The End of The World Reborn: High Cold ghost general, come to battle!

Chapter 18: Where do you come from?


Zheng Shuwen bit her lower lip, her eyes a little bit resentful when she looked at Xi Guimo.

"We have guns in our hands, why can't we kill them?" Zheng Shuwen suppressed the resentment in her eyes, with a straight face.

She couldn't understand why they had such a lethal weapon like a gun, and why they still wanted to hide in this hospital.

"Gun?" Xi Guimo tilted his head, a baby's face was full of irony, but he turned his eyes slightly, looked at Colin, and said, "Give her a gun."

The latter frowned, but instead looked at Wen Yuchen, nodded slightly when he saw him, and then took a step forward and handed out the rifle in his hand.

"Since you think it's good to have a gun, then you can take it and go out to clear the way."

Colin didn't hesitate in his words, and the rifle was held firmly in front of Zheng Shuwen.

"I mean..." Zheng Shuwen panicked on her face and was interrupted when she was about to say something.

"I didn't mean you." Xi Guimo sneered, the tip of the sword was already on her neck, "Zheng Shuwen, don't take yourself too seriously, do you really recognize our current situation?"

"There is a group of zombies outside. Do you think you can solve them with just a few bullets?"

"Or, do you think we can escape from this situation? Do you know how many zombies are waiting for us to go out and snare?"

Xi Guimo bent over and approached Zheng Shuwen, opening her mouth without giving her a chance to react.

"I..." Zheng Shuwen was flustered, her eyes kept turning around, but she didn't dare to look at Xi Guimo, "Aren't they all trained soldiers..."

"Trained? Trained to work for you? Where does your face come from?"

Xi Guimo snorted coldly, then retracted his sword, and said loudly: "If any of you has the same idea as her, then go away."

Under the emergency light, the girl's immature appearance was tense, and her pure black eyes flashed with cold light.

Wen Yuchen stood aside, his eyes obscurely falling on Xi Guimo.

"Boom!" Just as the atmosphere was about to erupt, a loud sound came from the window over there.

The small voices fell on the cusp of everyone's hearts, making their hearts tremble fiercely!

The crowd followed the prestige and couldn't help but gasp.

I saw a rotten face sticking to the window, and after the zombie moved away, the skin on it was still stuck to the glass, pulling out sticky bloodshots!


For this scene, only these four characters are left in a group of people's minds!

Standing on the shoulders of Xi Guimo, Yuzi turned his head and looked at it. The treacherous light in those violet eyes was fleeting without being noticed by anyone.

Regarding the movement behind him, Xi Guimo didn't even look at it. He just turned and walked towards Wen Yuchen and said to him: "Zombies rely on smell, hearing and light to locate our position.

So we just have to wait here for dawn. As soon as the day breaks, their actions will be somewhat restricted, and they will disperse when they find that they can't get us. "

"Since you said that they rely on light to locate, then we can turn off the emergency lights in the entire hospital..."

Just after Xi Guimo's voice fell, another person made a weak voice.

But this time it was not Zheng Shuwen, but another male soldier.

Wen Yuchen glanced at the man coldly.

And Colin, who has been following him, naturally understood what his general meant, and then he said: "Now it's midnight, we are not zombies, we don't need eyes, so this light can't be turned off."