The End of the World

Chapter 52


Just as Jing Xia wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth in anger and anger, the door of the room was gently pushed open. Jing Xia subconsciously raised her hand to cover the wound on her lips, and when she turned her head, she saw Qin Chu who was walking into the room with a smile.

Qin Chu was wearing a brand new white coat. He was tall and handsome, with his hands in his pockets, and walked to the bed with a smile.

"What? I didn't expect you to be alive and kicking so soon, little bastard?"

Jing Xia covered half of her cheek with one hand, just to cover the bite mark on her mouth, but he obviously didn't know that this kind of behavior was just trying to cover up in the eyes of others. With flushed cheeks and watery lips, anyone with a discerning eye can see what happened in the room just now.

Qin Chu raised his eyebrows and said with a teasing smile, "Little bastard, do you have a toothache?"

Jing Xia immediately said: "No, I'm... I'm too hot from the sun, my face is hot!"

Qin Chu laughed out loud, and stopped molesting the other party. She first checked Ji Chuancheng's physical condition in detail with the equipment in the room, and then she breathed a sigh of relief: "Except for some scars that have not faded, there are basically no major problems."

Ji Chuancheng nodded slightly. Before he could speak, Jing Xia hurriedly interjected: "Sister Qin, the wounds on his back have really healed? I remember that the spine was so rotten that I could see the internal organs. "

When Sister Qin heard the words, she snorted coldly: "Do you not believe in my medical skills, or do you not believe in my supernatural powers?"

"... I'm just a little worried about A Chuan." His voice was so small that Qin Chu who was opposite the hospital bed could not hear him, but it all fell into the ears of the handsome and indifferent man.

Jing Xia turned her face aside, just in time to meet Ji Chuancheng's meaningful eyes. He swallowed with a dry throat, and asked reflexively, "Ah... Achuan, what are you looking at?"

The dark and deep eyes looked Jing Xia up and down for a while, Ji Chuancheng's eyes flashed a playful color and quickly covered it up, he said calmly: "Have you seen my internal organs?"

"... What's so interesting about this...?"

"I'm at a loss."


"I also have to look at something to make up for it."

"Ji Chuancheng, pass me out quickly! Don't wake up in this life!"

Seeing the angry look of the young man blowing his hair, and his thin lips slightly hooked, Ji Chuancheng showed a helpless and doting smile. He watched the blood spread from Jing Xia's ears upwards, dyeing most of his face a beautiful red color, and those beautiful eyes were so stunning that Ji Chuan couldn't take his eyes off them, as bright as stars.

Ji Chuancheng smiled and said nothing, but he understood everything in his heart.

He was guilty, guilty that he almost died trying to save him. No matter how you say it doesn't matter, this matter will definitely leave an indelible mark on the heart of a serious and persistent person like Jing Xia, and all he can do is—

Let him forget every time.

"Okay, you little bastard, calm down, I'll kick you downstairs." Qin Chu said domineeringly, and Yujie's magnetic voice echoed in the small room. It made Jing Xia, who had suffered so much since childhood, not dare to move. She continued: "I'll treat the young master's back injury first. Although he's basically fine, it's good to recover sooner."

With that said, she began to prepare to do it.

Jing Xia asked casually, "What about the face? It looks... a bit strange."

I saw that in the well-lit room, the man's face was divided into two parts with the tall and straight bridge of the nose as the dividing line. The left side is still as handsome and profound as before, but the skin on the right side is a bit strangely uneven. Although it is not as glaringly corroded and rotten as Jing Xia saw yesterday, it is still impossible to ignore.

Before Qin Chu could answer, Ji Chuan raised his eyebrows lightly and asked, "Do you think I'm ugly?"

Jing Xia hurriedly clarified: "I don't! How ugly are you like this? You were ugly when you were sprayed with corrosive liquid before. The bones on your face came out, and the eyes are scary, with a blood It's like a hole, how can I think it's ugly."

Ji Chuancheng: "..."

Qin Chu shrugged his shoulders and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Looking at the honest and serious expression of the young man under the sun, the last bit of helplessness in her heart disappeared completely. In such a warm atmosphere, her broken and sad heart was healed, and finally the three became as hard and tenacious as they had been in the past twenty years.

Sure enough, only a little bastard can embarrass the young master.

They laughed for a while, then Qin Chu took out the little black ball shrunk into a ball from his pocket. There was still a big bubble popping out of its nose, and when someone moved its body suddenly, the mutated hamster muttered a few times "chichi", changed its position in Qin Chu's palm, and fell asleep again.

"Chichi?!" Jing Xia exclaimed.

Qin Chu shook his head helplessly, nodded and said, "I found it under the table when I returned to the laboratory. Probably because there was no way to open the door, this little thing was hungry in the room for a long time. I fed it something later, It just fell asleep." As he said that, Qin Chu poked the fat little black ball hard, and the Danko-colored nails matched the black hair, which was very interesting: "It really slept like a dead dog, probably because I scratched it hard yesterday. Too tired to scratch the door."

While taking the sleeping Jiji from Qin Chu's hand, Jing Xia asked doubtfully, "Scratch the door?"

"Probably wanted to go out to find you. After all, we left in such a hurry that we forgot that this little thing was still there." While talking, Qin Chu seemed to suddenly think of something: "By the way, little bastard, you little pet You scratched my door several times, and you have to fix it for me."

Jing Xia said in astonishment: "How is this possible! Sister Qin, the door of your laboratory is made of a new type of metal alloy. This thing doesn't even have a fingernail, so how could scratch it out?"

While speaking, Jing Xia fiddled with Xiao Hei Tuanzi's soft paws as evidence.

Qin Chu narrowed his eyes: "Anyway, I don't care, the evidence is on my door, you little bastard, don't try to deny it."


Jing Xia's whole body was deflated, and while vigorously poking the sleeping mutant hamster, she muttered in her mouth. On the other side, Qin Chu started a new round of treatment. It took her about half an hour to lower her hand, and finally healed all the wounds on Ji Chuancheng's back.

She raised her hand to wipe the fine sweat from her forehead, and said, "Young master, the wound on your back is fine, and the scar has also disappeared. But I may not be able to fix your face today, just wait a little longer. Tomorrow will do."

Ji Chuancheng gave a soft "hmm". He just turned over and pulled his clothes back up before saying, "Come early tomorrow."

Qin Chu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then agreed.

Jing Xia asked in confusion, "A Chuan, why are you in such a hurry?"

Ji Chuancheng raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly: "Don't you think I'm ugly?"

"..." After a while, Jing Xia said anxiously: "You are not ugly, you are not ugly at all! You are countless times more beautiful than this guy!"

Looking at the little black dumpling that Jing Xia held high in his hand, Ji Chuancheng's face became darker and darker, and finally it was so dark that Qin Chu felt a little bad atmosphere. She took two steps back silently, before she could stand still, she heard Jing Xia say again in a calm manner: "A Chuan, I think you are really super...cough, super handsome! Really, I've never seen you before." Such a handsome look."

Qin Chu couldn't help but touch his forehead: You'd better talk less!

Ji Chuan smiled angrily: "Then why don't I just keep going like this?"

"!" Jing Xia hurriedly said, "You can be even more handsome!"

Ji Chuancheng: "..."

Qin Chu: "..."

"Pfft, you're really interesting, Xiao Xiazi."

A clear and pleasant male voice sounded from behind Jing Xia, he turned his head and saw a fair and handsome man walking through the door. He wears the simplest pair of red star and silver-rimmed glasses, and his thin lips appear a little indifferent, but the seemingly gentle smile on his lips makes people feel that he is very easy to get close to, and he is a good person.

Jing Xia pouted.

If this guy is a good person, he will write the word jiji upside down!

Qi Yang scanned the scene in the room, and finally stopped his gaze on Ji Chuancheng. With his hands in his coat pockets, he walked slowly to the hospital bed, and said with a half-smile, "Major Ji, you seem to be recovering well, can you get out of bed?"

Ji Chuancheng raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly, his expression indifferent: "Yes."

Qi Yang didn't care about the other person's expression at all, his eyes slowly swept to Jing Xia's body, and finally stopped at the corner of his lips. Qi Yang narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, looked at the corner of Jing Xia's lips that he had forgotten to cover with an inexplicable expression, and said strangely: "Little Xia, I really don't know which mutant beast attacked the corner of your mouth yesterday?"

Jing Xia suddenly became nervous, he raised his hand to cover his cheek, and said, "Cough... There was a mosquito last night."

Qi Yang looked at Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng calmly, only to see that the former was embarrassed, while the latter was calm. He curled his lips with a low smile, and said helplessly, "It's really a big mosquito." Seeing that Jing Xia was about to explode from embarrassment, Qi Yang immediately said, "I came today to investigate something."

Unlike Jing Xia and Qin Chu's carelessness, Qi Yang closed the door when he entered. In this ward on the top floor, the sound insulation effect is still very good, there are only four people in the whole room, and Qi Yang also has this confidence to ensure that the next words will not be heard.

The mocking smile on his face gradually disappeared, Qi Yang straightened his expression, and said seriously: "Although there was an enemy attack yesterday, the person I sent to monitor Su Weishang did not evacuate. His highest task is to record Su Weishang's every move. One move, so... I found something interesting."

It's not a secret that Qi Yang arranged for someone to monitor Su Weishang's matter. At least, the four people present were aware of it. Although Jing Xia felt that this matter was a little inhumane, he did not stop it, because this way he could know to a certain extent what kind of strange abilities Su Weishang possessed.

Of course, in the next few days, Su Weishang behaved normally, which made it impossible for them to catch him.

After Qi Yang's words fell to the ground, even Qin Chu, who had never been able to get along with him, frowned solemnly and asked: "The team of Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing were on a mission in the farthest area from District 80 yesterday. At the juncture, we rushed to Area 80, and there was no threat at that time. Did something happen to him while he was on his way?"

"No." Qi Yang let out a cold snort from his nose, and said with a smile, "He was safe all the way, nothing happened."

Jing Xia asked strangely: "Then it seems that he had an accident when cleaning up the participating mutant beasts?"

"He stole one thing, one... something he couldn't have stolen."