of him, with a pale and fragile form and an unyielding and tenacious posture.

He didn't know how long he had watched, the air froze for time, as if he didn't say anything, he could just sit and watch like this forever. It wasn't until there was a clear "squeak" that the door opened, and Jing Xia slowly turned her head, and saw Qin Chu who pushed the door and entered at a glance.

She didn't seem to be surprised at what Jing Xia was here.

Qin Chu walked straight to the other side of the bed, pulled out another small wooden chair exactly like Jing Xia from the darkness and sat down, lowered his head and sighed: "Although your injury is not very serious, it is not serious. You should move around. I have connected and repaired the nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and glands in your legs, but this is only external help, and the most important thing is still your own recovery ability."

Jing Xia nodded slightly, and closed her tired eyes weakly: "Yes, I know. Sister Qin, you must be very tired, why are you here again?"

"The staff on the fifth floor said they saw you coming in, so I'll come and take a look." A curly black hair stretched from her full forehead, and her beautiful facial features became even more charming under the light. She said: "The young master's injury is quite serious, and most of the organs have been injured, but I guess he should be able to wake up tomorrow."

Jing Xia nodded silently, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Qin Chu suddenly said, "When Yu Kai and I were going to the laboratory, I suddenly remembered to go back and get something, so I went back first."

Jing Xia's body was startled suddenly, and he immediately understood what the other party wanted to express. Everything that happened not long ago in that small black-and-white room flashed before his eyes, his throat felt a little dry, and his sobs became more choked.

Qin Chu raised his eyes and glanced lightly at Jing Xia who lowered his head, with a bitter arc on his lips, and continued: "Actually, I don't know. I thought it would take longer to hear those words. , or... I will never hear it in this life."

"The young master is an introverted person. He was not good at expressing his inner thoughts since he was a child, withdrawn and lonely, but he didn't care about these things. Such a personality is not a big problem for a soldier, but for a person Say it, but it's fatal."

Not paying attention to Jing Xia's silence, Qin Chu smiled and continued: "The three of us have known each other for twenty years, so we don't need to say anything more, you know, I know most of it, I know , you won't be too dazed. But this point, you really don't know, and it's true... I didn't expect it. "

"Actually... I know." Jing Xia's voice was as light as a feather, and in this quiet room, Qin Chu swallowed his words immediately. He slightly shook his head and looked at the comatose man on the hospital bed, opened his mouth, finally sighed deeply, and said, "If I hadn't noticed it before, then this time...he acted so thoroughly, so thoroughly that I You can't ignore it, you can only forget and escape."

What Jing Xia meant was that in his previous life, after the end of the world, he didn't have too many strange contacts with Ji Chuancheng. But this time of rebirth, this man no longer just stood silently and calmly behind him like before, but directly stepped forward and stopped in front of him.

Qin Chu didn't think much about it, she laughed at herself: "When the young master was sent to the army by the general at the age of sixteen, he refused very much. He didn't want to leave City B, and even thought about never joining the army. But later, he compromised , do you know why?"

Jing Xia was slightly startled: "Why?"

"Because he knows that if he doesn't make himself the top person, there are many things he can't do and can't do. He can only be the heir of the Ji family, but he can't become Ji Chuancheng, relying on his own strength to do it Something that no one else would allow."

Jing Xia's fingers tightened slightly, he probably understood what the other party meant.

"But do you know exactly when he came back from the army for the first time?"

Hearing Qin Chu's words, Jing Xia frowned and tried hard to recall what happened so many years ago, but she could only remember that Ji Chuancheng returned to the army after only staying for a few days, but she didn't know what happened thing.

"You brought a girl to the Wu family's banquet. He wanted to go up to say hello to you, but when he saw the girl next to you, he could only walk away silently." Qin Chu's soft voice was very distant and quiet. In this environment, it was as ethereal as a singing voice, she laughed lowly: "I remember, it seemed to be your first love."

Jing Xia's delicate eyes widened suddenly, and she suddenly recalled what she had done when she was young and ignorant.

He had good grades since he was a child, and he didn't need to spend money to go to school like other rich second generations. With his own ability, he was admitted to the nationally well-known s high school in city b. But a boy's puberty will always have some ambiguous and rebellious factors, and at that time, he is with the super flower.

It was a bright and hearty looking girl, always with her ponytail raised high, willful and flamboyant, so beautiful that I like it. Thinking about it now, Jing Xia couldn't remember the other party's name and appearance, but he remembered that he was attracted by that kind of pure domineering girl.

However, it turns out that—

It was just a dream of his own.

A wry smile appeared on her lips, and Jing Xia shook her head slightly: "That was a joke, and it gave me a good memory. There is a saying that is true, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceptive she is."

At that time, Jing Xia thought that the girl would be with him because she really liked her, but in the end... she still couldn't escape the temptation of money and power, and she completely revealed her original shape under a small temptation by Jing's father.

It was also from then on that Jing Xia never fell in love again, and began the next two years of rebellious willfulness.