The End of the World

Chapter 60


"This can't be regarded as a rumor. Tell Wu Jiqing privately that because Su Weishang stayed near the dam in District 80 the night before the enemy's attack, he performed some strange behaviors. We are not wrong about this." Jing Xia shrugged helplessly and continued. : "He was indeed looking for something near the embankment the night before, and he searched for it all night."

After the crisp sound of "Kacha—" the lock and key closing, Qi Yang closed the heavy and strong safe door, and the thick and pungent smell of blood in the room suddenly weakened a lot, and Jing Xia also took a breath.

Qi Yang's fingers seemed to be tapping on the metal safe, making a rhythmic sound, and said: "It's just a pity, the person I sent to monitor has never found out what he was looking for. I have a hunch , if you can know, you can probably have a better understanding of his personal dimension."

The expression on Jing Xia's face froze for a moment, then the corners of her lips curled up in a cover-up manner to reveal a slight smile: "What kind of premonition is this, a woman's sixth sense?"

Sensitively and directly aware of the ridicule in the young man's words, which was very different from usual, Qi Yang instantly felt something was wrong.

The handsome and gentle eyes narrowed slightly, Qi Yang looked Jing Xia up and down for a long time, before he could speak, he suddenly heard Ji Chuancheng interrupt his thoughts: "Deliberately let a few evolutionaries hear the conversation between you and Wu Jiqing The conversation, while it did what we wanted, was a bit risky."

The sudden flickering light in his mind was interrupted, Qi Yang turned to look at Ji Chuancheng, and vetoed: "I don't think it's such a risk, at least those few evolutionaries can't give away the research, so Su Weishang will never will know...”

Seeing Qi Yang's attention being drawn to another direction, Jing Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He held the little black ball curled up in fear calmly, and through a thin layer of anticipation, he seemed to be able to feel the trembling fur of the small body gently hanging over his palm, and the warm temperature made him It is impossible to associate such a small thing with those mutant beasts that slaughtered humans.

Jing Xia slowly closed her eyes, and looked at Ji Chuancheng. The latter happened to be looking at him with eyebrows raised, his eyes were gentle, and he seemed to understand what he was going to say.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let Qi Yang know that Jiji had devoured that small green stone, and he must not let Qi Yang know... The reason why Su Weishang went to District 80 to look for things in the dark was because Jiji had eaten that small green stone that day. Go to Area 80 with him and devour another light green gem.

Too many evidences and clues have made Jingxia understand straightforwardly that Jiji definitely knows about Su Weishang's dimensional space.

Probably since the first time they met Su Weishang, Jiji had been hinting non-stop.

Wanting to fall down and scratch, with great hostility, he deliberately knocked out the green jade hidden on Su Weishang's body with a bump.

These are all the hints it gave itself, but it's a pity that Jing Xia never found out.

There are so many secrets hidden in Ji Ji that Jing Xia feels a little heavy. He hasn't found a chance to explain it to Ji Chuan, and he is also a little afraid of the other party's attitude.

Ji Chuancheng has always had a nonchalant attitude towards this little black dumpling, neither liking nor hating it. But this is a mutant beast after all, and it is a mutant beast that may have a major impact on mutation research.

On such a matter of great importance, Jing Xia was not sure what Ji Chuancheng was thinking. He could only secretly think: If Ji Chuancheng also insisted on sending Jiji to the research institute for research, then... he would never allow this to happen.

"The main purpose of my visit this time is to tell you about what happened after Su Weishang left the research institute. Although he has made some moves in response to this situation, the people I sent out will affect him, so don't worry about the result." Qi Yang sneered. With a sound, he said: "If it wasn't for the character problem, I might still have a little affection for such a scheming person. I really don't know if I have been deceived by myself if I can deceive others to that extent."

Hearing this, Jing Xia asked in surprise, "How is he doing?"

"No. 3's report is that he was deliberately injured during a mission in order to win the sympathy of Wu Jiqing and other team members. Unfortunately, the people I placed in their team told others in private that Su Weishang deliberately exposed flaws Attacked by mutant beasts." As he spoke, Qi Yang sighed with emotion: "To achieve this level, it can be regarded as..."

"Pretty hard." Jing Xia unconsciously added the second half of his sentence.

"Pfft, that's right. As expected, he is Xiao Xiazi's younger brother. If he is a mutant beast, I will definitely make him my specimen and hang it in front of the bed in the bedroom. I will fall asleep admiring it every night." Suddenly, Qi Yang lowered his voice, and a low laugh came from his throat: "Just like this thing. When the experiment is over, I will definitely treat it well."


As if the sound of hitting the box, the black safe shook violently on the table. The rotten and blackened wound that was as deep as the bones suddenly appeared in front of Jing Xia's eyes, and just as he felt a tightening in his heart, he suddenly thought of the three dead assistants that Qi Yang was talking about.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a twisted and twisted scar on Qi Yang's right wrist, crawling like a centipede, protruding ugly on the skin.

Jing Xia was taken aback, and asked subconsciously: "This is the scar left when your hand was almost bitten off by this mutant beast?"

Hearing this, Qi Yang looked down at his right hand. His eyes suddenly softened when he touched the ugly scar, and he hummed softly, and said: "Well, this is it. I almost bit off my hand at the beginning. If this is really useless, you won't see it today. Just disgusting stuff."

Ji Chuancheng frowned slightly: "Since Qin Chu has already connected his hand, why not erase the scar as well?"

Qi Yang waved his hands, and said as a matter of course: "It's rare to encounter something that can make me suffer so much, so let's keep this scar as a warning. After all, it was me who made it up to three innocent people to die. This kind of thing... "The tone slowly became serious, and Qi Yang narrowed his eyes: "This kind of thing will never happen again."

As if echoing his words, a muffled growl came from the box, the voice was frightening, and the ending was trembling all the time.

The rare pity in Jing Xia's heart completely disappeared, he sighed softly, and didn't intend to say anything anymore.

Qi Yang chatted with Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng for a few more words, and then went out carrying the heavy box. Jing Xia looked at his thin back, her brows were furrowed, her heart was heavy, she didn't know what to say.

"Humans and mutant beasts are almost impossible to unify and live in peace."

A deep and magnetic voice sounded in Jing Xia's ears, he turned his head reflexively, and saw that Ji Chuancheng's handsome and profound face was still expressionless, silently looking at Qi Yang's figure who was getting further and further away .

"Even within the mutant beasts, there will inevitably be some disputes. It's just that human beings are their biggest enemy at present, so they can unite for a short time and attack human beings together." Paused, as if sighing deeply , Ji Chuancheng continued: "The same is true for human beings."

His voice was extremely soft, but it felt like a sudden explosion in Jing Xia's ears, which made him completely recover from the confused and helpless state of mind in the past few days. After a long time, Jing Xia said: "A Chuan, about Jiji... I'm hiding something from you."

"Well, I know." The answer was very fast.

Jing Xia was slightly stunned, and then suddenly understood, a helpless smile bloomed between her brows and eyes: "Sure enough, I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

"how do you want to do it?"

"I want... to keep it. As you said, even humans have friends and enemies. I think, although they are not of the same race, but..." The tone gradually became firm, and the clear and beautiful eyes were at this moment Blooming dazzling brilliance: "Chichi, it is our friend."

Approving gazes silently fell on the young man's handsome and delicate face, Ji Chuancheng looked at him quietly without opening his mouth. But the soft look in the bottom of the eyes hinted that he was in a happy mood.

After a long silence, Ji Chuancheng suddenly said, "Let's continue what we just did."



Carrying the special metal safe that was so heavy that it weighed almost fifty catties, Qi Yang easily shook the handle of the box, as if he hadn't heard the sound of collisions in the box.

After the end of the world, even without evolution, the physical fitness of ordinary people has been greatly improved, not to mention Qi Yang, who was born in a restricted area army, and his aptitude is higher than ordinary people.

As if he was fiddling with a plastic bag, he carried this heavy-looking box downstairs. It happened to be a corner, and the glaring and bright sunlight shone through the stairs window, illuminating his face, and his already pale and sickly skin was even more translucent.


After a violent collision, even Qi Yang felt his wrist tremble. The black box hit the wall at the corner of the stairs heavily, and there was a muffled hum from inside, as if it finally couldn't bear the great pain and roared.

The corners of his lips hooked slightly, and Qi Yang simply sat down on the steps of the stairs. He put the black safe on the steps amusedly, and pressed the code to open the door.

Seeing the sun suddenly, the bloody mutant beast immediately struggled to escape, but just as it took a step out of the box, it saw that handsome and elegant face. Wearing a pair of reflective silver-rimmed glasses, there is a happy smile on his lips, but anyone can see the murderous intent and coldness hidden under that smile.

"It hurts?"

As if recalling something frightening, the mutated beast immediately withdrew its body and hid in the corner of the box, trembling all over and daring not to speak.

With a low sigh from his nose, Qi Yang simply stretched out his hand and pulled the mutated beast out, and roughly lifted its severed right arm with his right hand, causing it to grunt and cry in pain, Hold it up in front of yourself.

"Where does it hurt?"

"Hey... Hey..."

As if he really understood, Qi Yang listened carefully for a long time with a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and touched the mutant beast's head. The latter immediately shrank his head in fright, avoiding the thin and slender hand.

His fingers paused awkwardly in the air for a while, and Qi Yang's eyes gradually turned cold. He looked at the thing's shivering and avoiding eyes, and snorted coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, he vigorously threw the mutant beast into the box again. The body collided with the box wall and made a violent collision sound, the thing grinned in pain, and the wound on the chest that had just formed a scar opened again because of the pulling, and the blood flowed out, but it was mixed with the black box, which was not easy to detect .

Qi Yang looked coldly at the trembling mutant beast, and finally stopped at the bleeding wound on its chest. After hesitating for a moment, Qi Yang pursed his thin lips, reached out his hand and took out a small white bottle from his pocket, uncorked the bottle and then poked it into the box.


The mutated beast immediately retreated in fear, but because it was against the wall of the box, there was no way to retreat.

Qi Yang snorted coldly, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"I'm not going to watch you die so easily. Today's knife is indeed a bit heavy, and it cut your heart, liver and stomach at the same time. It is not easy for you to live until now. How could I let you die?" Did you die from blood loss?"

While speaking, Qi Yang gently shook off the light blue powder, and sprinkled it on the wound where the bones of the mutated beast were visible.

The mutant beast trembled like a convulsion, but it still didn't dare to resist and let Qi Yang move. I saw that the bleeding wound slowly began to heal, recovering at an astonishingly fast speed.

Qi Yang put away the vial, and was slightly taken aback when he saw this, and then he deepened the smile on his lips: "Your recovery speed is really getting better day by day. It seems that you want to take action to tell me— Was my action just now superfluous?" The voice said in the end, it was so cold that it was bone-chillingly cold, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth completely disappeared.

Seeing Qi Yang's ruthless and indifferent eyes, that thing trembled all over and hurriedly screamed "嗞嗞嗞嗞" non-stop. That familiar look, that familiar gaze, all reminding it——

What kind of pain will be suffered next.

But this time, to its disappointment, Qi Yang just stared at it deeply for a long time, and finally sneered, "I don't understand", then slammed the door of the safe, picked up the box again and walked downstairs go.

This sudden "gift" made the mutated beast in the box stunned for a long time in horror, as if it never thought that... this person would let him go so easily.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Qi Yang's swing of the box gradually became smaller, and the occasional collisions did not pose any threat to the mutant beast with extremely powerful self-healing ability in the box.

It curled up and lay on the bottom of the box, screaming softly, as if it wanted to say something, but it was still the same as what humans said just now, and it was impossible to understand.

"Hey... Hey..."

"Hey hey... hey hey... hey hey hey hey..."


The faint voice was completely covered by the perfect sound insulation effect of the box, Qi Yang walked to a door and started to press the door lock code.

"Hey... Hey... Hey... Hey..."

"Hey... Yay... Hey..."

Everyone in the lab stopped what they were doing and nodded to him when they saw Qi Yang open the door and enter the room. After smiling and looking at every assistant present, Qi Yang walked to the huge metal bed in the center of the room, and put down the black box.

"Hey... Hey... Yay..."


He lightly pressed the password on the box, and the rest of the assistants prepared their weapons to guard against the sudden attack of the mutant beast in the box.

"Hey... ah... ah..."

Following a faint sound of opening and closing, bright and dazzling light penetrated through the small gap and shone into the box. Suddenly trembling all over, the mutated beast looked up at the door of the box that was gradually opening. It was still screaming, but it was covered by the noisy sound of the machines in the room.

Because of the wounds all over its body, it was impossible for it to make much noise, and it was even... extremely difficult to move.

Seeing that this thing rarely resisted, Qi Yang raised his eyebrows and looked inside in surprise. As soon as he lowered his head, he suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards him in an instant. His eyes widened suddenly, Qi Yang froze all over.

"Sigh... yang... yang... si..."


The sound of the energy cannon was extremely loud in the entire laboratory, and it shot the mutant beast's head with extremely accurate aim. The crimson blood sprayed on Qi Yang's face in an instant, making the stiff smile on his lips gradually brighten.

He glanced nonchalantly at the twitching mutant beast lying on the long metal bed, then raised his eyes to look at the shooter, and said, "If it's one centimeter away, it's time to shoot me in the head. "It seems to be smiling, but the smile is extremely cold: "It seems that Captain Qin is in the laboratory?"

The assistant who fired the gun trembled all over: "Report...Report Major Qi, Captain Qin is not here."

"Oh?" Qi Yang's voice suddenly grew longer, and Qi Yang said with a smile: "So Qin Chu isn't here?" He frowned in embarrassment as he said this: "As an assistant, you don't have any actual combat experience, so you should know how to deal with this thing." Is it aimed at its ugly body instead of its disgusting head? If it hits my head, then you say... Where is Captain Qin going to come out to treat me?"

Without getting an answer, Qi Yang raised his eyes as expected, and said: "Your weapons can only be fired when it attacks you, not when it runs out of the box. Am I allowing you to fire? "

The entire laboratory was extremely quiet, so quiet that the assistant was sweating all over. He trembled his lips and wanted to speak, but found that his throat seemed to be choked, and he dared not speak at all.

The mutated beast lying on the long metal bed was twitching all over its body, and blood was constantly bubbling from its head. This kind of fatal wound didn't make it die, and it didn't even go into a coma. It struggled to raise its head to look at the man who was sneering, and with this movement, the blood flowed faster.

"Hey... Yang... Hey..."

"you shut up."

With his backhand, he picked up a small knife in the metal disc, and without hesitation, Qi Yang stabbed directly at the mutant beast, just right on its injured right arm, making the latter convulsed and unable to move, and could only let it go. The sharp reflective knife fixed himself firmly on the long bed.

"If you let my precious experimental materials have an accident, this responsibility...can you bear it?" Qi Yang ignored the cry of the thing under his eyelids, and looked coldly at the assistant with cold sweat and pale face: "Lin Yong , You are not saving me, you just shot it in fear when you saw it jumping out. Now, I can tell you that the value of this thing is far above me. "

After a pause, Qi Yang seemed to think of something again, and said with a sneer, "No, it's far above all of us present."

No one in the quiet room dared to speak for a moment, and everyone understood what Qi Yang meant.

No matter how much he hurt and tortured this mutant beast, Qi Yang never killed him. He increased the intensity of the experiment step by step, but he kept his intensity under control, but...

This assistant almost destroyed the experimental material recklessly!

"If we can research the secret of its powerful self-healing ability, then we will have more guarantees when facing mutant beasts, at least..."

All the assistants and researchers present did not dare to say a word, they all held their breath and lowered their heads, obeying the instruction obediently. Looking at the honest appearance of these people, Qi Yang simply suppressed what he wanted to say, and didn't bother to say a word to these people.

He lowered his head and looked at the dying black mutant beast.

There were two openings in this skinny body, one was the right arm that he had stuck on the long bed with a knife, and the other was the bloody hole in the head that was hit by the energy cannon. Obviously, the second wound was so serious that it made Qi Yang frown, and his face was serious enough to drip water.

"Go and call Qin Chu." A suppressed and angry voice sounded softly.

The female assistant closest to Qi Yang was the first to react, and she asked with a trembling voice: "Huh?"

Qi Yang clenched his fists violently, turned his head to look at her, and said without a word: "I said, go shout Qin Chu!"

Suddenly seeing that cold, murderous gaze, the female assistant froze for a moment, then hurried out of the laboratory to find someone. But Qi Yang turned around, looked down at the mutant beast that was still twitching, his eyes swept over the ugly and disgusting scars and pustules all over his body, and then curled his lips: "If you die for me, you will die." Get ready to be ripped apart by me for 10,000 yuan."

The tone was extremely flat and calm, as if he was just saying a declarative sentence that was too simple to do.


This usually extremely weak voice was so small that it was inaudible at this moment. Qi Yang concentrated his mind and lowered his eyes to listen for a while, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

Simply ignoring it, he stretched out his hand in a rare good mood to caress this mutant beast he called "disgusting bedbug", gently... poking the bleeding wound on its head. The white fingers were instantly stained with red blood and black flesh, but Qi Yang found it interesting and continued to press.

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Ignoring the panicked eyes of the mutated beast, it took a long time before Qi Yang withdrew his fingers regretfully. He put his finger in front of his nose and sniffed it lightly, then when no one was prepared, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

"Huh? Sweet?"


The other people in the room looked at the scene in awe and did not dare to make a sound, obviously they had been used to this man's perverted behavior for a long time.

I don't know if it was also frightened by Qi Yang's strange and terrifying movements. The black mutant beast twitched its body, widened its narrow and slit eyes, and seemed to be struggling to say something: "Hey... Hey Yang..." The voice was a little lower, weak.

Qi Yang raised his eyebrows: "Next time you are not allowed to groan in front of me. If you want to talk to me, you must learn the human language. If you groan again in the future, I will cut off your vocal cords and grind them into minced meat." , and stuffed until..."


The thin and thin body suddenly fell backwards, and fell backwards to the ground when everyone was unprepared.

"Major Qi!!!"

"Major Qi!!! What's wrong with you!"

"Major Qi!"

Everyone rushed to Qi Yang's side to help him up, but they all found that the man had passed out completely at some point, with a trace of red and black blood dripping down from the corner of his mouth, and his already pale face was now as golden as paper. , glowing with a layer of dead air.

"Major Qi!"

That scrawny body collapsed suddenly, at this moment no one cared whether this person was the terrifying man who was called a "little monster" or "pervert". A mutant beast that is "more important than all of us present".

What they didn't realize was that the black mutated beast was stabbed firmly on the long metal bed by the knife at this moment, and even if it wanted to move, it had no choice but to do so. But it kept shaking its body, as if trying to fix its eyes on the head of the bed to see what happened.

"Hey... Hey..."

No one answered.