The End of the World

Chapter 67


The cry of s1 is very soft, and it is even more inaudible when it is mixed with its painful scream. Professor Qi and his team behind the tempered glass watched in amazement as Qi Yang quickly pulled out the hose from the mutant beast's chest, and the light yellow solution was flowing on its chest, making a "squeak" sound.

The sound of scorching skin and scorched flesh, and the howling sound from the mutant beast's mouth all rang out incessantly. Qi Yang turned around and kept running in the laboratory to search for it. He turned over the shelves one by one, checked the solution reagents one by one, kept chanting "isoamyl nitrite" in his mouth, and the sweat on his forehead grew more and more.

The people who were separated by a glass were a little puzzled. Professor Qi came back to his senses first. He pressed the intercom on the table and said, "Qi Yang, what happened? Your experiment has not been completed yet, you shouldn't suddenly abort... ”

Qi Yang threw a bottle of garbage reagent aside, turned his head and shouted loudly: "We were wrong! It is not an ordinary C-level mutant! It is not an ordinary mutant beast at all! We were all wrong! We are all wrong! It's all wrong!!!"

Professor Qi looked at Qi Yang's crazy appearance and was a little puzzled. He was slightly taken aback, and then immediately reacted, saying: "Its self-healing ability is indeed the most powerful we have ever seen, and it is indeed extraordinary. But we have already Make sure there's nothing special about it, it's just…”

"It can talk! It can talk, you know!"

As soon as these words fell to the ground, the entire laboratory fell silent. The people who were separated by a thick layer of tempered glass froze in unison, looked at the pale man with unbelievable eyes, and then... stared at the black mutant tied to the experimental table together beast.

In this weird and strange atmosphere, everyone silently stared at the twitching mutant beast. The next second—without any warning! Almost everyone squeezed towards the narrow door together!

A large group of people were crowded at the door and were not allowed to go in, while shouting and making noise.

"I want to go in, I want to go in! I'm Professor Qi, you let me go in first!"

"Bah! Old Qi, you still have to be shameless!"

"We all have to go in, talking mutant beast! Talking mutant beast!"

However, a male assistant wearing glasses as thick as beer bottom caps did not squeeze in. He stretched his eyes on the bridge of his nose in confusion, and said to himself: "Parrots can talk because they have a syrinx, a tongue, and a ring of cartilage. It works together with the naremembrane to cause the air cavity to sound, and in this case, more training is needed to speak correctly. This mutant beast...can speak?!"

The noisy and scrambling sounds made the quiet laboratory extremely noisy, but in the laboratory, Qi Yang was in no mood to pay attention to those damned people. He searched for a long time but couldn't find what he needed most, so he could only use a small amount of sodium thiosulfate for trace detoxification.

Looking at the twitching mutant beast, Qi Yang lowered his head and suppressed his voice: "You are very powerful, you are very powerful, you will not die like this, right? You will not die, you can't just die like this The... yes... you're not going to die."

As if he was deceiving himself, Qi Yang kept chanting. Hearing the noise coming from the door, his face darkened, and he raised his head suddenly: "Shut up! Find something for me! Don't make trouble for me here again! If it dies, all of us will die." Life is not enough to pay... "



A loud noise sounded from outside the laboratory, and the whole building began to shake. Dust swept down from the ceiling, making everyone present unable to stand still and swaying left and right. Before they could recover, more violent noises kept ringing out.

The lights flickered, the stairs shook violently, and gravel began to fall.

Without even thinking about it, Qi Yang pressed the switches of the four lassoes, and hugged the limp and twitching s1 into his arms.

Before he could move again, a loud "bang" sounded, and at the same time, the boulder suddenly fell down!


The waves were raging, hitting the shore with a height of nearly ten meters. The sky turned blue and black, large swaths of dark clouds blocked the sun, and strips of silver lightning struck down from the clouds and hit the sea water, causing cries of pain.

Before the end of the world, this place was originally a seaside resort for vacation and tourism. The white sand is finely laid on the beach, and the gentle caress of the blue water makes the originally stubborn sand and stones smooth and soft. But now, this beach has become a Shura field, with corpses lying all over the ground, solidified black blood, and some still beating bodies of strange beasts, it is really shocking.

"No, this big black guy is not an A-level mutant at all, it is an S-level mutant!"

The man shouted in horror, his handsome face was splattered with black bloodstains, and a dark blue ice pick pierced through his hand, cutting a c-level mutant beast in half.

"Captain, just now I saw Su Weishang passing through Area 75 by another trail." The man with the flat head held his wounded and bleeding left arm, and continued: "It's really..."

"Xiaoshang, he... he had already been divorced from the team before, so let him go like this." Wu Jiqing sighed heavily, and said, "Li Yong, you and I attack from the rear of this S-level mutant , we must slow down its pace and prevent it from catching up with our evacuated team!"

Li Yong nodded vigorously, followed Wu Jiqing and ran in another direction.

And at a place ten kilometers away from the dam in District 77, Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng, with the help of an agile evolutionary, headed towards the beach at an extremely fast speed. The road was full of frantically dodging people, greatly reducing their speed.

The cold wind was mixed with an unpleasant stench, which made Jing Xia's expression more and more serious.

"This time the beast horde appeared very strange." Jing Xia lowered her voice, and in the noisy and chaotic environment, only Ji Chuancheng could hear: "The things I knew before have been completely disrupted in this life, it stands to reason , The second beast horde broke out a month later, starting from District 17."

Ji Chuan's eyes were deep, he looked at the anxious young man seriously for a while, and said: "Based on the current strength of the base, as long as it is an A-level beast horde, there will not be too many casualties at all. Even if it is an S-level beast horde, We can also deal with an S-class mutant."

"What if it's... more than one end?" After a long silence, Jing Xia finally couldn't help asking.

Ji Chuan's long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly lowered, and he fell silent, and did not speak again. But the wide and hot right hand tightly held Jing Xia's, warming the young man's cold palm with the gurgling blood, sending silent encouragement.

The heavy stone in her heart fell for some reason, Jing Xia sighed softly, and then grabbed the man's backhand. He raised his head and looked at the place full of gunpowder smoke, only feeling... No matter how difficult it is, they will not fail.

But, in fact, when Jing Xia saw the giant black beast stretching across half of the beach, he still opened his eyes wide in horror, as if he had trouble breathing.

About twenty evolutionaries are surrounding the mutant beast from all directions, lightning strikes, boulders, ice arrows... All kinds of abilities are like nowhere on the mutant's hard and tough skin, and it's just a joke.

I saw the huge mutant beast stepping on the ground with four thick and short legs. It looked like a fish, but it could breathe and move freely. With a flick of its long tail, the three evolutionaries fell to the ground. Then, a thunder-like ray was ejected from the mouth, which simply made an evolutionary with lightning abilities—

Turn into powder!

Ji Chuan's face turned serious, and just as he took a step to enter the war zone, he suddenly felt his sleeve being pulled. When he looked back, Jing Xia's pupils shrank slightly, and he said in a trembling voice with fear: "A Chuan... this... this is a mutated conger eel."

Surprised for a moment, Ji Chuancheng's eyes flicked past Jing Xia's hand hooking his clothes, then nodded and said: "Well, I know, in terms of its combat power, it is probably an S-level..."

"No! You don't know!" Biting his lower lip with his teeth, all the blood on Jing Xia's face disappeared: "A Chuan! It's an SS-level mutant beast! In the third wave of beasts, that's me The time it died, it led a group of mutated beasts to attack the city base in S, smashing us to pieces!"

Jing Xia was so excited that she didn't realize the need to control her emotions at all, but the chaotic situation at this moment also made it impossible for others to take care of their current situation at all.

Ji Chuan's indifferent and calm expression gradually disintegrated, his cold eyes widened slightly, and after a long time, he said in a low voice: "" There was a trace of speculation in his tone, extremely uncertain.

Jing Xia nodded solemnly, and all the panic in her original expression disappeared, turning into a firm belief: "I'm sure. At that time, there were two SS-level mutants attacking the base in City S, and this mutant Conji eel almost made five This area was reduced to ruins. And Achuan, it... has wisdom!"

His whole body trembled for a moment, Ji Chuancheng only thought for a moment and immediately asked: "What is its wisdom? What level? Can it deploy troops, avoid danger, or..."

"Its level of intelligence is very high, it can talk! Moreover, it can talk to humans!" Jing Xia interrupted Ji Chuancheng's words loudly, and continued to say eagerly: "At that time, you were not in this war, The power of the two SS-level mutants can be regarded as devastating to us."

"In the middle of the whole war, it announced the separation treaty between mutant beasts and humans, promulgated the living space of humans on its own, and asked us to respect their kings as kings and become slaves!"

"You foolish people are only my ministers who abandoned their shoes. 』

"Our king ordered me to bring a message to you little bugs, becoming slaves is your only way out!" 』

——SS level mutant conger eel.