The End of the World

Chapter 70


As if to drain all the blood from the whole body, on the chest of s1, the place where the sharp knife was pierced and the hose was used to inject poison, red and black blood kept escaping. Blood gushed out of his mouth too. Because his back was bearing a construction stone weighing at least 1 ton, his spine was bent in a strange and inexplicable way.

Just now, at the moment when the ceiling was pressed down, Qi Yang seemed to hear several crisp voices.

It was the sound of ribs breaking.

Qi Yang's right hand was firmly pressed between him and s1's body, the hot touch transmitted from the opponent's abdomen could not make his eyes seem to appear—

Rib barbs pierced the skin, pierced the stomach and intestines, and blood flowed horizontally.

The blood all over the sky dyed Qi Yang's field of vision into large expanses of bright red, dazzlingly red, shockingly red, so made him feel his whole face was burning hot, and with the blood dripping from the other party's mouth, Little by little drops fell on his cheeks, making him...

There is no escape.

"s... s1?"

At this time, he still had a thought of disbelief and asked tentatively.

The scene in his arms that made him watch the other party transform from a mutant beast into a human form, those few words with the familiar "beep" voice, and this person so familiar that he could describe it even when he closed his eyes. All kinds of scars that came out - still can't make Qi Yang completely believe that such a fantasy thing happened!

Speaking, at least parrots, starlings and very few special animals have this ability.

But... it's being human.

Qi Yang once told Jing Xia that in the past few years, the Huaxia Ninth Bureau has been devoting itself to researching these fantasy things, but they have never gained anything. So he deduced with certainty that Su Weishang's piece of green jade was due to the mutation of the cmk matrix element to generate the dimensional space.

But now, he almost completely overthrows his past cognition.

The nasal bone of s1 is very straight and high, because of the extremely short distance, Qi Yang even has the illusion that he can touch the other party by raising his head slightly. His gaze was facing the hideous and terrifying scar right in the middle of s1's nasal bone. From a distance of a few centimeters, he could clearly see the scorched flesh rolling out.

He had seen this injury on the face of that black mutant beast before, but Qi Yang had never had such an intuitive and shocking feeling. When the wound enlarged to a length of fifteen centimeters and was deeply imprinted on a human-like face, Qi Yang really realized how cruel he had been.

"Hey... It hurts... Heck..."

Intermittent words spit out from s1's mouth continuously. Although his speaking ability has not been fully improved, Qi Yang can probably guess what the other party is saying. His left hand was free and not oppressed. It was trembling slightly at this moment, and slowly caressed s1's supposedly handsome cheek.

Qi Yang stared blankly at those pair of translucent white eyes, obviously they were ghosts completely different from human beings, but at this moment he looked at his clear reflection in these eyes, as if his whole body had been purified, he was in a rare mood peace and tranquility.

Gently rubbing the scarred face with bloody and cold fingers, Qi Yang felt that his iron heart had softened a lot. Or... No one can see such a scene without being moved!

The blood seemed to be an indissoluble mist, and it wet Qi Yang's palm.

This is the first time Qi Yang feels that the other party may really not be able to hold on anymore, maybe... really will die.

No matter how powerful the self-healing ability is, it will eventually be no match for repeated murders. The knife in the heart and the injection of most of the potassium cyanide solution caused the current boulder to collapse, each of which could kill a normal human being on the spot.

Only he can last until now.

The thin and unfeeling lips curved slightly, Qi Yang closed his eyes and silently calculated the blood loss of the other party at this time. There were sporadic screams and fighting sounds in his ears, but at this moment, Qi Yang felt extremely peaceful in his heart.

It seems to have returned to the days when there was no need to pick up a laboratory knife so long ago.

The eyes opened suddenly, and Qi Yang's delicate and fair face was covered with thick blood, adding a strange look to his dull face. He sighed softly, and the smile on his lips became wider: "Forget it, I said it last night. From today onwards, I will no longer hate you, and humans will no longer hate you. Everything you want to make up for has been done." After repaying everything, from now on..."

The voice froze suddenly.

"Hey, hey... Yang... Hey, hey..."

Qi Yang suddenly laughed out loud. He took a deep breath, and his smile was full of grief and helplessness: "You have never been from now on. However, this is good for you. Even if you survive this accident, you You will have to suffer more in the future. Maybe I am not in charge of the experiment, but... I don’t think that person will treat you as cruelly as I do.”


Another mouthful of blood flowed down the graceful jaw, dripping on Qi Yang's lips. He half-opened his mouth in surprise, his lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but the blood just flowed into the esophagus and slid into the stomach along with his movements.

The inflow of every drop of blood is a long fire, Qi Yang was dazed for a long time, then sighed with a wry smile, and said: "s1, go with peace of mind, I will... I will leave you a whole body." As soon as the words fell, Qi Yang closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the last moment of the farewell.

After he knew that the other party already had the strange ability to transform into a human being, this mutant beast would die completely like this, even... in this way to save him.

No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless he is, the deep place in Qi Yang's heart was touched after all, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Human beings always say, repay evil with kindness.

s1 killed his three talented assistants, and he made s1 suffer any punishment he could imagine in the world. There are many ways to experiment, and there are many ways to strip tissue, but he has always chosen the most cruel and painful ones, and these... are all because of selfishness.

Up to now, this mutated beast no longer owes him anything, and he...

He owed his life.

Time elongated at this moment, and every minute and every second clearly slipped by Qi Yang's ears, dripping like water droplets. But he knew that it was not the sound of water droplets, nor the sound of time, but the sound of the mutant beast's blood hitting the ground bit by bit, the sound was ear-piercing.

Also... the sound of life passing by, approaching death.

It's too hard to live, but easy to die.

"Bang bang—"

Accompanied by the violent rumbling sound, Qi Yang's eyes suddenly brightened. He subconsciously opened his eyes to look, and was immediately disturbed by the bright light that pierced his eyes, and narrowed his eyes. In that very fine field of vision, the huge boulder that was pressing on them was easily removed, and a tall gray-black mutant beast was staring fiercely at this side with its pair of ferocious eyes.

Enemy attack!

Qi Yang instantly understood.

This sudden earthquake finally had an explanation, and there was an answer even though no one rescued it.

S1's body, which was already at the end of its strength, suddenly lost the fulcrum it needed to stand on, and suddenly fell to one side. Even Qi Yang himself didn't realize it, he quickly and gently supported the opponent's body, and gently placed it on the ground covered with gravel.

Before the giant mutated beast noticed any movement here, Qi Yang looked around for a weapon. After finding the silver anti-aircraft gun scattered on the ground, he kicked off the ground without hesitation and shot at the gun. The high-speed and powerful electric nuclear railgun rushed forward.

However, he far underestimated the strength of this mutant beast.

In the blink of an eye, a huge and ferocious foot stepped on Qi Yang's face. He reflexively stepped back a few steps, almost being trampled into flesh by the opponent.

Qi Yang observed the surrounding situation, and after confirming that there was no help within a radius of 200 meters, his expression gradually became serious. He is not an evolutionary, and currently he has no weapons at all. Faced with such a situation, unless they can get extremely powerful backup, they are doomed to die.

Thinking in this way, Qi Yang searched for a while, and paused for a while when his sight suddenly touched the s1 lying limp on the ground. I saw that s1's back was covered in mutilated flesh and blood, his whole body was limp on the ground, his limbs were weak.

With this dazed effort, Qi Yang saw that giant mutated beast stretching its hand towards s1 on the ground from the corner of his eyes. Without any hesitation, Qi Yang went straight towards the mutated beast in horror, pulled out a long knife that had been inserted obliquely on the ground, and raised his hand to drop the knife.


As soon as the shiny black knife handle touched the mutant beast's body, it broke in two and flew upside down. On the contrary, there was only a light white scratch on the giant mutant beast's body, which was harder than steel.

But because of this, it stopped grabbing s1, and looked down at Qi Yang who was only as high as his own toes.
