The End of the World

Chapter 77


It has already taken half a month to find a suitable no-man's-land to detonate Stab-2 in Province X, not to mention the time it took to send Stab-2 and professionals to Province X, when the news of the test failure came back to the base in City S , two months have passed.

Afterwards, the staff of the whole research institute gathered to improve the design of stab-2, experimented again, and studied again. After waiting for three months, the successful detonation of stab-2 was officially realized, and the uninhabited man who was covered with yellow sand was finally detonated. The test area was razed to the ground, and smoke was everywhere.

The second beast horde attack half a year ago, and the apocalyptic event a year ago, seemed to be extremely far away from the people at the base in City S.

Small buildings of two or three floors have been built day by day during the past six months. On the outermost layer of the residential building, two high and safe walls are built first. An exaggerated and cautious power grid is set up half a meter outside the wall, with daily power supply as the first layer of defense.

There is a safe passage at the end of the wall, which is enough to allow the nearly one million people in the current base to evacuate within two hours.

In the middle of these layers of houses surrounded by buildings is the only four-story research institute. There are three floors underground and four floors above the ground. Unlike other buildings, it is not crowded with dark human heads. The space in this place is large enough to raise whales.

At this moment, in a laboratory on the innermost floor of the third basement floor, Jing Xia was standing in front of the thick and safe tempered glass, quietly watching a group of people in the opposite room move left and right, gathering together conduct experiment.

"Why did you get up here today?" Qi Yang walked over holding a glass, and handed Jing Xia another glass of water.

Jing Xia took the cup, glanced down at the clear and transparent water, and felt relieved after confirming that there were really no unnecessary ingredients. Caressing the smooth glass outer wall with one hand, Jing Xia said: "Didn't you bring Chi Chi here a few days ago? Of course I want to take a look. But..." As he spoke, Jing Xia turned his eyes and glanced at the man who was brought over by you a few days ago. The little black ball trapped in the glass box sighed and said, "It seems that I am thinking too much."

Seeing this, Qi Yang followed Jing Xia's gaze to a long table in the corner of the laboratory. I saw that the long brown table was covered with all kinds of experimental equipment, ranging from DNA molecular measuring instruments to the simplest surgical forceps, which made the table look a bit messy.

And in the center of all the things, there is a transparent glass box abruptly placed, in which, a fat mutant hamster is arching its buttocks and attacking its own toy - a bumpy pine cone.

Qi Yang pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "It's just something I picked up from outside. I didn't expect that mouse of yours to fall in love with it."

Even though it was impossible to hear it from a very long distance, Jiji raised his little head sensitively and seemed to look around, as if looking for "who is speaking ill of me", the long tail and head behind the butt The pointed "little dragon horn" is very joyful and cute.

Jing Xia sighed speechlessly: "Don't say it's a squirrel, it can be anything except a mouse. For example, it once thought it was a cat, and then ran after a mutated white mouse."

Hearing this, Qi Yang laughed softly. After a while, he began to explain to Jing Xia the experimental situation of Jiji in recent days: "I released your mutant hamster three months ago, and I remember it was still a C-level mutant at that time. .”

Jing Xia nodded approvingly: "Well, C-level."

Looking far away, Qi Yang's gaze pierced through a thin layer of lenses and thick tempered glass, piercing Jiji's body straightly, making that fleshy and fat body tremble alive, Baji didn't catch the pine cones in his paws, and Baji fell back to the glass floor.

Qi Yang looked at it with complicated eyes for a long time, and then said: "In just three months, it has evolved into an A-level mutant. This kind of mutation speed is the fastest I have ever seen. It is faster than the original mutant rose. Faster."

The variation levels of mutant beasts are simply distinguished by the degree of cell variation, which also includes many small division methods such as the direction of variation and the degree of evolution. It can be said that the variation levels of each creature cannot be discussed at the same time.

"I've caught and studied mutated mice, but yours is really the most special." Qi Yang's slender fingers tightly gripped the glass in his hand, and his tone was serious: "Whether it's from the speed of mutation, Or the changes after mutation, can be said to be unique... weird."

Jing Xia lowered her head and looked at the cup in her hand, only to see that the clear water caused tiny ripples due to the short and slight shaking between her fingers, but when it touched the wall of the cup, it all dissipated and turned into nothingness.

"It's... really special."

"Its mutation didn't show much other than the extremely fast speed at the beginning. After becoming a c-level, the speed didn't change much, and it didn't show significantly in terms of attack power. If it wasn't..." After a pause, Qi Yang continued: "If the two horns on its head hadn't gradually turned golden, I'm afraid I wouldn't have cared about its changes in just three months."

Jing Xia's gaze has been focused on the small ripples that are constantly rippling, because the floor is made of black marble tiles, so the bottom of the glass vaguely reflects his silent expression—hesitating, not knowing what to do.

Jing Xia didn't tell Qi Yang from the beginning that Chi Chi had swallowed two green stones. He didn't even tell Ji Chuancheng or anyone else.

There was an inexplicable feeling lingering in his heart all the time, if this matter was told to them, then Chichi would probably not be treated as simply as he is now, and even... would be subjected to even more terrifying research.

However, when Jiji dragged him to a desolate dilapidated factory outside the city base in S a week ago, and swallowed a green stone the size of a fingernail in front of Jingxia, Jingxia didn't need to do it again. To hide it, this thing... can't be hidden anymore.

The two small horns on Jiji's head have been covered with a layer of light gold since that day, and the color is getting darker and darker. Three days ago, it has completely turned into a deep golden color, which cannot be ignored. So, it entered the laboratory again.

To Jingxia's relief, Qi Yang's long-term research did not allow him to study anything superfluous from Jiji's body. It can be said that except for the cells that are largely similar to the mutation of most A-level mutants, all the external abilities of Jiji are ordinary or even inferior to some stronger D-level mutants.

Sometimes Jing Xia even thought about whether Jiji's unobtrusive mutation would be an improvement in wisdom. but…

Jing Xia turned her head and carefully watched the glass box for a long time, and finally covered her face speechlessly—

That black thing that wears a pine cone like a crown on its head, and then gets poked and grinned, can't be extremely intelligent! ! !

"I also thought about whether its mutating direction is related to intelligence." Qi Yang took a sip of water, and then said: "But you have also seen it, it is really..."

After hearing this, Jing Xia immediately felt a sense of shame that "the pet is such a stupid owner, it's a shame". A wave of heat rose from the base of his ears, making his ears gradually turn red, and finally said with shame: "You don't have to think about this aspect at all in the future. If he has extremely high wisdom... then I should take over the institute."

There was a deep smile hidden in the delicate and narrow eyes, Qi Yang just smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Bendan and other assistants in the laboratory were busy preparing for the pancreatic juice extraction experiment of a b-level mutant. When they turned around sweating profusely, Zhang Bendan wiped the beads of sweat from their heads and said to Qi Yang. An "everything is ok" gesture.

"Well, it's time for my experiment to start. Today's experiment is mainly about a b-level mutant. If you are interested, you can take a look here." Gently placing the glass in his hand on the table, he turned around It is ready to enter the experiment and start research.

Hesitatingly watching Qi Yang's slender figure walking towards the metal door step by step, just when the "squeaky" sound of the door opening sounded, Jing Xia finally couldn't help but said: "Qi Yang, actually..."

Hearing this, the fair-skinned and handsome man turned around and looked at Jing Xia in surprise.

After taking a deep breath, one figure after another slowly appeared in front of Jing Xia's eyes.

From the cruel hell where corpses were everywhere, to the confidence that human beings unite to fight the horde of mutant beasts to the death; from the man who was covered in blood and almost penetrated by the rotten liquid of the mutant octopus, to now... in him Before coming, Ji Chuancheng looked at him as he walked away step by step with deep and trusting eyes.

"Qi Yang, I saw Su Weishang sneaking around looking for something in a ruined building outside the base. I followed him curiously for a long time and found that he was looking for a small green stone. I think this green stone The little stone may be related to his dimensional space, or it may be related to his green jade."

In the end, Jing Xia still buried part of the truth and blamed everything on Su Weishang.

Qi Yang was slightly taken aback, and then smiled: "Well, I know. Don't worry, in the past three or four months, he has almost reached his limit. No matter how much he can bear it, we only need a chance, and we can accept it." It's online."

After speaking, Qi Yang nodded lightly and opened the door to enter the laboratory.

Jing Xia watched Qi Yang walk to the long metal table in the middle of the room with a complicated expression. His gaze stayed on the busy crowd in white coats for a while, and then he looked deeply at the side with his narrow eyes blinking. The mutated hamster that I saw directly.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!"

Seeing Jing Xia and himself, Xiao Hei Tuanzi excitedly pushed his fleshy butt against the thorny pine cone, as if he was performing juggling. But looking at this funny scene, Jing Xia couldn't laugh at the moment.

After a long silence, he sighed deeply, then turned and left the laboratory.

But what he didn't see was that when he turned around, Qi Yang slowly raised his lowered head, looking at his leaving back with a flat expression, and didn't move away for a long time. When Jing Xia's figure completely disappeared in the laboratory, Qi Yang let out a sigh from his throat, and stretched out his hand to take off the earrings hanging from his ears.

"Major Qi?" Zhang Bendan was holding the contact handle of the electromagnetic resonance instrument with his left hand. After seeing Qi Yang's movements from the corner of his eyes, he asked in surprise: "What's the matter with you? Our experiments here have almost completed Now, if you have something, you can let us solve it next."

Qi Yang looked down at the corpse of the dead B-level mutant, nodded and said: "Yes, I know, continue."

All the organs of the mutant beast were removed, and carefully put into the prepared chemical solution one by one. After the final action was completed, the assistants left the laboratory one by one holding transparent containers. Zhang Bendan also packed his things and went to the next experimental site to wait for Qi Yang.

The bright and dazzling shadowless lamp illuminated the entire surgical laboratory very dazzlingly. Qi Yang stood quietly for a long time before taking off the blood-stained latex gloves, turned around and walked to the glass box at the corner, and stopped.

Jiji curled up and looked up curiously at Qi Yang. After an unknown amount of time, it gave a suspicious "chichi" cry, then tilted its chubby head, blinked its thin eyes—

What is this human looking at...

Is it because Uncle Shu is getting more and more handsome? ~!

With a deep sigh from his throat, Qi Yang stretched out his hands to caress the smooth and cold glass roof, and muttered to himself: "He is afraid that I will harm you."

"Even Jingxia felt fearful because of my behavior it. Tell me...did I do it for real..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

After a long time, a faint sigh sounded in the quiet laboratory. It seemed to be a hallucination, and it seemed that someone was sighing silently.