The End of the World

Chapter 78


After half a year of running-in training, the task division of the entire S city base has been unified and assigned.

Ordinary people, who account for almost all human beings, undertake some simple and basic daily tasks. The food, drink, housing, transportation and daily life of nearly a million people are supported by them. On the other hand, the evolutionists with only a few thousand people mainly carry out their daily work outside the base.

According to the different abilities of each evolutionary, the headquarters divided them into different task groups. There are those who organize ordinary humans to rebuild the base, those who lead people to expand and extend to the land, and most importantly—

Beware of another raid by mutant beasts in a series of strips near the water source in City S.

Since the incident more than four months ago, the attacks of mutant beasts have never stopped. Sometimes a b-level mutant led the lower-level mutant beasts to "send to death", and sometimes a few powerful a-level mutants led other mutant beasts to fight fiercely with the evolutionaries.

They have become more and more organized in successive attacks, making it more and more difficult for humans to resist.

But it is undeniable that in the past four months, human beings have never been attacked by an S-class mutant, or—

Never paid such a terrible price again.

The current battle between races is like small frictions again and again, constantly intercourse and temptation, maintaining a kind of superficial tranquility. For most ordinary people who were inside the base and didn't need to go outside the base to fight the mutant beasts, they even faintly felt a sense of peace and tranquility.

It was as if... there was no longer any external threat.

Only the increasingly hot weather is silently reminding that the danger has never really ended, and the existence of the end times can never be ignored.

The hot sun is like a fireball, high and steady in the blue sky. Looking thousands of miles away, the sky is so clear and clean that there is no trace of cloud, as if frightened by the flames of the scorching sun, only the increasingly hot and scorching temperature hints at the change of the weather.

When Jing Xia just came out of the underground laboratory of the research institute, she squinted her eyes because of the bright and dazzling sunlight.

In such hot weather, he didn't wear a simple and thin vest like some pedestrians on the street, looking like he wanted to take off all his clothes and run naked. White shirts and light-colored trousers can also slightly degrade the sun's temperature in this sunny weather.

The evolutionary's physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people. Even in such weather, as long as there is no strenuous exercise, Jing Xia will not feel too hot. But he still chose to walk in the shadow of the building, which could somewhat avoid the heat.

It has been nearly half a year since the abnormal weather that started last winter has continued until now.

The full sun hanging high in the air seems to be a circle bigger than before. In the cold winter, it has a temperature of more than 30 degrees, and now in April and May, it has reached a terrifying forty degrees. Fortunately, people's bodies are generally much stronger than before the end of the world. Otherwise, this weather alone could cause a large number of heat strokes.

When Jing Xia rushed to the headquarters in charge of District 53 at full speed, Ji Chuancheng and Yu Kai had already been waiting under the eaves for a long time.

There is a long black gun clamped around Ji Chuancheng's left waist. The handle of the gun is a complex mechanism designed with silver metal, while the body of the gun is much simpler. Just the straight and slender black barrel can make people feel A kind of forest breath.

He stood upright under the shadow, and when he saw Jing Xia coming from a distance, his stern face softened a lot, and he nodded lightly, "How's the situation in the institute?"

Due to the haste, Jing Xia's fair and plump forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and he raised his hand to wipe it off. His cheeks were a little flushed due to the rapid running, he calmed his breath a little, and replied: "I went to see Professor Qi first, he is leading people to study stab-3, and Qi Yang is dissecting a B-class Mutant. Chichi is currently safe and nothing unusual."

Yu Kai happened to discover a problem with the handle on the blade, so he turned around and entered the headquarters in charge to change the weapons again. Under the cool and shaded eaves, only Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng were left looking at each other. They are warming up before the task in an open field more than ten meters away.

After a long silence, Ji Chuancheng suddenly asked, "Did Qi Yang study stab-3 with Professor Qi?"

Suddenly asked this question, Jing Xia was stunned for a while, and then remembered the answer he had asked an assistant before. With delicate and handsome brows slightly frowned, Jing Xia sighed softly, and replied: "I heard that Qi Yang had a disagreement with Professor Qi on the issue of stab-3, and now they are studying the design in two different ways." Model of stab-3."

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, Ji Chuancheng pondered for a moment, and asked again: "Professor Qi... allow him to do those things?"

Due to the recent increase in the activities of the sea mutated beasts, the tasks assigned by Ji Chuancheng have also become more and more heavy. He doesn't have much time to go to the research institute to care about the progress of the experiment, so he doesn't know much about these things. .

Jing Xia nodded: "Well, I also find it very strange. Professor Qi also allocated a team to conduct experimental research for him. It is estimated... even Professor Qi himself does not have the confidence to be able to confirm the development of stab-3."

Although he is very young, Qi Yang's name as little monster is not for nothing.

From the first A new long knife series, to the high-speed powerful electric nuclear railgun; from the first A-series kill machine, to the first stab series heavy ammonium bomber.

These were independently developed by Qi Yang alone, and became the main weapons produced by the S City Base Research Institute. It can be said that age does not count as strength, and even the wisdom and experience accumulated over time cannot completely prevent the birth of a genius.

No matter how much Yu Kai hated and cursed Qi Yang, he had mentioned it to Jing Xia inadvertently.

The members of team A of the restricted area are all the top elites in China, young forces from all aspects and levels. Among them, captain Ji Chuancheng can be said to be the youngest major in China, with a bright future. On the other hand, Qi Yang, who was awarded the rank of major only one year later than Ji Chuancheng, is definitely a rare talent in China.

His parents were researchers in the restricted area force. Qi Yang was born in the restricted zone, and has been exposed to various advanced and novel technologies since he was a child. He even participated in the research of high-tech missiles when he was twelve years old, and became one of the reserve researchers.

Qi Yang has never left the restricted area, or in other words, he has never left the mountain.

Because of his special birth, he was decided from the very beginning to hide in the restricted zone because of his parents. Afterwards, his particularly terrifying talent showed up, which made Huaxia want to use all its resources to keep him.

Yu Kai once complained like this: "That guy's perverted personality must have been cultivated since he was a child, you don't know, he started dissecting rabbits, frogs and other animals when he was five years old! How is this a human being? what you did!"

After hearing Yu Kai's comment, Jing Xia felt a bit of silence.

When she was five years old, Jing Xia once thought that she was the most miserable person in the world.

The father was found out and gave birth to a three-year-old illegitimate child. The kidnapping of himself by his mistress almost killed him, and even made his mother angry to death.

But these things, compared with Qi Yang's... made Jing Xia feel another level of creepiness.

It is impossible for a child who is only five years old to conduct these experiments independently. Well, it is destined to be his parents, or... other adults who force him to prematurely enter some fields that should not be entered.

Because of his talent and intelligence, he was instilled with cold experimental data and research methods early on. This is a top-level cultivation with abundant resources, but it also kills a child's most innocent childhood, causing his life to be traumatized that can never be repaired.

All causes have consequences, and those who have caused Qi Yang's current character of "doing whatever it takes to do research" must be those who did not expect the outcome.

Thinking of this, Jing Xia sighed deeply, with a helpless smile on her lips, and said, "A Chuan, my reason makes me worry about putting Jiji with Qi Yang, but my heart makes me I feel a little...he is not such a ruthless person."

Ji Chuan stared closely at Jing Xia with his dark and deep eyes, nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Jing Xia looked up at the distant sea.

They were standing on a relatively high ground, a small hillside of more than 30 meters, and they could see the vast blue sea in the distance through the towering embankment wall. Under the sunshine, the sea water shone with a layer of sparkling light. The pure and clean blue and the dazzling golden color together formed a beautiful scene of tranquility and peace.

Jing Xia smiled and said: "Even though I've seen him do cruel things to some mutant beasts before, I still don't think he would do those things to Chi Chi. When I knew him, I just thought he was a shameless crazy Scientist, but now... I don’t know when, I think he has changed.”

Hearing this, Ji Chuancheng opened his eyes slightly, eyelashes fluttering: "Do you think he has changed?"

"Yeah." Turning her head to look at the handsome man with a startled expression, Jing Xia hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "Although we haven't known each other for long, at least now I know that he is just an ordinary person." As if he suddenly remembered something, Jing Xia smiled and said, "You don't know, when I watched him experiment with Jiji before, I always saw him touching his right wrist. I once asked him if there was a watch there or something like that. Do you know how he answered?"

Not far away, the password for the team assembly had already started to sound. Ji Chuan raised his eyes and glanced calmly, and asked, "How did you answer?"

Jing Xia recalled it for a while, and then said with a smile: "He said that he was injured there. Although he was healed by Qin Chu with supernatural powers and even the scars were gone, sometimes he still remembered the kind It hurt. It was said that touching it would relieve the pain, so he did."

The sound of the waves crashing on the shore seemed very abrupt at this moment, and Jing Xia's voice also seemed a little distant, as if it came from a distant horizon, making it unpredictable.

"His expression is obviously a kind of nostalgia and sadness, but he insists on pretending to be teasing. It reminds me of you back then. You were punished by General Ji to kneel in front of the villa for a whole day, and the sun shone on you. You are almost suffering from heat stroke, and you still refuse to accept it."

Hearing that the topic was suddenly brought up to him, Ji Chuancheng's dark face from the young man's previous words gradually eased. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "I'm not convinced?"

Jing Xia took it for granted: "That's right, I remember that General Ji forgave you because I begged for you. Eh... Speaking of which, you still owe me a favor!"

Ji Chuancheng lowered his eyes and glanced at him coldly: "Who am I being punished for?"

After a little recollection, Jing Xia remembered everything, and said bluntly: "You were..."

The voice stopped abruptly, Jing Xia laughed dryly twice, a layer of pink rose on his face, he was afraid to look up at the other party's expression.

A soft hum sounded from his throat, Ji Chuancheng pursed his thin lips to cover up the teasing in his eyes, and asked, "Why don't you continue talking?"

Swallowing, Jing Xia raised her hands: "A Chuan! I was wrong!"