The End of the World

Chapter 68


The smell of blood was extremely strong in the air, and this pungent smell infected the area around the beach dike into a barren scene. The dikes in about 10 districts were defeated by the enemy, and a large number of mutant beasts landed ashore one after another. When they cooperate with the mutant beasts who are already fighting on land, it will be even more powerful.

If the first mutant beast attack on the city base in S was a city-level war, then this time, all the mutant beasts seem to have gathered all their strength, and it is bound to become a war between races , never die!

"Ah... Achuan, I have never seen so many mutant beasts."

Jing Xia's voice was a little trembling. Although he had known for a long time that the level of the beast horde would not be low this time, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes. Seeing such a tragic and heroic scene, somehow, Jing Xia's originally shocked mood gradually calmed down, and finally, he calmly said: "As far as I can see, there are at least 3 S-level mutant beasts. "

Ji Chuancheng had just picked up an A-7 gun around his waist, but after hearing Jing Xia's words, he let go of his movements and said solemnly: "This time something is wrong, let's not be reckless." act."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Chuancheng raised his head and saw a dazzling lightning strike from the SS-level mutant conji eel, which was blocked by Wu Jiqing with two extremely thick ice walls, but he also suffered serious injuries .

"With Wu Jiqing's current level, it is impossible for him to catch the full attack of a SS-level mutant." Jing Xia raised his hand and saw a C-level mutant in two, and then continued: "In the last life, it was born in the last life. It appeared about half a year later. I think its current level may not be that strong, so we... can still fight against it with our current strength."

The two of them ran down from the high slope at high speed, killing many low-level mutant beasts along the way, and even fought with an A-level mutant for a while. In the middle of the day, Jing Xia raised his head, just in time to see Wu Jiqing being thrown towards him by the mutant beast's tail.

He was surprised for a moment, but before he could move, he saw Ji Chuancheng's eyes froze, and he raised his hand to see a huge water bed. The elasticity is excellent, and Wu Jiqing, who was seriously injured, was caught firmly. Wu Jiqing's left arm was covered with mottled blood, his face was also splashed with bright red blood, and he looked embarrassed.

Seeing the other party like this, although he has always ignored this person in his heart, at this moment, Ji Chuancheng also solemnly handed Wu Jiqing over to the agile and speed evolutionary, and asked him to send him to the medical area behind as soon as possible. .

"It's okay for big things, small things... biased." Sighing softly, Ji Chuancheng quickly settled his evaluation, then raised his long black gun to kill an A-level mutant. The left half of his body was blown to pieces.

Hearing this suddenly, Jing Xia beheaded a B-level mutant beast, and suddenly said with a smile: "You have made such an evaluation of Wu Jiqing before, it is exactly the same, and a word has not changed." After a pause, he sighed again Said: "This level of beast tide, if we die here, it is normal. These mutant beasts are dying, we..."

"There is still a way."

Ji Chuan's stern and elegant face was splashed with a drop of blood that flew from nowhere, and he shouted to let an evolutionary with five senses run to him. The mutation direction of the evolutionary is not aggressive, but because the enemy attack this time is too serious, almost all the evolutionaries with strong physical fitness participated in the battle regardless of the evolution direction.

"Ji..." The evolutionary was not familiar with Ji Chuancheng and Jing Xia, and he was not in the army before the end of the world. He didn't know what to call each other for a long time, so he asked directly: "What's the matter?" me?"

Ji Chuancheng didn't say much, and asked directly: "Qian Minghao, your ability is the volume type among the five senses, right?"

Qian Minghao touched his head in surprise, and just when he hesitated to ask how the other party knew his name and ability, a long pliers of an A-level mutant chopped at him. Jing Xia frowned, stepped on the ground and quickly rushed up, giving Ji Chuancheng and Qian Minghao a chance to talk.

Qian Minghao didn't dare to hesitate anymore: "Yes, to be precise, my ability is to block the consumption of sound waves in the medium, and take the opportunity to produce an expansion effect. In the current situation, it is a tasteless."

Nodding in satisfaction, Ji Chuancheng said seriously: "I need you now, use all your abilities to say a few words."

Qian Minghao was astonished, but for a moment, a sound as loud as the beating of bells and drums resounded on the entire beach, almost spreading across the three districts. The sound seemed to produce a special echo effect in the air. If you don't want to hear it, it can go straight into the ears of every human being and mutant beast.

"Conger eel."

The short three words, like a thunderbolt, made all human beings hesitate for a while, and a small number of high-level mutant beasts also hesitated for a moment before continuing their previous actions.

"As a representative of all humans in the base in City S, I have something to tell you."

Many people stretched their necks to see what happened, but they were dragged down by those mutant beasts and had no time to be distracted. Only the evolutionary near the mutant conger eel had room to breathe, because the giant guy suddenly stopped moving, looking for a place to make a sound.

It only searched for a while, and then found the two people standing on the top of the rock.

One of them half-opened his mouth timidly, while the other held the killing machine on his waist with his left hand, his right hand was folded behind his back, and he looked at the giant beast seriously. The big eyes and the small eyes looked at each other for a long time. During the process, some evolutionists wanted to take the opportunity to chop off the skin of the conger eel with a long knife, but they could only leave a white scratch on the steel-like back. There was no big eye at all. hinder.

"I know...cough I know you can understand."

In such a dangerous situation of tit-for-tat, Qian Minghao felt his scalp tingle, but he could only hold on and continued: "I don't know why you made a sudden attack at this time, it is very bad for you. Your Most of the power is marine life, even if it can go ashore after mutation, it still loses a lot of combat power."

Jing Xia told Ji Chuancheng all these at the beginning, and after the last enemy attack, the research institute also focused on studying the landing of marine life, and came to the conclusion that the strength was reduced.

"We don't know your purpose for the time being, but I can tell you clearly that human beings now have the weapon to kill an S-class mutant, guaranteeing a one-hit kill. Even if you pay a painful price, I dare promise that this The final outcome of the battle is still—"

"You return to the ocean!"

As soon as these words fell to the ground, there was an uproar immediately. Almost all mutant beasts above level A and some level B mutants stopped attacking, waved their "weapons" and started howling. They expressed their dissatisfaction in the simplest way, and they were also responding to Ji Chuancheng's provocative words.

After personally beheading a crazy B-level mutant horseshoe crab, Jing Xia stood under the huge rock and looked up at the man standing upright. In front of the heavy dark clouds, Ji Chuan's tall and straight body stood proudly like a peak, hiding his murderous aura in his slightly narrowed phoenix eyes.

The wind was howling, and the sounds of howling mutant beasts rang out all over the beach.

For a moment, only a hoarse voice resounding like a rough grindstone: "Human beings... stupid... surrender..."

It seemed to be the sound of the broadcast after the wireless circuit was damaged. The mutated Conger's words were intermittent, mixed with words that humans could not understand. However, this does not affect the people on the beach to understand.

It is mocking the arrogance of human beings, thinking that human beings are very stupid, and asking them to surrender.

The morale on the bloody beach suddenly increased a bit. A group of teams worked side by side to kill two A-level mutant beasts, but the mutant Conger eel occupying a huge position on the beach did not move. There was a strange sound of unknown meaning from its throat, as if mocking.

Jing Xia's face suddenly darkened.

In this case, it is obvious that the other party does not want to negotiate a peace, and there is no room for change at all.

The attack power and strength of sea beasts are much higher than that of humans, or in other words, most animals have stronger bodies than humans. But in the past few thousand years, human beings have been able to crush these wild beasts with their wisdom. It was not until this strange end of the world that there was a real big change.

Due to the disappearance of most electromagnetic waves, most high-tech weapons have become scrap iron. Light weapons have no effect on these mutant beasts, and heavy weapons are ineffective. The most important thing for human beings now is to improve their own strength, including the research and development of new weapons.

Among them, the most powerful weapon is the weapon developed by Qi Yang using the c-level mutant rose—the high-speed powerful electric nuclear railgun, but it can only cause great damage to the s-level mutant, and for the ss-level mutant, only It can be regarded as a small fight.

Gripping the handle of the gun tightly in his hand, Jing Xia drew the gun and hit the enemy with one blow. The next moment, he turned his head to look at Ji Chuancheng, and his anxious eyes met the other's calm face. Jing Xia was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted quickly.

His eyes widened and he exclaimed:

"This mutated conger an S-class?!"