The End of the World

Chapter 83


"You will kill me."

Qi Yang slightly hooked the corners of his lips, with a calm and calm smile on his face, as if what he said was not a matter of life or safety, but a simple greeting.

Behind him, Lieutenant Chen, Zhang Bendan and others turned pale with fright when they heard his words.

Lieutenant Chen: "Major Qi! You won't die. I'm ordered to protect your safety. I won't let anything happen to you."

Different from Lieutenant Chen's recklessness and straightforwardness, Zhang Bendan's mind was quite flexible, and he roughly deduced the matter from the few words Qi Yang and s1 said. When all the essential truths were plainly before his eyes, Zhang Bendan couldn't help thinking of Qi Yang's seriousness when he said the phrase "it can talk" with a serious face that day, and remembered...

At the beginning, I watched this handsome and harmless man in front of me, skinning and cramping the once fierce and violent beast one by one.

He half opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he couldn't say anything, he could only sigh deeply: "Major Qi, you didn't do the experiment alone, we should all stay behind." Come down to accompany you. It can have the strength to take revenge, and none of us can escape."

The noisy and piercing wind scoured the empty streets, rolling up the fine sand and gravel on the ground, making the air seem turbid. Two tall, thin and straight people stood facing each other, one of them lowered their eyes slightly with an indifferent expression, and the other raised their head slightly with a fearless expression.

Qi Yang looked at s1's extremely indifferent expression, and his heart tightened slightly. He heard Zhang Bendan's self-defeating words again, but he smiled suddenly: "You go first, ignore me. He is going to kill me, not you."

On the surface, what Zhang Bendan said was saying that s1 would not spare everyone present, but in fact he linked the safety of his group with Qi Yang, implying that s1 was hard to beat with four hands, and none of them would give up Qi Yang fled alone.

Hearing Qi Yang's words, Zhang Bendan inevitably became a little anxious: "Major Qi, you are like this..."

"This is a military order. Let's go, it's my last order for you."

Zhang Bendan was so anxious that his eyes turned red for half a circle. He struggled to say something more, but just as he took a step forward, he was suddenly blocked by a strong and powerful arm. I saw Lieutenant Chen staring at Qi Yang's thin and thin back with a solemn expression, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

Zhang Bendan said anxiously: "Lieutenant Chen!"

But this powerful soldier with Kong Wu didn't seem to hear his words, and still looked at Qi Yang's back solemnly. After a long time, he suddenly put his feet together and put the five fingers of his right hand on his temple, performing a standard military salute.

"Yes! Major Qi!"

After speaking, he turned around without any hesitation, and looked at the group of researchers in white coats behind him. These young or mature faces were all pale at this time, with red eyes, and understood what he meant.

Lieutenant Chen flicked all of them back and forth, then looked at the leader Zhang Bendan, and sighed: "Assistant Zhang, Professor Qi ordered me to take you to the nearest emergency shelter, please cooperate with my work .”

Zhang Bendan's lips moved, and finally he turned his eyes to look at the back standing in the bleak wind. He didn't know where the power came from, and his heart suddenly became silent, and then...he nodded heavily.

Several researchers helped the seriously injured evolutionists to turn around and leave. They moved forward with difficulty. Because there was no longer any obstacle, the speed was much faster than before, and he walked hundreds of meters in no time, and was about to leave the sight of s1.

The handsome and noble man exudes a dangerous and mysterious atmosphere. He raised his long and narrow eyes, which reflected the long road and the small buildings on both sides, as well as... the group of people who were drifting away. Humanity.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and s1 suddenly asked, "Why didn't I kill them?"

The smile on his lips became more and more intense, and there was a hint of tenderness that even Qi Yang didn't notice. He stared seriously at the man in front of him who had a temperament like a child but was so powerful that he was terrifying, and said, "Because you want to kill me first."

Hearing this, s1 tilted his head in confusion, and asked again: "Is there any conflict between killing Yang and killing them?"

Qi Yang put his fingers in his left hand pocket and lightly stroked the miniature A-6, and said with a smile, "Since you have waited so long to watch them leave, then you won't kill them."

s1's puzzled gaze was fixed on Qi Yang for a long time without moving, a white figure was reflected in those dark and deep eyes, making his dark pupils look a little more cute. But what he said made Qi Yang shudder instantly: "But, I suddenly want to kill them."

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of s1's inorganic substance suddenly enlarged, and the white in the eye sockets was almost completely occupied by black. This strange and frightening scene made Qi Yang subconsciously and quickly pull out the a-6 frame killing intent in his hand without the slightest hesitation. Aim at the target and press the trigger.



Accompanied by the sound of killing machine guns, two huge air giant blades quickly scraped past Qi Yang's body sides, and the giant blades that could almost condense into a solid scraped by at a speed close to the speed of sound. Qi Yang just pressed the Before he pressed the trigger to confirm whether he hit the target, he turned his head and looked behind him at the same time.


The sound was transmitted through a distance of more than 300 meters, and directly entered Qi Yang's ears. The monstrous blood stained his vision red, and the two people who had been cut in half fell to the ground, and just twitched twice before they could no longer move.

The two tendons on his forehead twitched non-stop, Qi Yang managed to maintain a calm look, and turned to look at the man in black. I saw three blood holes shot out of his right shoulder by the shotgun shot by the killing machine, and blood was flowing out.

The red and black blood was getting less and less. When s1 reached out to gently wipe the blood with his hand and took a bite with his tongue, the blood hole had been completely healed. Except for the scar that had not fully recovered, it seemed that he was about to heal .

s1 frowned slightly: "You hit me again, Yang."

Qi Yang's face turned livid: "You killed my compatriots, we are destined to be not of the same race."

But s1 didn't reply to his words, his eyes quietly fell on Qi Yang's bare wrist. Because of the movement of raising the gun, the white sleeve that covered Qi Yang's wrist fell down, revealing a smooth and white wrist with protruding bones and abnormally thin.

The voice of s1 was even more indifferent: "Where's your injury, Jan?"

Qi Yang lowered his eyes, ignoring his question: "S1, each activation of the a-6-block killing machine can fire 32 shotguns, and each shot is enough to kill a C-level mutant. Even you, want to It takes at least 2 minutes to regain mobility, and within this minute, I can do many things that will make it impossible for you to move again."

The dark pupils narrowed slightly, and s1's voice was low: "You are threatening me, Yang."

There was a mocking sneer on Qi Yang's lips: "You and I are not of the same race, there is no need for us to talk."

The anger was hidden under that indifferent and handsome face, like an active volcano hidden deep in the seabed, not about to erupt, but has already erupted but still has not spewed out of the sea. But at this moment, Qi Yang has no way to worry about whether the other party is angry, because... he has no choice.

After staring at each other for a long time, s1 suddenly laughed out loud and asked, "Yang, let me ask you, where's your injury?"

This is the first smile after s1 showed up.

Quite different from Qi Yang's countless fantasies in the past four months, s1's smile seems to be that of an evil spirit climbing up from the bottom of hell, with an abnormally fair and handsome face, thin lips slightly hooked, and a terrifying look smile.

Qi Yang's body trembled suddenly, and he subconsciously asked, "What?"

"What about your injury?"

Qi Yang tightly held the a-6 frame of killing intent in his hand, his throat was dry, and he was a little speechless.

The voice of s1 became a little louder: "Let me ask you, what about your injury?"

"You don't need to repeat, if you move again, I will press it immediately..."

The blood on Qi Yang's face completely disappeared this time, and dense sweat seeped out from the pores of his whole body, as if trying to drain all the moisture from his body.

After being slashed by the sharp wind blade, there was only one smooth hole on his right wrist. The pale bones, the cut flesh, and the blood gushing out like a spring, dyed the ground bright red, forming a pool of blood—

His right hand was lying in the pool of blood, wet with red, and his knuckle fingers seemed to tremble faintly twice.

Qi Yang's entire right arm was already in pain to the point that his whole body twitched.

Ten fingers connected to the heart can make people feel severe pain, and the pain of cutting off the hand completely made him completely unable to control his tears. He could only let the water flow from the eye sockets, Wet the pale and bleeding cheeks.

Looking at this scene, s1 had a slight flash of white light in the dark pupils, but was soon swallowed up by the endless darkness. He tilted his head slightly and said, "Yang, it's not good for you to do this. When you cut off my right arm, I cooperated with you very much."

As he spoke, he propped his chin with his hands, as if he was meditating. After recalling for a while, s1 snapped his fingers: "Yes, I passed out from the pain. Did you forget that when the salt water penetrated the blood and soaked the wound, you seemed to say to me—'This is 95% The pure concentrated saline will amplify the pain sensation'."

The sound stopped suddenly, and s1 blinked innocently: "But Yang, I can't find strong salt water now. You say... I'll cut off your left hand as compensation, okay?"

The content of the words meant to discuss, but the tone of s1 was affirmative, without the meaning of discussing with Qi Yang. He bent down slightly and tightly pinched Qi Yang's left hand that was covering his right arm. The man's white jade-like fingers matched Qi Yang's twitching and trembling wrist, allowing the cold sweat to pass over.

S1 slowly raised the corners of his lips, showing a harmless smile: "Do you think it's okay, Yang?"