The End of the World

Chapter 79


The scorching sun makes the air warm and slow, and the hot air rolls up from the scorched ground, rolling from the soles of people's feet to their bare calves. The delicate and beautiful boy wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hands, feeling as if he had been steamed in a steamer, and the heat was hard to dissipate.

"Jiqing..." A voice murmuring like a kitten sounded slowly, Su Weishang's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his thin undershirt was all stuck to his body, "Why don't we slow down, it's two o'clock in the afternoon It's too hot."

Hearing this, the handsome man walking in front turned around to look at the panting young man. A trace of dislike and disgust flashed across his eyes, perhaps he didn't even realize it, and it quickly disappeared into the frown, and said: "Xiao Shang, the task of each team is the same, if we are not happy Let’s complete the tasks of the two of us, maybe it will slow down the others.”

The grouping of Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing is in the 78th area, every 16 people are divided into a large group, and then subdivided into small groups, and subdivided according to the difficulty and quantity of daily tasks. The leader of the team is currently Wu Jiqing, who has the highest power value among the evolutionaries in city s, with an ice power value of 577. But today, their task is not difficult but heavy, so Wu Jiqing divided 8 groups to complete the task separately.

And at this moment, he and Su Weishang are in the same group.

As worthy of his title as the number one powerhouse with the highest abilities, Wu Jiqing's body recovered very quickly. Within a week after the second animal horde enemy attack, he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and returned to the base reconstruction work.

In the past three or four months, Wu Jiqing subconsciously wanted to distance himself from Su Weishang, but his indecisive and indecisive character was doomed. Under the circumstances that no major incidents happened, it was impossible for him to get rid of the one in his heart. This piece of "dog skin plaster".

At this time, Wu Jiqing had completely forgotten how dotingly he used to look at the innocent and kind boy in front of him, how innocent and cute he thought he was. The scene of this person personally capturing the corpse of an S-class mutant kept replaying in his mind.

Just this terrifying strength made Wu Jiqing feel the chill rising from the soles of his feet, which made him unable to stop being afraid.

Su Weishang, who was good at observing words and expressions since he was a child, naturally felt the abnormality in Wu Jiqing's increasingly cold tone, but no matter how hard he tried to improve the relationship, he still couldn't make any substantial progress.

The big cat's eyes blinked a few times, Su Weishang's long eyelashes fluttered slightly, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Jiqing, that's not what I meant. After all, it's too hot now, and I haven't had a good rest these few nights. Why don't we find a place to rest for ten minutes, as long as we conserve our energy, I will speed up and keep up with everyone." Then, he wrapped his arms around Wu Jiqing, his tone coquettish, what did this man do with his beautiful and elegant face? There was no way to say no.

"Okay, ten minutes then."

There were many ruins of damaged buildings near the embankment in Area 78, and the two of them randomly found a place where half of the roof had been cut off and sat down.

As soon as Su Weishang sat on a smooth rock, he took a round pancake from his space and handed it to Wu Jiqing flatteringly: "Jiqing, would you like something to eat? I left it specially for lunch today."

Due to the heavy daily tasks, the evolutionary's physical consumption is also very high. However, nearly one million people in City S needed supplies. Without outside help, almost everyone couldn't get enough to eat.

Wu Jiqing looked at the piece of pancake in Su Weishang's hand in surprise, and thought about how the other party left something, then shook his head and said: "I'm not hungry, if you are hungry, eat first. Recover your strength, I'll go first Take a look ahead."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Jiqing got up and walked out of the building, heading southwest to inquire about the situation.

His sudden movement of getting up made Su Weishang's hand that had just touched the other's waist suddenly froze. A dark color flashed in the young man's clear and beautiful eyes. He slowly bit his bright red lower lip, watching the man's handsome back getting closer and closer. further away.

"Wu Jiqing..." Su Weishang muttered to himself with his complexion darkened.

What responded to him was the sound of howling wind blowing through the shadow of the building without direct sunlight. It was rare and cool, but it made Su Weishang feel chills in his heart. He bit his plump lower lip harder and harder, until finally a faint trace of blood seeped out.

The round pancake broke and shattered between his whitening fingers, was shredded by several wind blades, and soon disappeared with the wind.

When Wu Jiqing came back, Su Weishang had already stood up and greeted him with a smile: "I feel that I have almost recovered, Jiqing, let's not waste any more time, and complete the task first."

This extraordinarily enthusiastic attitude made Wu Jiqing choke everything he wanted to say. He nodded and walked forward. But what he didn't realize was that this young man who always liked to follow behind him finally stopped hiding behind him in that dependent manner during this nearly half a year of neglect.

Su Weishang looked at Wu Jiqing's back with cold eyes, and a sneer appeared on his lips.

In the last life it was Ji Chuancheng, this time it's you, Wu Jiqing.

I gave you a chance, it's because you don't know how to cherish me.

One day, you will regret it!

Regret... for abandoning me like a shoe!


No matter how noisy the outside world is, the institute is still as quiet as if no one is moving around. The four floors above the ground are basically weapon warehouses, exhibition areas and trade areas for diplomatic purposes, while the three floors underground are really used for confidential experiments.

This is the seventh day that Jiji entered the research institute, and it is also the last day that Qi Yang and Jing Xia agreed.

Since three days ago, Jing Xia hadn't been to this place again, but before leaving, she said that they would pick up Jiji when the time came.

And in this extremely brightly lit laboratory, a fleshy mutant hamster was lazily lying in the glass cabin. The glass box wasn't covered, but it didn't intend to run away at all. It was enjoying itself while hugging its brown-black pine cone.

Qi Yang just stood in front of the long metal bed, lowered his eyes, and quietly watched the little black ball twist its butt and move around. After a while, Zhang Bendan ran in holding a black metal box, his forehead was covered with running sweat.

"Pray... Major Qi, the things are here!"

Qi Yang nodded solemnly, reached out and brought the heavy box over. He held the box in one hand while looking down at the mutated hamster's reaction. I saw that Jiji was still having a great time playing with Pine Cone, and he didn't give him a look at all.

The long and narrow eyes behind the lens narrowed slightly, Qi Yang raised the corners of his lips, and put the black box beside the glass cabin. Just when the thing was about half a meter away from Jiji, the little paw that was pulling the pine cone suddenly stopped, and Jiji straightened up suddenly, blinking his little mung bean eyes, and looking around.


Its chubby little head kept turning around, and the two small golden horns on its head glowed a faint golden color under the shadowless lamp. Suddenly, it seemed to have found what it wanted, and it suddenly stopped its wandering gaze, and opened its narrow eyes to look at the black box next to itself.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!!"

The black shadow kicked off the ground and went straight to the outside of the glass cabin.

Qi Yang lowered his eyes, picked up the lid of the glass box and sealed the glass cabin, his movements were swift, like flowing water.


Jiji's jumping movements caused its little head to hit the glass, and it looked at Qi Yang pitifully, clutching its head, while the latter looked down at it expressionlessly, with a calm expression.

"Want this thing?" As he said, Qi Yang winked at Zhang Bendan, who immediately opened the door of the safe, took out a green stone that was no bigger than a thumbnail, and handed it to him.

The surface of this small green pebble reflects a clear and deep green light, as if a thousand-foot pool of water is brewing in it, and the inner color is condensed with a very deep color, which becomes much lighter when it reaches the surface. When the jade appeared in the box, the few assistants in the laboratory who had poor concentration were already breathing unsteadily, and their faces turned red.

Qi Yang raised his eyes and gave those people a cold look, and they immediately hid their eagerness to move. Immediately afterwards, he shook the small glass bottle and placed it in front of Jiji. Through two layers of glass, the green jade shone brightly.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!!!"