The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 104: There are always people who love to die (7)


"Okay, I'm here this time. I actually want to ask you, are you interested in living in Jiangbei Survivor Base? The welfare for the supernatural beings at Jiangbei Survivor Base may not be as good as that of S City Survivor Base. What's the climate? It’s also a bit worse than the S city survivor base, but..." Meng Shen did not find an attractive reason for a long time, and finally said dryly: "But I still hope You can take your superpower team and stay in our Jiangbei Survivor Base."

The corner of Shao Qing's eyes twitched. She really hadn't seen anyone who persuades others like this. She counted down the shortcomings of her base, and finally said dryly, "Aren't you coming? Who will pass by most people?"

Moreover, Shao Qing’s Lao Di is on the side of the Survivor Base in City S. The food she has saved during her mission during this period is enough to make her reluctant. If it is not for the point where she must be transferred, Shao Qing is not going to leave. Survivor base in S city.

Meng Shen also knew that his words were particularly unconvincing, but he still couldn't help but said: "When I get to the Jiangbei Survivor Base, I will show you everywhere. The people in our base are very good, maybe you will like it." He now feels like he is. He was not very promising. When he was clearly with Yan Ping, he could not say a word that Yan Ping had blocked. It was his turn to face Shao Qing, so he was so abandoned.

Maybe he should really treat his social difficulties, even though Yan Ping always said that he could not hold on to beauty.

"Perhaps." Shao Qing didn't have the embarrassment to refuse directly, and said tactfully: "We are ready to have breakfast, have you eaten it? Do you want to be together?"

Meng Shen shook his head: "I have eaten, I will go back first, you can eat."

When Meng Shen left, Shao Qing received another glass of water and rinsed the little bun. Erdai was extremely dissatisfied with Shao Qing’s differential treatment. She was very aggrieved, pouting to show Shao Qing the bubble around his mouth, trying Let Shao Qing wipe it off for him.

Then Shao Qing slapped a paper towel on his face.

Second stay:...

After eating breakfast and packing up their tents and the like, they are going on the road again. According to what Yan said, the way back is much smoother than when they were back. At this rate, they will be able to do so in less than ten days. Return to the Jiangbei Survivor Base.

Shao Qing was not as optimistic as he was. She looked at the map and found that the terrain was uneven, with mountains and hills. After this section of the road, another piece of land was previously densely populated. There will never be fewer zombies in the wild. Will face many unknown dangers.

Otherwise, when Meng Shen and the others came, there would not be so many injured, so it is not the time to relax at all.

When she was at the Survivor Base in City S, she once saw a team of supernaturalists, very close to the base, being ambushed by a group of ordinary zombies led by a high-level zombie.

People are like this. When they are in their own homes, it is often the most relaxed time for a person. They relax their vigilance in a place very close to the base, and finally the entire army is wiped out.

The result is naturally very miserable. After being bitten, the ability person will not turn into a zombie. The result of waiting for them is to be slowly eaten.

This is also a kind of fairness from the heavens. After ordinary people are bitten, they will become zombies, and once the supernatural beings are surrounded by zombies, apart from suicide, they will only be eaten as a result.

According to this idea, maybe humans become zombies, which is another kind of evolution, just like humans will evolve into supernatural beings. It is impossible for God to be too unfair to ordinary people, so zombies are also evolving, evolving. In the end, it may also be the pinnacle of a species.